New IHME Model Decreases Its Ohio Coronavirus Projections


The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) model has lowered its coronavirus projections for Ohio.

Last week, the IHME model projected the coronavirus peak for hospital resources in Ohio would be April 20, and also showed that Ohio would need 5,609 beds, including 854 beds for the intensive care unit (ICU).

In addition, this old model projected Ohio would experience 1,672 fatalities by August 4.

Fast forward one week, and the picture IHME is painting for Ohio is far more optimistic.

The IHME projection on April 8 shows that Ohio reached its coronavirus peak for hospital resources yesterday, which is a decrease of 12 days.

The number of projected beds needed for the state’s peak decreased by 4,404 beds to 1,205. Furthermore, the ICU beds needed for Ohio’s coronavirus peak fell by 617 beds to 237.

Projected Fatalities occurring by August 4 also went down by 1,183 to 489.

The old IHME model projected the highest death toll day in Ohio was April 23 with 57. However, the updated model displays April 12 being the day Ohio experiences the most deaths with 26.

By May 1, the updated model shows Ohio having between 0 and 1 deaths.

Ohio is not the only state that has been updated. The IHME model drastically reduced the number of deaths it projects in America.

Now, the model exhibits 60,415 nationwide deaths, which is a 35 percent reduction from 93,531 last week.

The Daily Caller reported that Dr. Christiopher Murray, the director of IHME, told reporters the changes to the model are due to “encouraging figures from Italy and Spain showing that peak daily coronavirus deaths arrived sooner than previously predicted.”

As of Wednesday, Ohio has 5,148 COVID-19 cases and 193 deaths, according to the Ohio Department of Health numbers.

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Zachery Schmidt is the digital editor of Star News Digital Media. If you have any tips, email Zachery at [email protected]





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