Florida Gov. DeSantis Blasts Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

Ron DeSantis


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, at multiple press conferences earlier this week, blasted President Joe Biden’s announcement related to a vaccine mandate for people who work for companies with over 100 employees.

DeSantis said nobody should lose their jobs based on vaccination status and felt Biden’s decision had no legal standing.

“We don’t live with a one-person rule in this country. We live in a Constitutional system where peoples’ rights are protected,” he said. “It’s completely counterproductive and I think it will eventually lose in court… Nobody should lose their jobs based on this decision.”

DeSantis continued by saying Biden’s actions are unconstitutional and threatens millions of Floridians with their jobs.

“When you’re taking action on something that’s unconstitutional that threatens the jobs of the people in my state, many, many thousands of jobs, I’m standing for them,” DeSantis said. “We’re going to protect their jobs and against federal overreach. And this is a guy who criticizes the State of Florida for protecting parents’ rights, he says school boards should be able to eliminate parents’ rights and force five-year-old kids to wear masks all day.”

DeSantis also took time to comment on Biden’s mandate while visiting a monoclonal treatment site in Pasco County.

“How could we get to the point in the country where you would want to have someone lose their job because of their choice about the vaccine or not?” DeSantis said. “I mean, look, some folks have reasons to — maybe they’re making the wrong decision — but to put them out of work and not let them earn a living because of this, I just think that that’s fundamentally wrong,”

DeSantis hypothesized that you will likely see lots of legal efforts in the courts fighting the mandate.

“I think forcing this and coercing people, I don’t think this is the right decision. So I’d imagine that you’re going to see a lot of activity in the courts if they try to do that through an executive action, I mean, Congress has never legislated this,” DeSantis said.

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Grant Holcomb is a reporter at the Florida Capital Star and the Star News Network. Follow Grant on Twitter and direct message tips.
Photo “Ron DeSantis” by Ron DeSantis.








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