Wisconsin Governor Evers Reverses Race-Based Grants Following Constitutional Concerns

Tony Evers

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers opted to remove the consideration of race from a mortgage-assistance program after the Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty (WILL) highlighted several constitutional concerns.

The group pointed out that Evers intended to expand eligibility for “socially disadvantaged” groups, defining those as “any racial or ethnic group besides non-Hispanic/Latinx White.”

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Wisconsin Gubernatorial Candidate Rebecca Kleefisch Expands Support, Picks Up Endorsement from Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds

Rebecca Kleefisch

Rebecca Kleefish, former Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor who is currently running a gubernatorial campaign, expanded support for her campaign, picking up the endorsement of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds.

Reynolds, a rising star in the GOP, was selected by Republican leadership to give the rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address. In her remarks, the governor blasted Biden and Democrats over inflation, saying that “it feels like President Biden and his party have sent us back in time to the late ‘70s and early ‘80s.”

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University of Wisconsin System Aims to Increase Protections for Minors Visiting Campuses

The University of Wisconsin System introduced new policies on Friday that are aimed to increase protection for minors visiting the various campuses across the state.

According to a release from leadership, the new rules “enhance their safety standards and protocols for protection of minors participating in university-sponsored events” and created a new registration and compliance database for youth activities.

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Wisconsin’s Minimum Mark-Up Law Not Helping with Gas Prices

The average price of gas in Wisconsin is over $4.00 per gallon and rising, but it’s not just the war in Ukraine that’s keeping prices in the state high.

Will Flanders with the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty wrote an open letter Thursday asking Gov. Tony Evers to roll back the state’s minimum markup law as a way to help drivers better afford gas.

“[Minimum markup] requires that retailers increase the price of their gas by 9.18% over what they pay at wholesale. This means that gas stations are required to pass on price increases to consumers,” Flanders wrote.

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Biden’s Policies Have ‘Emboldened’ U.S. Enemies, Says Sen. Ron Johnson

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) criticized the Biden administration for its foreign and domestic policy decisions, arguing the moves have “emboldened” enemies of the United States.

Over the past few weeks, Russian President Vladimir Putin has waged an unprovoked war against Ukraine. Despite economic sanctions from the U.S. and European allies, Putin has remained resolved in his attempts.

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Wisconsin Dairy Farmers Want New State Water Officer to Help, Not Hurt

Gov. Tony Evers

There are some worries among dairy farmers in Wisconsin about a new water officer position that’s headed for Gov. Evers’ desk.

The Wisconsin Senate this week approved a plan, AB 727, that creates a new hydrologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension.

The Wisconsin Dairy Alliance and the Venture Dairy Cooperative released a joint statement pleading with the governor not to turn the new position into an environmental advocate.

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Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Calls for Federal Suspension of Gas Tax amid Soaring Prices

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers joined other Democratic governors and sent a letter to Congressional leadership, urging the federal lawmakers to pass legislation to suspend the federal gas tax.

The legislation, introduced by Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and known as the Gas Prices Relief Act, would terminate the 18 cents per gallon gas tax that individuals pay, temporarily lowering the prices for consumers.

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Former Navy SEAL Leads Money Race in Campaign for Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District

Derrick Van Orden

Former Navy SEAL Derrick Van Orden leads the financial contest in the race to replace retiring U.S. Representative Ron Kind in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District, outpacing the nearest competitor by over a million dollars.

According to FEC records, Van Orden has raised $2,654,181.52 and has $1,427,840.31 cash on hand in the bank as of the December 31, 2021 deadline. Records also currently show that no other Republicans that have filed paperwork with the FEC. Orden has been endorsed by President Trump, as well as Wisconsin’s 3rd District Republican Party, and others.

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Gableman Investigation Extended, Trump Weighs In

Robin Vos and Donals Trump

The investigation into the 2020 election in Wisconsin will last at least another month.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos on Tuesday extended former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Mike Gableman’s investigation until the end of April.

“The office of Special Counsel has done an outstanding job looking into the election concerns people all across Wisconsin had,” Vos said in a statement after signing a new contract with Gableman.

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Wisconsin Treasurer Wants to Dump Russian Investments

Wisconsin Treasurer Sarah Godlewski

Wisconsin’s state treasurer is the latest to look to pull the plug on the state’s Russian investments.

Treasurer Sarah Godlewski on Monday released a letter to the State of Wisconsin Investment Board that asks for a report on any investments the state has in any Russian companies or funds, and asks for a plan to dump them.

“The Wisconsin Retirement System is one of the largest public pension funds in the U.S., and it is our prudent obligation to act,” Godlewski wrote. “I’m calling on the State of Wisconsin Investment Board to immediately identify any direct investments in Russia held by the Wisconsin Retirement System, the State Investment Fund, and other state trust funds; and develop a plan to divest from these holdings.”

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Wisconsin Lawmakers Push to Remove the Gray Wolf as an Endangered Species

Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin

A bipartisan group of lawmakers, including Wisconsin Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), are pushing to remove the gray wolf from the list of endangered species.

The group of lawmakers introduced legislation to return the management of the species to state and local government organizations, arguing the animals have made a recovery in western Great Lakes states.

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‘Only Socialism Can Defeat COVID’ Flyers Found on University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Flyers posted around University of Wisconsin-Madison promising that “Only Socialism Can Defeat COVID” were promoting a Feb. 11 event held by the Madison, WI branch of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT).

According to the flyers, “capitalism offers no solutions” to COVID-19 and only makes things worse, as the organization criticizes solutions that involve “get[ting] back to work.” 

As Campus Reform previously reported, The IMT is an organization that supports a “socialist transformation of society.” They have branches across the U.S. and other parts of the world. 

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Selects Redistricting Maps Proposed by Governor Evers

Tony Evers

The Wisconsin Supreme Court adopted a redistricting proposal offered by Governor Tony Evers, a move less favorable to Republicans.

The ruling was issued on a razor-thin margin, as swing Justice Brian Hagedorn wrote the opinion in the 4 to 3 decision. According to the decision, the justices selected the map by Evers because it proposed “the map with the least change.”

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Wisconsin Senate Candidate Mandela Barnes Struggles to Provide Examples of His Accomplishments as Lieutenant Governor

Wisconsin Senate Candidate Mandela Barnes struggled to name his own climate-related accomplishments when asked by a student at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.

The question connected to the candidate’s role on the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change, where he serves as the chair. Yet, he could not provide an example of successful implementation of the group’s recommendation.

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Wisconsin Poll: Majority of Voters Believe State Is Trending in the Wrong Direction

Wisconsin voters are increasingly concerned about inflation and believe the state is trending in the wrong direction, according to a new Marquette Law School poll.

The survey, which contacted 802 registered voters in the state and had a 3.8 percent margin of error, raises new concerns for Democrats, as the midterm elections draw closer and President Joe Biden maintains low approval numbers.

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Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson: Biden’s Failure to Promote Early Treatment ‘Cost Hundreds of Thousands of Lives’

President Joe Biden boasted in his State of the Union address Tuesday his administration “will continue to combat the [COVID] virus as we do other diseases,” but Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and numerous physicians say the suppression of early treatment by Biden and his political, media, Big Tech, and Big Pharma allies has already “cost hundreds of thousands of lives” in America.

Johnson said in a statement following the address Biden “seems oblivious to the harm his administration and policies have caused” Americans.

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Senator Johnson Responds to Biden’s State of the Union Ahead of President’s Visit to Wisconsin

Just before President Joe Biden visited Wisconsin on Wednesday, a U.S. Senator from the state released a scathing statement on the 46th president’s Tuesday night State of the Union address.

“In spite of President Biden’s inaugural speech promise that his number one goal was to heal and unify our nation, today, America is even further divided due to his mismanagement of the economy, our southern border, foreign policy, and COVID-19,” Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) said in a statement.

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Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge Michael Gableman Delivers Final Election Report, Testifies Before Legislative Committee

Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge Michael Gableman completed his review of the November 2020 election, issuing a 136-page report on his findings and testifying before the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections.

In his report, Gableman called for additional oversight and transparency for the state’s elections, detailing questionable actions taken by the Wisconsin Elections Commission and the Center for Tech and Civic Life.

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Governor Tony Evers Provided Grants to Planned Parenthood with COVID Relief Funds, Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty Questions Legal Authority

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers provided millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood through grants funded by federal coronavirus relief money, according to a letter from the Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty (WILL).

However, the group contends that Evers’ legal standing to fund the abortion provider is questionable at best.

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Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson and Dr. Robert Malone: ‘COVID Cartel’ Lied to Scapegoat Unvaccinated Americans in Effort to Divide Nation

Wisconsin. Senator Ron Johnson (R) and Dr. Robert Malone wrote in an op-ed at The Federalist Thursday the “COVID cartel” – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, establishment media, and Big Tech – lied in order to scapegoat unvaccinated Americans in a campaign to divide the nation.

Johnson, who has spearheaded efforts to break the silencing of physicians and scientists on the issue of early treatment for COVID-19, and Malone, a pioneer in the development of mRNA technology, wrote Americans have been deceived for the sake of covering up government fraud and incompetence, while likely thousands have died unnecessary deaths.

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Fiscal Report: Wisconsin’s Tax Burden Down $22 Billion Since 2011

Republicans at the Wisconsin Capitol are pointing to another report as proof their policies are working.

Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu on Wednesday released a memo from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau that shows Wisconsin’s tax burden has fallen by $22 billion since 2011.

“In 2010, Wisconsin had the 5th highest tax burden in the nation. Residents were sending far too much of their earnings to Madison. On top of high taxes, the state had a $3.6 billion structural deficit, no Rainy Day Fund, and businesses were leaving in droves,” LeMahieu said.

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Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Awards $25 Million in Milwaukee-Area ‘Neighborhood Investment Fund Grants’

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers on Thursday announced a new grant for Milwaukee and Milwaukee County that will award approximately $25 million to the region.

The money, which was awarded to the state through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), will go to affordable housing and other issues in the region. For example, child care services and libraries will see a boost in funding.

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Wisconsin Assembly Approves Multiple Education-Focused Bills

The Wisconsin Assembly approved multiple pieces of legislation focused on education-related issues, sending the bills to the Wisconsin Senate for full legislative approval.

One of the bills is a “parental bill of rights” that would establish certain legal rights for parents throughout the state, like maintaining a voice surrounding education curriculum taught to their child or choice in medical decisions. 

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Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Introduces Bill to Protect Doctors’ Right to Treat Patients

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) introduced legislation Wednesday to protect a doctor’s right to treat patients and to reassert that the federal government’s agencies have no authority to restrict lawful prescribing or dispensing of FDA-approved or Right to Try drugs.

Johnson, who has spearheaded efforts to break the silencing of physicians and scientists on the issue of early treatment for COVID-19,  joined with Sens. Mike Braun (R-IN) and Mike Lee (R-UT) to launch the Right to Treat Act to confirm that the doctor-patient relationship is at the center of treatment decision-making, and not the federal government.

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Huckabee Sanders Endorses Kleefisch for Wisconsin Governor

Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Rebecca Kleefisch

An Arkansas gubernatorial candidate Monday issued an endorsement to one of her counterparts in Wisconsin. 

“I’m proud to endorse my good friend Rebecca Kleefisch,” said Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former press secretary to then-President Donald Trump. “We need strong conservative governors like Rebecca, standing up for our law enforcement, pushing back against the radical Left and their socialist policies, and making sure that craziness coming out of Washington doesn’t change our states.”

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Wisconsin’s 2020 Election Investigator Threatening to Jail Non-Compliant Elected Officials

A special investigator and former member of the Wisconsin Supreme Court who has been looking into potential voter fraud in the 2020 election is now threatening mayors with jail time if they fail to comply with his requests for information. 

“Conservative former state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman on Friday filed yet another petition in Waukesha County Circuit Court against the two mayors, this time adding Racine Mayor Cory Mason, the city clerks from Madison and Green Bay, staff from the Wisconsin Elections Commission and city of Milwaukee employees,” The Wisconsin State Journal reported. 

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Wisconsin State Superintendent Tells Constituents Politicians Are ‘Pitting Parents Against Teachers’

Wisconsin State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly wrote an open letter, “as a fellow parent and a former teacher” condemning politicians who “have gone after teachers” to micromanage curricula and prey on parents’ emotions in an open letter for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) addressed to the state’s families and educators.

Despite her criticism of politicians, Underly’s own campaign finance records show her spring 2021 campaign was primarily funded by liberal donors and political action committees.

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Former Governor Scott Walker Backs Rebecca Kleefisch in Wisconsin Gubernatorial Race

Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who led the state from 2011 to 2019, endorsed his former Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch in the race for his former position.

Kleefisch, running for the GOP gubernatorial nomination, is viewed to be one of the front-runners, in addition to businessman Kevin Nicholson and State Representative Timothy Ramthun (R-Campbellsport).

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Wisconsin Gubernatorial Candidate Rebecca Kleefisch Proposes ‘Office of Election Integrity and Public Trust’

Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch, who is running to replace Governor Tony Evers, proposed establishing an Office of Election Integrity & Public Trust in order to “restore confidence in elections.”

The new organization would be housed within the Wisconsin Department of Justice and have the power to investigate election complaints.

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