Commentary: Trump Must Continue to Axe American Taxpayer-Funded Globalist Organizations

President Donald Trump, United Nation

Politicians and the high-brow intelligentsia have long led Americans to play patsy to the world-government movement. President Trump has made a good start at ending this nonsense, but there is much more to do.

To be clear, Trump is not an isolationist. He understands that as the world’s pre-eminent superpower militarily and economically, the United States has a role to play. But that role has rules and limits which preclude support for hostile or deadwood international organizations.

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Trump Declares ‘Golden Age of America’ in First International Address at Davos

President Donald Trump addresses WEF in Davos

In his first international address since taking office, President Donald Trump spoke on Thursday to an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, emphasizing a “revolution of common sense” and outlining a series of America-First policy initiatives aimed at reversing what he described as the economic and social damages of the previous administration.

Trump began his speech – delivered stateside via video teleconference – by reflecting on his recent inauguration, describing the election as a “massive mandate” with victories in all seven swing states, leading to what he called the “golden age of America.”

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Commentary: Ruling Class Disturbance


The last few months have been interesting. We have started to see some very public disagreements among the world’s ruling classes. The gathering of elites at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, has long fascinated observers and become a lightning rod for criticism, becoming a bogeyman of the right, as well as the hardcore, anticapitalist left. It is a front-row seat to the thinking and priorities of the world’s most powerful people.

In Davos, the world’s media, academic, political, and financial elites spend a few days in luxurious surroundings, praising themselves and forming a consensus on solutions to what they deem to be the problems of the world. This includes everything from facilitating mass migration, tackling global warming by moving away from fossil fuel energy, and the need for economic redistribution to the poor and the third world, all through the corporatist idea of “stakeholder capitalism.”

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Former Trump Campaign Spokesman Steve Cortes: Chattanooga is Trying to Implement Policy ‘Straight from the World Economic Forum’

Steve Cortes, former Senior Spokesman and Strategist for the 2016 and 2020 Trump campaigns and National Spokesman of the Ron DeSantis Never Back Down super PAC, joined Monday’s edition of The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy where he discussed the city of Chattanooga’s embracement of the 15-Minute City concept.

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Roger Simon Calls Speaker Mike Johnson a ‘Face Man,’ ‘Coward’ After Continuing Resolution Deal

Mike Johnson

Roger Simon, co-founder of PJMedia and current columnist for The Epoch Times, joined the newsmaker line on Friday’s edition of The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy to discuss his coverage of former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s performance in Iowa, Argentine President Javier Milei’s speech at the World Economic Forum, as well as the U.S. House of Representatives’ recent vote to pass a continuing resolution.

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Gates Foundation Announces Intentions for Record-Breaking Donations in 2024

Gates Foundation

On Monday, the left-wing Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced from the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland that it intends to spend billions of dollars on left-wing causes in the year 2024.

According to the Daily Caller, the foundation’s board of trustees voted in favor of a record-high budget of $8.6 billion in 2024, up from the previous year’s $8.3 billion and $7 billion in 2022. The foundation has a history of spending millions on such causes as abortion, pro-Democrat nonprofits, and Chinese government entities.

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World Economic Forum Settles with Vivek Ramaswamy, Officially Removes the GOP Presidential Candidate from ‘Young Global Leaders’ List

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy announced Tuesday that he has received an apology letter from the World Economic Forum (WEF) and agreement that the organization will pay an undisclosed settlement as a result of listing him without permission on its list of Young Global Leaders in 2021.

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As Ramaswamy Rises in the Polls, Political Knives Come Out

Political outsider Vivek Ramaswamy is heading back to Iowa this week with a lot of momentum and a big target on his back in the Republican Party presidential nomination chase. 

The Ohio biotech engineer is set to join the cattle call of candidates at Friday’s “pinnacle” event of the Hawkeye State’s long, hot summer of presidential politics — the Republican Party of Iowa’s sold-out Lincoln Dinner fundraiser in Des Moines. 

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Commentary: Energy Companies Are Finally Backtracking on Their Absurd Green Goals

Is the public finally waking up to the inherent absurdities taking place in the energy space in the U.S. and across the Western world in recent years? Recent votes taken on ESG and climate change-related shareholder initiatives at major oil company annual board meetings indicate that may well be the case.

Though it has received scant attention across the legacy news media in general, the Financial Times reported recently that such shareholder initiatives were overwhelmingly rejected by shareholders of both ExxonMobil and Chevron, with most receiving less than 10 percent support. Similar initiatives in the previous few years would typically generate support in the 30-40 percent range, with a handful even gaining majority support.

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Catholic Archbishop at Russophile Meeting Warns Soros, Gates, Schwab Plotting Global ‘Coup D’Etat’

Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano warned at a pro-Russian meeting that Democratic megadonor George Soros, World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab and Microsoft founder Bill Gates have “perpetrated a real world coup d’etat” for their actions during the COVID-19 pandemic followed by the war in Ukraine.

Speaking at the Founding Congress of the International Movement of Russophiles last week in Moscow, Vigano said, as translated: “We cannot be surprised that, after de-Christianizing the Western world, this elite considers Russia an enemy to be overthrown. The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism.”

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Taxpayers Foot $44,117 for Whitmer’s Davos Trip

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer spent at least $44,117 of taxpayer money on her European trip to Davos to speak at the World Economic Forum, according to documents obtained by The Center Square in response to its Freedom of Information Act request.

That includes $26,222 for hotels, $13,779 for travel, $4,000 in miscellaneous expenses, and $116.15 in meals, says a document from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. A separate FOIA request for the governor’s security costs is still pending. 

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Commentary: The World Economic Forum Is Making the World Safe for Autocracy

Churning out carbon emissions to fly in on their corporate jets to Davos, Switzerland, for their annual fête to make the world safe for autocracy, the World Economic Forum’s hypocrisy is once again patent:

Greenpeace accused attendees of ‘ecological hypocrisy’ before asking just why the WEF claims it is committed to the global goal of keeping warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) when the emissions generated from all the private jets flying in and out of airports serving Davos last year were equivalent to those produced by about 350,000 average cars for a week.

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Kemp Presents Budget to Georgia Legislators by Zoom While at World Economic Forum in Switzerland

Governor Brian Kemp presented his budget to state legislators by Zoom on Tuesday; Kemp explained that he was at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

“I just want to apologize for not being there in person, that had been my intention,” Kemp said. “But this is just a great opportunity for me to be out here to share Georgia’s success story with people from around the world, because I believe they can certainly learn a thing or two from us.”

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Soros and Bezos Back Initiative to Raise $3 Trillion Annually to Fight Climate Change

Left-wing billionaire George Soros and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos are helping a World Economic Forum (WEF) climate financing program that aims to raise $3 trillion annually to help slash emissions and restore “nature loss” by 2050.

The WEF and the Soros-backed Open Society Foundations and Bezos Earth Fund, along with more than 43 other nonprofits, businesses and academic institutions, will become part of the “Giving to Amplify Earth Action” (GAEA) initiative that will fund efforts intended to limit global warming, according to a Tuesday WEF announcement. GAEA and its partners will finance charitable partnerships between public and private entities while identifying where the $3 trillion in funding is most needed.

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Ex-LGBTQ Activist ‘De-Programming’ Children Indoctrinated in Government Schools

Former LGBTQ activist K. Yang says she is now actively working to “de-program” children who have been indoctrinated in woke gender ideology in public schools with funding from the New York State Department of Public Health.

In an interview Sunday on Fox & Friends Weekend, Yang explained her conversion from an LGBTQ activist who helped indoctrinate young children in government schools in the tenets of gender ideology.

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Commentary: Hubris, Betrayal, Technology, and the Fall of the Elites

by Robin Burk   In ancient Greek tragedy, the hero rises to fame only to be undone by hubris, the fatal flaw of overweening arrogance. But to understand the events that continue to unfold around the 2016 presidential election, it’s helpful to look farther east. A generation before Sophocles chronicled the rise and fall of Oedipus, Confucius looked at a fractured Chinese world and argued that, above all, China needed social cohesion. Such cohesion could only come, he said, from protecting the “Five Relationships,” including that of ruler and subject. The subject must obey, for those who ruled had the “Mandate of Heaven” behind them. To defy the ruler would be to erode society. In turn, the ruler must ensure the basic well-being of those he ruled, lest he lose the Mandate of Heaven. When that happens, order unravels. And thus was born the powerful administrative elite in China, the shi. Refined in behavior and dress, the shi made Chinese empires possible. In theory, anyone could join this class by passing formal examinations. In practice, few who were not born into the class could acquire the necessary education, accent, and polished manner. Fast forward to the mid-20th century and Vannevar Bush. Head of the Carnegie…

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