Dominion Server Crashed in Fulton County, Delaying Recount Results


On Sunday, the recount was delayed in Fulton County after a crash occurred in Dominion Voting System servers. The delay halted recount operations for several hours.

“Technicians from Dominion have been dispatched to resolve the issue,” stated Fulton County Officials. “The Georgia Secretary of State’s office has been alerted to the issue and is aware of efforts to resolve the problem.”

During a press conference the following day, Georgia Secretary of State Voting Systems Manager Gabriel Sterling told reporters that the crash was due to human error.

“There were no Dominion issues in Fulton County. There was a Dominion server that crashed because Fulton County literally ignored the basic instructions and the directions of the vendor on this one. They were given what was called an express server, to do L&A – logic and accuracy testing – on the machines for tomorrow’s elections.”

According to Sterling, the elections officials decided that they would use the express server for the recount instead of the proper central server. He stated that tabulators must be set up differently for each type of ballot – Election Day ballots, provisional ballots, early voting ballots, and absentee ballots. Sterling added that the Dominion representative warned the workers that it would overload the system. However, the workers purportedly ignored the representative and the secretary of state’s office.

The Georgia Star News recently reported that a Dominion technician representative for Fulton County was Kamala Harris’s photographer for years, and worked as her presidential campaign photographer last year.

During the initial vote counting, Fulton County also had to rescan ballots after the number of scanned ballots didn’t reflect the totals received.

The recount resumed Monday morning. According to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger during Monday’s press conference, the recount is expected to be finished by Wednesday at midnight.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Fulton County Election Count” by Gabriel Sterling.






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