Brewer’s Winners and Losers: ‘It Almost Looks Like Working for Governor DeSantis Might Be Difficult’

Political watcher and recovering journalist Clint Brewer joined host Michael Patrick Leahy in-studio on Thursday’ episode of The Tennessee Star Report to discuss this week’s ‘Winners and Losers.’ Topping the ‘Winners’ list was Metro Councilman Freddie O’Connell while 2024 presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis was tapped for top spot on the ‘Losers’ list.  TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: Well, Clint, who do we have as a winner this week? Clint Brewer: Well, it’s obvious – we’ve already talked about him. Councilman Fred O’Connell. Michael Patrick Leahy: Obvious. Clint Brewer:  Obvious. Michael Patrick Leahy: 27 percent finished – first place. Clint Brewer:  Yeah. Michael Patrick Leahy: Odds-on favorite, probably, to win and become the next man Clint Brewer:  Yeah – based on reliable polling going into the contest with a pretty commanding lead. Michael Patrick Leahy: Although I’ll have to say Alice Rolli ran a very good campaign and look: if she can turn out people that didn’t vote before, she’s got a shot. Clint Brewer: Yeah; Or, she can put this in her back pocket if she loses, and maybe she runs for something else. Michael Patrick Leahy: Maybe. Clint Brewer: Maybe. You never know. Michael Patrick Leahy: You never know.…

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State Rep. Scott Cepicky on Special Session: ‘I Will Be a Firm No Vote’ on Any Legislation that Restricts Tennesseans’ Constitutional Rights

State Representative Scott Cepicky (R-Culleoka) joined host Michael Patrick Leahy on the newsmaker line on Wednesday’s episode of The Tennessee Star Report to discuss the special session Gov. Bill Lee formally called in a proclamation last night. Cepicky broke down the steps ahead and shared his thoughts about the fate of Lee’s “Red Flag” law aspirations. TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: 6:18 a.m. – we are joined on a newsmaker line right now by our very good friend, State Representative Scott Cepicky. Good morning, Scott. How are you today? Scott Cepicky:  Good morning, Michael. How’s everybody doing today? Michael Patrick Leahy: Well, I was doing fine until I saw the governor last night release this proclamation for a special session, which will be held Monday, a week from Monday at 4:00 p.m. in the state Capitol. What’s your reaction to this laundry list of 18 things that he wants you to pass in a special session? Scott Cepicky: Well, Michael, the first thing I wanna say is I swore an oath to uphold the constitution of Tennessee and pass no bill or vote for any bill that is injurious to the citizens of the state. So I take that very seriously and…

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Huey: If Nashville Republicans, Christians, and Libertarians Vote, Republican Alice Rolli Can Win the Mayoral Race

Digital marketing expert and creator of the conservative Craig Huey joins host Michael Patrick Leahy in-studio on Monday’s episode of The Tennessee Star Report to outline who – among the 12 candidates – has a real chance to win the Nashville mayoral election; who is running the smartest campaign; and who is behind the well-financed efforts to push Nashville – and Tennessee – to the far Left.

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Journalists Author New Book Detailing the Last Half-Century of Scandal at the Tennessee Capitol

Journalists-turned-authors Erik Schelzig and Joel Ebert join host Michael Patrick Leahy and all-star panelist Clint Brewer in-studio on Thursday’s episode of The Tennessee Star Report to discuss Schelzig and Ebert’s new book, Welcome to Capitol Hill: 50 years of Scandal. TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: Good morning, Nashville; it’s 6:06 a.m. We’re broadcasting live from our studios on Music Row in Nashville, Tennessee. Boy, do we have an hour for you this morning. Our all-star panelist and all-around good guy, recovering journalist, Clint Brewer is here. Clint, good morning. Clint Brewer: Good morning, Mike. Michael Patrick Leahy: We’re glad to have you here. And a special day for us, two journalists long standing here have written a book about all the hijinks up at Capitol Hill here in Tennessee since 1972. It’s going to be published by Vanderbilt University Press on August 15th. Joel Ebert, welcome to The Tennessee Star Report. Joel Ebert: Thanks for having me. Michael Patrick Leahy: We’re glad to have you and Erik Schelzig. Welcome. Erik Schelzig:  Good morning. Thanks for having us. Michael Patrick Leahy: We’ll move you a little bit closer to the microphone there, Erik. So let’s start with Erik, your background – you…

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McCabe Lays Out the Events Leading Up to the Stunning Implosion of Hunter Biden’s ‘Sweetheart’ Plea Deal

One America News’ national political correspondent Neil W. McCabe joined The Tennessee Star Report Wednesday morning to break down the very latest twists and turns on the bizarre developments surrounding the Hunter Biden and the attempt by someone to “disappear” a friend-of-the-court brief that hours later, gave the Delaware court pause on accepting the First Son’s sweetheart plea deal.

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Gulbransen on Gloria Johnson Senate Bid: You Don’t Tug on Superman’s Cape, You Don’t Mess with Marsha Blackburn When You’re a Marxist

Official guest host of The Tennessee Star Report and executive director of the Faith and Freedom Coalition Tennessee Aaron Gulbransen joined Michael Patrick Leahy in-studio Tuesday to discuss the purported U.S. Senate candidacy of the far-left Democrat State Representative Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville).

Gulbransen took the opportunity to remind listeners of Johnson’s liberal bona fides and Marsha Blackburn’s ferocity on the campaign trail.

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Nashville’s Top Republican Candidate for Mayor Alice Rolli on Her Surge in the Polls as Early Voting is Underway

As the Nashville mayoral election cycle heats up and early voting has begun, leading Republican candidate Alice Rolli joins The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy in-studio on Thursday to discuss her campaign up until now and her plans for Music City.  TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: 6:06 a.m.; broadcasting live from our studios on Music Row in Nashville, Tennessee; it’s Thursday, July 20th, 2023. We are delighted to welcome to our microphones for the full hour Alice Rolli, who is a candidate for mayor of Nashville-Davidson County. And Alice, the momentum of your campaign is really moving. You know, when you first came in here, I thought, well it’s gonna be hard for a Republican to do well – but you had a particular strategy and your advertisement is on Fox News. You’re doing some advertisement with us here, on this station, and you’re reaching out to the conservatives, and it seems to be doing very well. I saw the recent poll. You’re in third place and rising 20 percent for Freddie O’Connell, 15 percent for Matt Wilshire, 13 percent for you. Of course, margin of error, is about 4 percent. These polls are not exactly done by national…

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Roger Simon Shares Insider Details from His New Interview of RFKJr: ‘He’s a Complicated and Intelligent Man’

Roger Simon – Epoch Times columnist and creator of the interview series “The Presidential Roller Coaster” – joined The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy Thursday to share new details about his latest interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: Good morning, Nashville. It is 7:06 AM; we are broadcasting live from our studios on Music Row in Nashville, Tennessee; it is Thursday, July 20th, 2023. We are delighted – capital “D” – Delighted to welcome to Roger Simon:  And neon, I hope? Michael Patrick Leahy: We are delighted to welcome to our microphones, our very good friend, my former boss at PJTV. We’ve known each other now for 14 years. We were teenagers when we, Roger Simon: Isn’t it more than that? Well it feels like more Michael Patrick Leahy: Yes – feels like more– Also Academy Award-nominated screenwriter, novelist about to have a new book come out, and also, depending on the day, the most read columnist at the Epoch Times. Senior editor there, Mr. Roger Simon. Good morning, Roger. Roger Simon: Good morning, Michael. Michael Patrick Leahy: I’ve been looking forward to this because, you know, you’ve got this thing going on…

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Harris: Constitutionally, New Legislation Restricting Firearms Must Demonstrate a Similar Law Existed in 1791

Second Amendment expert and Executive Director of the Tennessee Firearms Association John Harris joined host Michael Patrick Leahy in-studio on Wednesday’s episode of The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy to discuss the high burden lawmakers must overcome in order for new gun control laws to pass constitutional muster, and the rumors at the state Capitol swirling around who is behind the push.  TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: 6:34 a.m., broadcasting live from our studios on Music Row in Nashville, Tennessee. In studio, a very good friend, John Harris, the executive director of Tennessee Firearms Association. John, the shortest amendment to the Constitution is the Second Amendment. And it basically says “the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Now to me, that’s pretty clear, “shall not be infringed.” Is there any lack of clarity in that to you? John Harris: There is not. But you know, I’ve been doing it for 30 years, so I’ve got a learning curve ahead of a lot of legislators because it is such a complicated concept– Michael Patrick Leahy:  “Shall not be infringed?” John Harris: When you have a concept that is defined with a single period, it doesn’t leave a…

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‘The Only Way to Get Rid of Donald Trump Is to Make Him President:’ McCabe

One America News reporter and former national political editor for The Star News Network Neil W. McCabe joined The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy Wednesday to discuss the state of the 2024 GOP nomination contest, the prosecution of Donald Trump and the realization he says the Establishment elites on both sides of the aisle may well come to as the election cycle plays out.

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Gulbransen: Remember Come Election Day Who the Real ‘Enemy’ Is

Aaron Gulbransen – executive director of the Tennessee Faith and Freedom Coalition and Official Guest Host of The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – was in-studio Tuesday to deliver this week’s “Aaron’s Analysis.” Today’s edition discussed the rapidly developing 2024 election cycle and the importance of unity against the Marxist Left come Election Day.

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Gulbransen Confirms After Meeting with Gov. Lee: A Special Session Will Happen In August, Despite Threats

Executive Director of Tennessee Faith and Freedom Coalition Aaron Gulbransen puts listeners in the room with him during his recent meeting with Gov. Bill Lee on Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy.

Gulbransen shares insider details, the points of agreement, and confirms that the Governor intends to call for a special session in August as he originally said – despite the many threats of unrest the Left have vowed to deliver.

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Tennessee U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles Updates from Inside the ‘Raucous Chamber’: ‘What’s the Pathway to Peace’ in Ukraine?

Tennessee U.S. Rep Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) joined The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on the newsmaker line Friday for a broad-ranging interview covering everything from FBI Director Chris Wray’s “tap dancing” to the prospects of our Tennessee Army reservists being sent to the Ukraine.

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Clint Brewer: AG Skermetti and the State of Tennessee Are This Week’s Big Winners

Nashville-area public policy expert Clint Brewer on Thursday tapped Tennessee Attorney General Jonathon Skrmetti and the Volunteer State writ large as this week’s big winners; but nationally, the recovering journalist panned Donald Trump, Fox News in this week’s segment of Winners and Losers on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy. TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: You know, Clint, everybody waits with bated breath to hear you.. Clint Brewer: I think you’re making fun of me, Mike. Michael Patrick Leahy: No, people wanna know. You’ve got an excellent sense of who’s up and who’s down, who are the winners of this week, Clint Brewer? Clint Brewer: All right. So here, close to home, I’d have to say my old stomping grounds, the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development, the state of Tennessee rose in the rankings to number three in the best states do business in the CNBC poll. You know, we’ve got a great business climate here. Michael Patrick Leahy: A lot of, see, I don’t believe that. I think we should be number one. Who’s one and two? I don’t know – but who’s better than Tennessee? Clint Brewer: Usually it’s, like, Texas. But you know, I mean,…

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Crom Carmichael on the Biggest Environmental Challenge You Never Knew Existed

Original All-Star Panelist Crom Carmichael’s Crommentary on Wednesday’s episode of The Tennessee Star Report discussed the biggest environmental problem that few people are even aware of: the thousands of miles of abandoned, lead lined cables that are degrading into soil, water, and even the air. TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, here is the Crommentary for Wednesday, July 12th, 2023. Crom Carmichael: Michael, as we know, the Biden administration has spent trillions of dollars on either infrastructure, a combination of what he calls infrastructure, and what he calls green energy programs. And there was an article in the Wall Street Journal that caught my eye. And I did not even know that this problem existed, and it’s a big one. And that is that the title of the column is America is Wrapped in Miles of Toxic Lead Cables. AT&T, Verizon, and whatnot over the decades installing phone lines and utility lines and all these various kinds of cables, over the decades, they used to be covered in lead – that was back before we knew that that was a terrible thing. And so now you have, examples and the Wall Street Journal went all out. This was,…

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McCabe on the ‘Misalignment’ Between America’s Leaders and Her People, and What It Means

Political analyst, One America News journalist, and historian Neil W. McCabe joins The Tennessee Star Report Wednesday to expose the stunning misalignment between the nation’s elites and the people, and illustrates recent examples of the failures of “engineered” societies over that last century. TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: 7:18 a.m. broadcasting live from our studios on Music Row in Nashville, Tennessee. In-studio, the original all-star panelist, Crom Carmichael; on our newsmaker line, our very good friend, the great Neil W. McCabe – top political strategist and reporter for One America News Network. Good morning, Neil W. McCabe. Neil W. McCabe: Good morning, Michael. Good morning, Crom. Good to be with you. Michael Patrick Leahy: I forgot to mention, Bronze Star winner for your service in Iraq. Congratulations on that, First Sergeant. Neil W. McCabe: Thank you. Michael Patrick Leahy: Neil W. McCabe, still in the reserve, still serving our country. Can I ask you a big question, Neil? Neil W. McCabe: Absolutely. Sure. Michael Patrick Leahy: I’ve been thinking about this – I’m beginning to think that perhaps one of the most important issues in the 2024 general election is how the Democrats are trying to ruin our children and is…

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Attorney John Harris Talks Timelines, Twists, and Turns on the Covenant Killer Manifesto Court Case

Attorney John Harris joined host Michael Patrick Leahy in studio on Tuesday’s edition of The Tennessee Star Report to discuss the state of the court case to release the Covenant Killer Manifesto between Tennessee Firearms Association, Metro Nashville, the Covenant School, and many others.  TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: 6:06 AM broadcasting live from our studios on Music Crow in Nashville, Tennessee. We’ll be joined in-studio at 6:30 AM by the official guest host of The Tennessee Star Report, Aaron Gulbransen. We’ll talk about the Sound of Freedom movie and, and also what the Tennessee Faith and Freedom Coalition is up to these days. In-studio right now, our very good friend for many years, the executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association, John Harris. John, we left a hanging chad and the hanging chad which I looked at you with a bit of incredulity. You like that word? John Harris: I do. Michael Patrick Leahy: The word of the day. “Incredulity.” You said that the state case where a number of plaintiffs including the Tennessee Firearms Association, which you represent as an attorney, and me individually and The Tennessee Star represented by America First Legal – that state case may not…

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Leahy and Carmichael Discuss the Vast Donor Group Funding Far-Left Causes Across America and Right Here in Tennessee

Original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael and host Michael Patrick Leahy discuss the origins and activities of arguably the largest donor group actively funding far-Left causes throughout the U.S. and Tennessee on Monday’s edition of The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy.  TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: 6:50 AM broadcasting from our studios on Music Row, Nashville, Tennessee. Crom Carmichael in-studio. Crom, you know, in 1630, John Winthrop – who became a Puritan leader – and this was when Massachusetts Bay Colony was just being started. He became the first and most prominent governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. He arrived from England on a ship called the Arabella. Twenty years ago a wealthy Leftist started a group called Arabella Advisors to try to kind of co-op this concept of America. And Winthrop actually wrote a letter while he was about to disembark from the Arabella back in 1630 saying we’re trying to build a ‘shining city on the hill’ phrasing that has been used, of course, by Ronald Reagan. So the Left is co-opting that. You sent me this fascinating article. I’ve been familiar with this group for some time. Headline: ‘Documents provide rare glimpse into how Arabella Advisors exerts…

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Clint Brewer: This Week’s Big Winner is the First Amendment, but a Languishing Speedway Project Puts Mayor Cooper on the Loser List Again

For this week’s installment of Clint Brewer’s Winners and Losers, the Nashville-area public policy expert and recovering journalist lauded the First Amendment as the big winner, while once again Nashville Mayor John Cooper makes the Loser list as the Speedway project flounders on Thursday’s episode of The Tennessee Star Report’s with Michael Patrick Leahy.

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Clint Brewer Taps Kentucky U.S. Rep James Comer as This Week’s Big ‘Winner’ over Uncovering Biden Text Revelations

All star panelist and recovering journalist Clint Brewer joined The Tennessee Star Report’s Michael Patrick Leahy in studio Thursday to discuss the Winners and Losers of this news-packed week. TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: It’s that time of week again. It’s time for Clint Brewer’s ‘Winners and Losers of the Week. Well, what you got there, Clint? Clint Brewer:  Well, I’d say winners nationally Congressman James Comer. Yeah. Big revelations in his probe of the Hunter Biden, President Biden situation. The incredible text message, oh my goodness, that was covered to Xi whoever “Xi” is in Chinese business circles. Michael Patrick Leahy: ‘I’m sitting here with my dad, where’s the money, buddy?’ Clint Brewer: I mean, it was stark. Michael Patrick Leahy: And it’s, it was confirmed by his attorneys. Clint Brewer: I think there was other reporting in more mainstream sources. I think it was the New York Times – that they actually had confirmed previously through other reporting that they, the president and his son were in the same place at the same time on that day. So the plot thickens. But Comer’s been much-maligned in the press for this probe, and I think it’s starting to turn up…

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John Harris: State Lawmakers Are ‘Unimpressed’ with Gov Bill Lee’s Push for ‘Red Flag’ Gun Control Laws

Attorney, founder of the Tennessee Firearms Association, and Second Amendment expert John Harris joined The Tennessee Star Report’s Michael Patrick Leahy in studio Wednesday to discuss the upcoming special session proposed – but not yet formally called by – Gov. Bill Lee. TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy: In studio right now, our very good friend, John Harris – founder and executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association. The word of the day, John, is “clarity.” Clarity. Okay, so I made fun of Governor Lee for his clear-as-mud statement in regards to the release of the Covenant Killer’s Manifesto. There’s no way you can understand exactly what he was trying to say there. It’s incomprehensible. Now, let’s take that thought and put it aside for a moment. The governor has stated publicly that he’s gonna call a special session of the Tennessee General Assembly on August 21st to deal with the issue of quote, “public safety” – translation: “red flag law” – to limit the Second Amendment rights of Tennesseans. He, I think, has used the same concept of “clarity” in developing the details of his proposal, and it’s not going over very well at all with members of the Tennessee General…

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Former U.S. Attorney Braden Boucek: Leak of Audio Recording Used as Evidence in Trump Indictment Creates Potential Problems for DOJ Prosecution

Former U.S. Assistant Attorney and current Director of Litigation for the Southeastern Legal Foundation Braden Boucek joined The Tennessee Star Report’s Michael Patrick Leahy in studio Tuesday to discuss the how the widely-broadcast recording of former President Donald Trump made it’s way from Mar-a-Lago into the hands of the Department of Justice and then CNN.

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Harris Warns: Gov. Bill Lee Could ‘Easily Pass’ Red Flag Legislation During Special Session with Dems and ‘Squishy’ Republicans

Second Amendment expert and Tennessee Firearms Association Executive Director John Harris continued his Monday interview with The Tennessee Star Report’s Michael Patrick Leahy to outline the requirements and limitations of Governor Bill Lee regarding a proposed special session in August, along with a warning about scenario that could result in red flag legislation passing both chambers of the legislature.

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Clint Brewer: ‘There’s This Collective Delusion That Nashville Is This Freestanding, Autonomous Entity Sitting Smack Dab in The Middle of Tennessee’

Thursday morning June 8, 2023 on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy, broadcast weekday mornings on TalkRadio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC. 6:30 am      TRANSCRIPT Michael Patrick Leahy:  Clint, so we’re talking about the Nashville mayoral race. There was a poll released a couple days ago by the Commercial Real Estate Development Association. And well, it’s interesting because when the polls and there are polls, this is a poll of 400 likely Davidson County voters. What’s the margin of error on a poll like that? Clint Brewer:  I think normally it’d be like four to five percent. Michael Patrick Leahy: Four to five percent. Got it. Okay. I mean, that’s a pretty small sample. Clint Brewer: It’s a sample size many would use for a city.  But still small. Michael Patrick Leahy: You’re quite right. If it were a state, you’d probably get minimum 700 for your sample size, or more. But with the city being smaller, it’s harder to get a good sample. So the margin error is four or five percent. There are two things that struck me about this poll. And we’ll get to the horse race here in just a second. 45…

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