Senator Bill Hagerty Demands Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hold Hearings On China and Taiwan Conflict


On Thursday, Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and five of his colleagues sent a letter to Senator Robert Mendez (D-NJ), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Senator James Risch (R-ID), Ranking Member of the Foreign Relations Committee, regarding Taiwan and Communist China. The senators are requesting the committee to hold Member-level classified briefings as well as a full committee hearing with cabinet-level officials from the Biden Administration’s State Department and U.S. Department of Defense about U.S. strategy toward the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and U.S. policy regarding Taiwan.

Joining Senator Hagerty in composing the letter includes Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), John Barrasso (R-WY), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Todd Young (R-IN).

In a tweet, Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) announced, “After Biden said he & Xi agreed to abide by the “Taiwan Agreement”, my colleagues & I are asking @SenatorMenendez & @SenatorRisch to hold regular classified briefings & an open full committee hearing w/ cabinet-level officials about U.S. strategy toward Communist China & Taiwan.”

The request follows comments by President Joe Biden to reporters that he and CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping had agreed to abide by the “Taiwan Agreement.”

“It is unclear when President Biden spoke with CCP General Secretary Xi about Taiwan — in particular, whether it was before or after the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) flew nearly 150 military aircraft, including fighters and nuclear-capable bombers, into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone over a four-day period, the largest incursion ever by the Chinese military,” the senators wrote. “Moreover, it is unclear what ‘Taiwan agreement’ between the United States and China President Biden was referring — whether he merely meant America’s longstanding policy towards Taiwan and China, respectively, or some new undisclosed agreement or understanding on Taiwan between Washington and Beijing.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]
Photo “Chinese Military Band” by CC BY 4.0.

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3 Thoughts to “Senator Bill Hagerty Demands Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hold Hearings On China and Taiwan Conflict”

  1. Ms Independent

    DEMANDS? I’m sure the libs are running scared now…

  2. 83ragtop50

    I would be all for such hearings if they actually accomplished something. But all I see coming out of such hearings is a bunch of hot air with no actions.

    I supposed Hagerty and the others have to put on a display to help justify their existence. Or maybe it just makes them feel important.

  3. Nancy

    Senator Hagerty, being concerned about China/Taiwan is great news! Please be more concerned about our national debt and RINO Mitch MCConnell! McConnell, the leader you voted for with your first vote! McConnell to continues support more debt and the debt is weakening America! Please publicly call for McConnell to resign! Why don’t you get on a committee that would help Tennesseans like consumer affairs, taxes and regulations committee? Your committee assignments in the senate seem to be following the same course as Little Bob Corker! Corker was a big time RINO! Corker’s legacy was just another do nothing senator from Tennessee that left office very unpopular! Tennesseans remember how you and Weak Marsha Blackburn promised to support the Voter integrity act with Senator Ted Cruz and then broke your promise! Please spend more time in Tennessee with hard working people trying to raise a family and make a living and less time in the DC swamp and with RINO Mitch McConnell!
