Censored Feminist and Author Naomi Wolf Discusses the Revival of Twitter Battle and Fed Interference

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed feminist, author, and champion of liberty Dr. Naomi Wolf to the newsmaker line to discuss the revival of her Twitter lawsuit and First Amendment rights violation regarding her fact-based tweets on COVID response and menstruation in women.

Leahy: On the newsmaker line, our very good friend, Naomi Wolf. Good morning, Naomi.

Wolf: Good morning.

Leahy: So, headline at Just the News. John Solomon’s great operation: “Canceled Feminist Seeks to Revive Suit Against Twitter, Citing New Evidence of Collusion With Feds.” Tell us about that story.

Wolf: Sure. Well, sadly, I found that about two weeks ago, through an America First legal FOIA and lawsuit, the CDC had been colluding with Twitter and Facebook, and other Big Tech platforms to censor Americans who are raising questions about the COVID response and issues around the mRNA injection, and that an accurate and responsible tweet of mine about women reporting menstrual health problems was part of what was being censored.

So that was scary enough that Carol Crawford of the CDC was actually, of course, unconstitutional and illegal for the government to collude to suppress citizens’ First Amendment rights. But even more disturbingly, a lawsuit by the attorney general of Missouri and Louisiana, and that’s what’s reported in the article you just mentioned revealed last week that the White House itself was colluding with Big Tech to suppress the freedom of speech of American citizens, and that my accurate and responsible tweet is in there.

Andy Slavitt was on the email chain for discussing these tweets. And I guess the thing I really want to highlight is that as terrifying as it is to find out, as a peaceful private citizen, that the White House itself is strategizing with the biggest tech company in the world to target you, and a huge de-platforming and reputation smear campaign aimed against me that followed that which turned my life upside down.

But much more important than what happened to me is the fact that this accurate tweet warning women about real problems – because it was suppressed – a year and a half later, predictably, American women and women around the world are suffering from horrible menstrual problems.

These are recorded in Pfizer documents that our team is also analyzing and revealing, but also there’s a horrible wave of problems with fertility and gestation and newborns which we’re also documenting.

And so the White House appears actively to have hurt the women of America by suppressing legitimate and important public health discussions about women’s health issues.

Leahy: Naomi, what’s the current status of your lawsuit?

Wolf: That is a good question. I know that my lawyers, Scott Street, and John Howard – and they are really excellent lawyers who have won their lawsuit against the Biden administration regarding masking on trains and public transportation; if you no longer wear masks on public transport, it’s because of that legal team – I know they filed a complaint.

And I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t understand what the next steps are. They’re suing, basically, the tech companies that colluded with the White House, and there will be additional discovery action against the White House that’s appropriate.

Leahy: Roger Simon, whom you know, is in-studio with us right now, and Roger has a question for you.

Simon: Yes. Are you well-funded? Because they’re going to be waging lawfare against you for a few years. But I think what you’re doing is great, by the way, but maybe you should need a Go Fund Me site, or not Go Fund Me, the other one.

Wolf: I appreciate the advice, and it’s a good question. My lawyers have warned me how costly legal action of this kind [can be] and also other legal action we have underway. We’re also suing Pfizer for harming children, and I got an op-ed about that in The Epoch Times yesterday.

It is expensive, but I don’t care. I’m not a wealthy person. But we do have donations on our website, Daily Clout, that are helping us pay our legal bills. And I also just have faith in, I have faith in the rule of law. I have faith in our process.

I have faith that I can’t not take action because people have to be held accountable, not just for violating my rights, but for violating the rights of American citizens entirely. Because if this precedent is allowed to stand, absolutely any American can be ruined by White House collusion.

And I just want to say there’s something even more disturbing that emerged in the tranche of documents that the White House had to release. And this needs more investigation.

But Andrew Slavitt, who at that time was the head of the COVID coordination response, his email is not a White House email on this document. It appears to be a private email, a hidden email, not part of the public record. Worse, WHO – the World Health Organization. There’s more investigation, but if this is indeed what it looks like, it raises huge national security questions.

Leahy: Naomi, we understand that you are traveling by train right now. Is that right?

Wolf: That is correct. I’m sorry.

Leahy: No, that’s good. We’re getting a little bit of interference here, so we’re going to let you get back to your train ride. Of course, you can send your thank-you notes for the fact the train is still running to President Joe Biden. Because he said this morning he saved it all. (Laughter)

Simon: Soldier on, Naomi. We need people who still believe in the rule of law. It’s getting thinner by the day.

Wolf: Well, that’s all we’ve got at this point, right? The rule of law and one another.

Leahy: Exactly.

Listen to today’s show highlights, including this interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Naomi Wolf” by Naomi Wolf. 










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