Wisconsin Rep. Grothman Issued Scathing Speech Against Proposed Democrat ‘Extreme’ Abortion Bill


Wisconsin Representative Glenn Grothman (R-WI-06) delivered a scathing speech against a proposed Democrat sponsored abortion bill. In a tweet, Grothman called the bill “extreme.”

Grothman said, “My Democratic colleagues wish to pass an extreme bill that would nullify bans on abortions after 20 weeks and force American taxpayers to pay for abortions.”

Grothman opened his speech by saying, “When you consider the hundreds of thousands of people who would have been born every day in this country, but who have their lives cut short before they are born, you can see why this is another issue that our press corps should be talking about, our churches should be talking about.”

He expressed his displeasure at some of the big changes that have already been made by the Biden administration, like the changes to the Mexico City Policy that had stopped American taxpayer money from funding abortions overseas. He also referenced the changes to Title X, which now allows taxpayer money to fund abortions.

He said, “All Americans have to stop and think ‘what has happened,’ when it has come to this in America.”

Yes, Every Kid

Grothman added,“This bill will legalize abortion nationwide almost, or perhaps all the way, until birth.”

Grothman said he believes the growth in the abortion industry has occurred because the providers “continue to hold abortion as the way out of a pregnancy.”

“But it is truly shocking that I believe a majority of the people in this chamber are going to vote to say that we have abortions right up to birth and get rid of even minor laws that are postponing the abortions,” Grothman said.

He referenced a bill he authored in Wisconsin that would require a 24 hour waiting period between the first appointment and obtaining an abortion. “I talked to the women who were bullied by their boyfriends or cajoled by their parents into having abortions,” Grothman said. “They felt it was very important that there be some sort of waiting period after you went to the office of the abortionist.”

He said that having an abortion is a “very important decision.” He continued, “You’re never going to be able to change your mind after you make that decision.”

Grothman also tore into sex-selective abortions saying that this bill would overrule states’ laws banning sex-selective abortions. He said, “Some people in Congress apparently feel that they know better [than those states].”

The House passed the abortion legislation in a 218-211 vote. As CNBC reported, “House Democrats on Friday approved wide-ranging legislation to protect abortion rights, a swift but mostly symbolic response to the Supreme Court’s refusal to block a Texas law banning most abortions.”

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Hayley Tschetter is a reporter with The Minnesota Sun and The Wisconsin Daily Star | Star News Network. Follow Hayley on Twitter or like her Facebook page. Send news tips to [email protected].





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One Thought to “Wisconsin Rep. Grothman Issued Scathing Speech Against Proposed Democrat ‘Extreme’ Abortion Bill”

  1. Tim Price

    Democrats care nothing about anyone made in the image of God providing they care not about God and hate anyone who is a Christian!
