Before Running for the Oval Office, Kamala Harris Co-Sponsored a Green New Deal

Kamala Harris

by Nick Pope   Vice President Kamala Harris, seemingly first in line to run as the Democratic nominee for president now that President Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 race, may be even more aligned with the environmental left than Biden, her record and past comments indicate. Harris, who is tied to Biden’s $1 trillion-plus climate agenda in her capacity as vice president, has gone beyond Biden’s energy positions in the past a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal introduced in 2019 when she was a senator, and she has also made comments in support of a fracking ban that she subsequently walked back. While she has previously vacillated on some of her more left-wing policy positions, her record suggests that she may be even more progressive on energy policy than Biden if she secures the Democratic nomination and defeats former President Donald Trump in November. The New York Times described Harris on Monday as a politician who has assumed “positions far to the left of Mr. Biden on climate change,” and Politico wrote Sunday that Harris’ climate plans would have “gone even further” than those of Biden by instituting policies like a “climate pollution fee.” While in Congress, Harris was one of the…

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Incumbent U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles Trounces TN-5 Challenger Courtney Johnston in Straw Poll at Davidson County Republican Party’s Annual Picnic Event

Rep. Andy Ogles

Tennessee U.S. Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) was the resounding victor among attendees at the Davidson County Republican Party’s annual picnic event on Saturday who participated in a straw poll weighing candidates running in the August 1 Republican primary for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District.

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Roger Simon Examines Trump’s VP Shortlist, Identifies Three ‘A-Plus’ Candidates

Roger Simon, the co-founder of PJMedia and current columnist for The Epoch Times, said he would like to see former President Donald Trump choose neurosurgeon and former Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson as his running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

Trump’s campaign has reportedly begun requesting information from the former president’s potential vice president candidates.

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North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum Emerges as a Potential VP Pick for Trump, May Be Able to Draw Moderates

Trump with Gov Doug Burgum

With his appeal to moderate voters, North Dakota GOP Gov. Doug Burgum is emerging as a potential vice presidential pick for presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

The latest signals came Saturday evening when Trump flew the 67-year-old Burgum on his jet to a rally in Wildwood, N.J., and put him front and center on stage, where he forcefully made the case for a second Trump term.

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Trump Looking to Avoid VP Pick That Is Too Pro-Life: Report

VP Logo

Former President Donald Trump is still weighing his pick for vice president and is looking to avoid a candidate who is too strict about limiting abortion, according to NBC News.

During a dinner at Mar-a-Lago in February, Trump reportedly polled his guests to see where they thought his vice president should fall on the pro-life spectrum, according to individuals close to Trump who spoke to NBC News, one of whom was at the dinner. The former president allegedly asked the diners about the electability of Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.

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Biden Planned to Join Son’s China-Backed Firm After Vice Presidency, Former Partner Tells Congress

Joe Biden

In his opening statement to House impeachment investigators, former Hunter Biden business partner, Jason Galanis, said Joe Biden planned to join the board of his son’s firm which was being backed by a Chinese businessman and state-owned enterprises.

Galanis delivered his opening statement on Friday morning to congressional investigators from inside a federal prison in Alabama where he is serving a prison sentence for engaging in an illegal scheme to enrich Burnham Asset Management.

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After His Arrest in Georgia Indictment, Disbarment Hearing of Trump’s Attorney John Eastman Resumes

The disbarment trial of former Donald Trump attorney and constitutional scholar John Eastman for his role advising the previous president about challenging the 2020 presidential election resumed on Thursday after almost a two-month break caused by conflicting schedules among the parties. It was scheduled to resume on Tuesday but was postponed for two days due to Eastman’s brief arrest in Georgia as one of the 18 people along with Trump who were indicted for their efforts investigating election fraud after the 2020 election.

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Pence Says Trump and DeSantis Are Wrong on Ukraine and America’s Role as Arsenal of Democracy

Former Vice President Mike Pence says his “former running mate,” among others in the Republican Party presidential nomination chase, are missing the significance of the U.S. coming to the aid of Ukraine.

Pence said he recently paid a call on the war-torn European nation and its president to see firsthand “the results of the extraordinary, unprovoked invasion by Russia” as well as the “tenacity and toughness” of the Ukrainian military.

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Commentary: The 25th Amendment Won’t Fix Our Biden Problem

Joe Biden waving on a stage

Despite widespread concern about his cognitive health, President Biden won’t be removed from office pursuant to the 25th Amendment. It would require an unlikely display of integrity from his Vice President and Cabinet, plus an implausible level of bipartisanship in Congress. Moreover, the claims of politicians and pundits aside, the involuntary ouster of an unfit president isn’t the purpose of the amendment. Its principal function is to guarantee that the executive branch of the government is at all times led by an official who is conscious and able to communicate. Thus, the first 3 of its 4 sections focus on keeping the presidency continuously occupied.

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Vice President Kamala Harris Set to Deliver Keynote Address to Graduates at Tennessee State University

Vice President Kamala Harris will headline Tennessee State University (TSU)’s 2022 Spring Commencement next month as the ceremony’s keynote speaker. Vice President Harris will deliver the keynote address for the undergraduate Commencement on May 7th.

Vice President Harris will address nearly 900 graduates, as well as their families and friends, in Hale Stadium. TSU, located in the heart of Nashville, is one of seven historically black universities (HBCU) located in Tennessee.

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Critics: VP Harris Is Going to Wrong Part of Border

Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris is so out of touch with the illegal immigration crisis, Republicans argue, that she’s visiting the wrong part of the Texas border.

Ahead of Harris’ Friday tour of the El Paso Border Patrol Central Processing Center, Texas U.S. senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz implied that she didn’t know what she was doing.

Cornyn said Harris was going to the wrong place, posting a map on Twitter of where she should be going – the areas where the flow of illegal immigration is the heaviest – the Rio Grande Valley Sector.

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Vice President Harris Handles Another Solo Call with a World Leader, Without Joe Biden

In yet another unprecedented display of the incumbent vice president taking on duties normally reserved for the president, Kamala Harris took a solo call from the Prime Minister of Norway on Tuesday, as reported by Fox News.

Harris took the call from Prime Minister Erna Solberg, with Harris “affirming her commitment to deepening the strong alliance between Norway and the United States,” while also “thanking the Prime Minister for Norway’s close security partnership with the United States, and generous contributions to development and health security efforts around the world.”

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Kamala Harris Goes ‘Full Blown Marxist’ in Campaign Ad

by Debra Heine   The Biden campaign is taking some heat after vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris unabashedly promoted the communist principle of equality of outcome in a campaign ad, rather than the American ideal of equality of opportunity. The animated video, shared by Sen. Harris (D-Calif.) on Twitter Sunday, begins with two men — one white and one black —  staring up at a mountain they both want to climb. Both men are given the same length rope, but the white man is easily able to reach his rope while the black man is stuck at the bottom of a cliff, unable to reach his rope. Harris begins by saying, “So there’s a big difference between equality and equity. Equality suggests, ‘oh, everyone should get the same amount.’” “The problem with that [is] not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount but you started out back there and I started out over here, we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me,” she said, as the white man scrambles up the mountain while the black man watches sadly from below. As Harris continues,…

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Commentary: Pence Can Win this Debate by Letting Ohio Know about Harris’ Record of Radicalism

Vice President Mike Pence has a relatively straightforward job to do: help the American people understand the true nature of Senator Kamala Harris.

As the two meet on the debate stage in Salt Lake City, Harris is still introducing herself to a large portion of the electorate. The Biden campaign no doubt prefers it that way, because the Democratic vice presidential hopeful’s California-centric career offers relatively little that would appeal to most Americans in the Heartland.

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Commentary: The Harris Administration’s Radical Agenda

Kamala Harris seeks the (almost) highest office in our great land, the most powerful position in the free world.  Freudian slip that Harris referred to a future “Harris administration” at a virtual roundtable in Arizona last month?  Maybe she missed that her name is in the VP slot or maybe she doesn’t understand that “me too” refers to the movement advocating for sexual harassment victims and not “she too” for president.   

Either way, no time like the present to explore who Kamala Harris is despite that we’re not supposed to look critically at her record.  The media isn’t curious and dare anyone raise any questions, cries of misogyny abound. 

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Commentary: Kamala Harris Won’t Motivate Minority Voters

Now that the Democrats have finally finished inflicting their excruciating “virtual convention” on us, it’s useful to consider what they inadvertently revealed about their biggest worry as the November election looms. Nowhere was that angst more obvious than in Wednesday’s soporific speech by Kamala Harris accepting the party’s vice presidential nomination. She began by invoking 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, failing to mention that it was passed and shepherded through the ratification process by the Republican Party, then segued to a desperate plea: “It’s not about Joe or me.… It’s about you … and getting out the vote.” Translation: “The Biden presidential campaign suffers from a deadly enthusiasm deficit.”

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Commentary: RIP, Kamala

James Harris was born in Senatobia, Mississippi, in 1950, to parents who owned a furniture store.

But when James was four, his father was shot dead in an altercation involving a dice game. The comfort of his early youth thus being stripped away, he turned to sharecropping and burglary to help make his family’s ends meet, and then, following the advice of the local police chief that it would be best if he left the small town of Coldwater, Mississippi, where he was living at age 17, Harris moved to Florida to work as a truck driver and fruit picker.

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Joe Biden Taps Senator Kamala Harris as Running Mate

Joe Biden named California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate on Tuesday, making history by selecting the first Black woman to compete on a major party’s presidential ticket and acknowledging the vital role Black voters will play in his bid to defeat President Donald Trump.

“I have the great honor to announce that I’ve picked @KamalaHarris — a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants — as my running mate,” Biden tweeted. In a text message to supporters, Biden said, “Together, with you, we’re going to beat Trump”

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AP Sources: Whitmer Met with Biden as He Nears VP Decision

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer traveled to Delaware last weekend to meet with Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s first known in-person session with a potential running mate as he nears a decision.

Whitmer visited Biden Sunday, according to two high-ranking Michigan Democrats who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. The first-term governor of the battleground state has long been on his short list of possible running mates.

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Klobuchar Withdraws from VP Consideration, Urges Biden to Pick a Black Woman

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) has withdrawn herself from the running to be Joe Biden’s vice presidential running mate in November, according to CNN.

In her announcement on Lawrence O’Donnell’s show on MSNBC, she described the race riots following the death of George Floyd as “a historic moment,” and that America “must seize on this moment.” She then urged the former vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee “to put a woman of color on the ticket.”

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Fox News Poll Shows Biden/Klobuchar Ticket Beating Trump

A new Fox News poll predicts that voters would support a Joe Biden/Amy Klobuchar ticket over reelecting President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

The poll was conducted between March 21 and 24 and shows Biden beating President Trump by nine percentage points in November. Since Biden promised to pick a female running mate, the poll examined his odds with Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Kamala Harris (D-CA), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as vice president.

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Commentary: With Joe Biden’s Comeback, the Establishment Comes Out of Hiding

Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday comeback is something to be both relished and feared. It is an outrageous, grimly comical turn of events: a 77-year old man who refers to the Declaration of Independence as “the thing” and who seemed to be confused about his own last name is now a leading contender for the White House.

As funny as it may be on the surface, there is something dark and sad about Biden’s rise. The Democratic Party establishment knows Biden is unfit for office. They don’t care. With Biden, the political machinery that usually operates in hiding, in the shadows, has come out into the light, in aviator sunglasses and a sunny grin. The powers-that-be are declaring, openly, that their right to rule will not be reined in by anything, least of all the perception that they are incompetent and out of touch.

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In Telemundo Interview, Joe Biden Says 3 Million Deportations Is ‘Nothing’ to Apologize For

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said he had “nothing” to apologize for when asked about the millions of illegal aliens deported under the Obama administration.

Biden, who served as vice president for eight years under the Obama administration, was again confronted about the high number of deportations that took place during his time in office. He was explicitly asked if he should apologize for the roughly 3 million people who removed from the U.S. under his tenure, in a Noticias Telemundo exclusive interview.

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Commentary: The Military-Intelligence Complex

Much has been written about the so-called Resistance of disgruntled Clinton, Obama, and progressive activists who have pledged to stop Donald Trump’s agenda. The choice of the noun “Resistance,” of course, conjures up not mere “opposition,” but is meant to evoke the French “resistance” of World War II – in the melodramatic sense of current loyal progressive patriots doing their best to thwart by almost any means necessary the Nazi-like Trump.

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SOLVED: Vice President Mike Pence’s Cancelled Air Force Two Trip to New Hampshire Was Reportedly Due to a Guest Under Investigation for Drug Trafficking

by Chris White   The White House abruptly cancelled a trip Vice President Mike Pence was scheduled to take because he likely would’ve come face-to-face with an alleged interstate drug dealer, Politico reported Monday, citing law enforcement officials. One of the people Pence was likely to have shaken hands with at a July 3 New Hampshire event on opioid addiction was under federal investigation for moving $100,000 of fentanyl from Massachusetts to New Hampshire, the report notes. The reason for the cancellation was clouded in mystery, with President Donald Trump contributing to some of the drama. Jeff Hatch, who agreed to plead guilty Friday and spend four years in prison, works for an opioid addiction treatment center in southern New Hampshire that the vice president was set to visit. Hatch, a former New York Giants football player, has publicly discussed his own challenges with drug and alcohol addiction. The event was billed as “a roundtable discussion with former patients and alumni at the Granite Recovery Center headquarters,” which would include comments from Pence “on the opioid crisis and illegal drug flow in New Hampshire.” The vice president’s office declined to comment on the controversy, according to Politico. Hatch was caught in…

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Trump Settles Speculation About Mike Pence, and Whether He Wants a Third Term in Office

by Chuck Ross   President Donald Trump said in an interview airing Sunday that he is “100%” certain Vice President Mike Pence will be his running mate in 2020, and he will accept the results of the election if he loses. “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd asked Trump about the two topics, which have been a source of recent speculation because of the president’s public remarks. Trump’s comments in an interview on “Fox & Friends” on June 14 led to speculation among some political observers and pundits that he is considering replacing Pence. Trump has also made off-hand remarks over the past several months about remaining in office beyond a second term, leading to speculation among some Trump critics that he might refuse to leave office if he loses in 2020. Trump shot down the idea in the interview with Todd. “I only joke,” Trump told Todd, adding moments later that “there won’t be a third term.” “You will accept the results?” Todd asked. “One hundred percent. Sure,” the president replied. Trump said at an event on April 18 that he may remain in office for another “10 or 14 years.” Trump wondered on Twitter on June 16 whether voters would “demand” that he stay in…

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Bernie and Biden Are Leading the Field in Iowa by Enormous Margins

by Chris White   Former Vice President Joe Biden and self-avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders are leading the polls in Iowa, according to a poll published Sunday. The two septuagenarians are so far besting their younger, female Democratic opponents in the race to unseat President Donald Trump. Nearly 27 percent of likely Democratic caucus attendees say Biden is their first choice for president, according to a new Des Moines Register poll. His numbers are down slightly from the 32 percent who said the same in December, but it still tops every other Democrat vying for the top spot. Biden is leading the pack even though he has not yet entered the race. Biden has a 2-percentage-point advantage over Sanders, a Vermont Democrat who runs to the left of the former VP. The poll of 401 likely Democratic caucus attendees was conducted March 3 through 6 and contains a 4.9 percent margin of error. Analysts argue the poll should put some wind in Biden’s sails as he considering an announcement. “If I’m Joe Biden sitting on the fence and I see this poll, this might make me want to jump in,” J. Ann Selzer, president of the Des Moines-based Selzer & Co., which conducted the poll,…

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Joe Biden’s Troubling History on Racial Rhetoric Looms as He Weighs 2020 Presidential Bid

by Peter Hasson   Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is reportedly on the verge of launching his third presidential campaign, has a history of making racially charged remarks. Biden’s history of questionable remarks on race looms as he enters a crowded Democratic primary where racial issues have taken center stage. 1975: Biden Says De-Segregation ‘Codifies The Concept That A Black Is Inferior To A White’  Biden expressed a separate-but-equal view toward racial desegregation efforts in schools during a 1975 interview with U.S. News & World Report reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation. When asked if he believed that busing was doing more harm than good, Biden, who at the time was a senator for Delaware, replied, “Absolutely. Examining the concepts we used to rationalize busing six or seven years ago, they now seem to me to be profoundly racist.” “Busing is harmful for several reasons,” Biden added. First, busing, in effect, codifies the concept that a black is inferior to a white by saying, “The only way you can cut it educationally is if you’re with whites.” I think that’s a horrible concept. It implies that blacks have no reason to be proud of their inheritance and their own culture. Second, busing violates…

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VP Pence Visit to Conservative Lee University Triggers Left Wing Lunacy

Mike Pence

Conservative political commentator and Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill of The Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville, stated in disbelief the left’s infiltration into Lee University, one of Tennessee’s top Christian schools – and in particular one Lee University student’s petition to cancel a Vice President Pence visit to one of the most conservative cities in the country. “If you need any further evidence – which you shouldn’t need much – that the left is truly deranged and hurting themselves in their interest to overcome any question about how anti-Trump and anti-Pence they may be,” Gill said; adding, “We just need to look down at the Chattanooga area as students at supposedly conservative Lee University are running a petition to block Vice President Mike Pence from visiting the university in Cleveland on Saturday.” He continued: I don’t know how many presidents or vice presidents that have actually visited little Lee University down in Cleveland, I don’t think it’s many you would think that having a president and vice president visit your campus might be a big deal that would be celebrated by virtually everybody, but no, the left-wing loonies are off to the races. They…

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Commentary: Media Hypocrites Way Off Base to Jab at Mike Pence for Doing His Job

Mike Pence

by Jeffery Rendall   Chief among many reasons conservatives felt good about Donald Trump’s stunning victory in 2016 was the fact Mike Pence would be his vice president. Instead of tapping someone with deep establishment connections within Washington circles Trump selected Indiana Gov. Pence as his running mate, a man who hadn’t even endorsed the eventual nominee in the lead-up to his state’s Republican primary (Pence went for Ted Cruz but said nice things about Trump too – it was almost akin to a split endorsement). Up until that point Pence was well-known to national conservative groups but was still a mystery to many of the rank-and-file party members across the country. The mainstream media wondered, why Pence? He hailed from a conservative state Trump presumably would have little trouble winning; he’d been a congressman for a dozen years and had ascended to a leadership position yet was not considered a party poohbah in Congress. The humble Midwesterner was not even viewed as enough of a “team player” to merit establishment support – after all, he’d opposed George W. Bush’s big government Medicare Part D expansion… Those darn limited government conservative principles of Mike Pence – they always get in…

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