Student Enrollments Down, Administrator Hires up in Pennsylvania

by Anthony Hennen


A new report questions the narrative of a “teacher shortage” in Pennsylvania, pointing out significant declines in student enrollments even as public school employment has risen.

“Since 2000, Pennsylvania public school enrollment has dropped 6.6% (120,000 fewer students); but public schools have added 20,000 more employees (8.7% growth), including nearly 40% growth among administrators,” the Commonwealth Foundation noted in its Back to School Education Trends report.

Furthermore, the think tank argues that school districts are “stockpiling taxpayer resources” at a time when Pennsylvania education funding outpaces most of the rest of the nation. The average Pennsylvania teacher earns a $71,000 salary, 11th in the nation, and school districts spend $19,900 per student, eighth in the nation.

“While certain local districts face teacher shortages, this has been exacerbated by shrinking districts hiring and retaining staff,” the report noted. “This disparity could be resolved if funding followed the child.”

“There’s a lot of myths about, or anecdotes about a teacher shortage due to lack of funding for public schools,” Commonwealth Foundation President Nathan Benefield said. “As it shows statewide, we’ve had fewer students yet more staff, more spending over time and really, you know – it certainly isn’t a matter of a lack of funding.”

Certain places, like Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Benefield said, do have problems with hiring teachers, but a statewide shortage doesn’t exist.

“I can understand why if you’re a teacher and have the option of charter schools in the area, private schools, suburban school districts, the city school district is often the least attractive option out there,” Benefield said. “So I think some of the problems those are having are because of the competition that they’re facing.”

Other problems are more reflective of the state at large. Pennsylvania has fewer school-aged children, families are moving to other states, and the median age is increasing. So schools, public or private, can see enrollments drop. Private school enrollments have also fallen, though some schools have gained students since the pandemic.

Despite falling enrollments, schools are hiring more staff. Some of that growth isn’t surprising and can be popular simply because school districts do more now than in the past.

Professional staff that aren’t teachers include counselors and nurses, Benefield noted. “But even if you look at the actual administrative/supervisory staff, that’s grown as well. It has been both a ‘we’re just going to hire more staff, more administrators,’ as well as adding on additional programs and services for students.”

Consolidating districts isn’t a “panacea” either, he noted. Instead, Benefield focused on how schools get funded.

“Let’s take on the way we fund schools so that money is following the child – both fixing the state funding formula that we’re not funding empty buildings … but even creating education opportunity accounts so that all funding follows the child and empowers parents,” Benefield said.

Doing so, he argued, would ensure that schools where students want to go could afford high-quality teachers.

Defenders of how districts spend their funds noted how much education has changed.

“Public education has evolved a great deal over the past several decades,” said Chris Lilienthal, assistant director of communications for the Pennsylvania State Education Association. “Students attend school longer today and require more specialized courses than ever before. A variety of education policy changes have also contributed to increased school staffing needs.”

Lilienthal noted students spend more time in school and take more complex classes, and state requirements for student wellness services, school safety, and other areas of concerns prompt more noninstructional spending.

“That the Commonwealth Foundation believes that public schools are overstaffed and there is no educator shortage in Pennsylvania is stunning, though sadly not surprising to hear from an organization that never allows the facts to get in the way of their anti-public education views,” Lilienthal said.

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Anthony Hennen is a reporter for The Center Square. Previously, he worked for Philadelphia Weekly and the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is managing editor of Expatalachians, a journalism project focused on the Appalachian region.
Photo “School District of Philadelphia” by School District of Philadelphia.


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