Prosecution Exhibit List Gives Roadmap of Hunter Biden Trial with References to Influence Scheme

Hunter Biden in courtroom (composite image)

Hundreds of documents and records set to be included as exhibits in Hunter Biden’s California tax trial are designed to prove he violated U.S. tax law, but also include significant evidence previously reported by Just the News and others showing how the younger Biden received millions from foreign sources and which pointing to Joe Biden’s involvement in those deals.

The list, submitted in court by Special Counsel David Weiss, includes several tax documents to bolster the focus of his case, namely, that Hunter Biden’s wrongdoing is centered on tax violations.

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Commentary: Unraveling Allegations of Biden Family Influence Peddling Through Tony Bobulinski’s Testimony

Tony Bobulinski

The entertainment committee never sleeps.  Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski came to Congress a few days ago to testify before the House Oversight Committee about Hunter, his uncle Jim Biden, and the “Big Guy,” Mr. 10 percent, Joseph R. Biden himself.  It was an extraordinary performance. Calm. Deliberate. Detailed. Deadly. Mr. Bobulinski’s written statement shows what care he took in marshaling facts and evidence.

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He ‘Closed the Deal’: Biden Role in Son’s Deals with Foreign Clients Exposed in Testimony

Witness testimony from the ongoing impeachment inquiry has indicated there is a key role in Biden family business dealings that Joe Biden played: showing that his son had access to him to close deals with characters from unfriendly countries.

The latest in a string of interview transcripts released by the House Oversight Committee, bolsters this claim from Republicans. Jason Galanis—a former business partner of Hunter Biden—testified to Joe Biden’s special role in their deals, which he described as the “Biden Lift.” Galanis, along with another impeachment witness, Tony Bobulinski, claims the Biden name and the perception of influence were key for Hunter Biden to secure deals.

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Joe Biden’s Brother Switched Up Story on China Deal After Lawmakers Showed Him Receipts, Source Says

James Biden altered his story during a closed-door interview with lawmakers on Wednesday after congressional investigators presented him with evidence directly contradicting his claims, according to a source familiar with the interview.

Joe Biden’s younger brother, in closed-door testimony to the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees, initially told his interviewers that he was not part of a business deal involving Hunter Biden and several of his associates, according to a source familiar with the interview. However, after investigators showed him an agreement that featured his signature alongside those of Hunter Biden and his business partners ,James Biden then told legislators that he did not remember signing the agreement.

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Impeachment Evidence Counters Biden’s Claims, Shows He Met with Many of Son’s Major Foreign Clients

From emails and photos to sworn testimony and FBI documents, the House impeachment inquiry has meticulously established that Joe Biden met in person with many of his son’s large foreign clients, including Russian, Chinese and Ukrainian business executives.

That evidence mounts as lawmakers try to debunk the president’s claims he had nothing to do with his family’s business. 

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Tony Bobulinski’s Closed-Door Interview May Answer Key Questions Central to Impeachment Inquiry

A former Hunter Biden business partner involved in early contacts with a Chinese energy conglomerate that paid the first son millions is set to appear in a closed-door deposition before the House Oversight Committee on Tuesday.

Tony Bobulinski, who worked with the younger Biden to form an investment company with CEFC China Energy, is a key witness in the House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry because he had a front row seat to the Biden family’s plans for its partnership with the Chinese company.

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Commentary: The Biden Family Grift and Hunter’s Fake Offer to Testify

Hunter Biden’s offer to testify before the House Oversight Committee is a clever evasion, nothing more. The president’s son says he will testify only if the hearing is publicly televised. Nice try. Subpoenaed witnesses don’t get to set the terms. The committee does.

Why make an offer that is bound to be rejected? For two reasons. The PR goal is for Hunter to appear willing to testify, when he actually wants desperately to avoid it. The legal goal is to prevent, or at least delay, the committee from enforcing its subpoena. Hunter and his hardball attorney, Abbe Lowell, probably figure the Biden administration’s Department of Justice won’t go to court and demand compliance. That’s not a bad bet. If the DOJ does refuse, the House will go to court itself, but that will take time and may not succeed.

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Court Records Confirm Millions Flowed to Biden Family from China

In the end, there really was a silk road of money that flowed from China to the Biden family’s coffers, despite Joe Biden’s insistence to the contrary.

The U.S. Attorney’s office in Delaware — which charged  Hunter Biden with tax and gun crimes last month — released to a federal court last week a now-scuttled plea deal that affirmed the presidential son got millions himself from Chinese sources in 2017-18 alone. That included money from a Chinese energy firm as well as legal payments from a Chinese executive convicted of bribery.

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Chris Butler Commentary: Conservatives Don’t Want an Echo Chamber, They Just Want Big Media to Do Their Jobs

Big Media must challenge and address their own confirmation biases about conservatives and about Trump voters first, before they lecture Trump voters about their beliefs.

The illusion is over. Before Donald Trump came along Big Media always teetered close to the edge of the line with their biases, but after 2016 they crossed that line and they pushed forward. Just this week many people believed that CNN’s Jake Tapper threatened Trump voters for not accepting, per the media, that Joe Biden is president-elect. Also last week, Anderson Cooper, also of CNN, described Trump as an “obese turtle.”

People in Big Media may not know any Trump voters. People in Big Media may not count any Trump voters among their list of friends.

But I know Trump voters — and they are irate.

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Tony Bobulinski Says FBI Interviewed Him for Five Hours About Bidens, Chinese Business Deal

Former Biden family business partner Tony Bobulinski said on Thursday that the FBI interviewed him for five hours last week about his business dealings with Hunter Biden in a proposed joint venture with a Chinese energy company.

Bobulinski said in an interview with Sinclair Broadcasting that FBI agents told him in an Oct. 23 interview that he was a material witness in their investigation.

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Commentary: The Biden Family Scandal Is Monumental; It’s the October Surprise Joe Biden Just Wants to Go Away

by Julie Strauss Levin   Let’s get right to the bottom line:  Recent news raises serious questions as to whether Joe Biden broke the public’s trust, exploited his position as a public official, and financially enriched the Biden family significantly from foreign business partners in China, the Ukraine, and Russia. Before we jump into what we now know, how about a little refresher on Biden’s statement last September to Fox’s Peter Doocy when he asked of Biden, “how many times have you spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?” Biden’s indignant response? “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”  Wow.  Seems Joe didn’t get the memo, “never say never” because, in fact, Biden well knew about his son Hunter’s business dealings.  Indeed, it seems Papa Biden wasn’t wading, he was actually knee deep, in Hunter’s business affairs and also may have had some of his own going on. Fast forward from last September to weeks ago when we learned the following:  Last year, Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop at a computer repair shop in Delaware, signed a receipt (appears to be the same signature Hunter used in his paternity suit papers).  He…

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Commentary: New Revelations on the Biden Family Scandal; October’s Surprise Part Two and Counting

It is hard to keep up with the Biden Family Scandal (yes, it’s worthy of a title) because more information unfolds daily.  Joe Biden is counting the hours, no minutes, until this election is over.  For every moment that passes and the Democrat media, in lock step with Democrat Big Tech, censors, Joe is hoping few will learn that the Biden family got millions of dollars from foreign entities and even foreign governments by using Joe’s position as Vice President of the United States.   

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Hunter Biden Group Touted Joe Biden in Investment Pitch to Chinese Firm

In 2017, Hunter Biden and a group of business partners seeking a $10 million investment deal with a Chinese energy firm touted Joe Biden’s friendly relations with Colombia’s president in their sales proposal, which suggested a series of oil investments in the South American country, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Hunter Biden and four other businessmen, including his uncle James Biden, highlighted the former vice president’s positive relationship with Juan Manuel Santos in a May 15, 2017 investment outline for CETC China Energy, a Chinese energy conglomerate.

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Joe Biden Knew Family ‘Aggressively Leveraged’ His Name to Make Millions, Former Biden Business Partner Says

A former business partner of Hunter Biden confirmed in a statement Wednesday night that democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden was in on a lucrative business deal between the Biden family and a shady Chinese Communist energy firm.

Tony Bobulinski, a former Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and CEO of SinoHawk Holdings, said Hunter Biden frequently asked his dad to sign off on his foreign influence peddling schemes.

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