Georgia Congressman Says Joe Biden and Merrick Garland Consider School Board Parents More Dangerous Than Incoming Illegal Immigrants


Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-GA-11) said members of the Biden administration misplace vital priorities, especially in how they treat parents at school board meetings versus how they treat a flood of incoming illegal immigrants.

Loudermilk made these remarks this week as he appeared on Newsmax.

“I want somebody in the administration to get involved [with the border crisis]. My goodness. Look at what’s happening. They are violating the law, and they are not enforcing our laws on the southern border. When you look at the testimony yesterday with {Attorney General Merrick] Garland. He responded immediately to a letter from the National School Board Association [NSBA]. Immediately, without really any consideration,” Loudermilk said.

“Yet this [crisis] has been happening at the border since the Biden administration came in and undid all of the Trump policies, but we can’t even get anyone in the administration to acknowledge the crisis that all of America sees. The president hasn’t even been to the border. Ever. And the vice president made a symbolic visit to somewhere close to the border. This thing is a crisis. Right now, we have 19,000 border patrol agents in the federal government. And you look at the size of these caravans coming in. These are border patrol agents all across the world. Not just on the Southern border. But instead of doing something to increase the number of border patrol agents or even empowering them they want to double the size of the IRS, which already has 75,000 people working in that agency. You can see their priorities are not the same priorities as the American people.”

Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr and other state attorneys general this week repudiated the Biden administration as well as the NSBA for colluding with one another to threaten parents nationwide.

NSBA officials, in a September 29 letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ), accused parents nationwide of “domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” This, the NSBA officials went on to say, warranted the feds invoking the Patriot Act.

The state attorneys general said last week that the Biden administration provided no convincing evidence of any significant spike in threats against school personnel. They also said these actions “seem designed to chill the lawful dissent of parents who express concerns about their children’s education at local public school board meetings.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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