Medical Center Hides Pediatric Transgender Procedures After Exposure

Health care settings that advertise surgical and hormonal procedures for gender-confused youth as young as 13 are throwing their offerings down the memory hole, following exposure by critics of such procedures for children.

Vanderbilt University Medical Center took down the pages for its transgender clinic and pediatric counterpart after conservative author Matt Walsh posted videos Tuesday of its officials calling the clinics financially lucrative and warning that resistant VUMC employees would face “consequences” for not participating.

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Appeals Court Panel Allows DOJ to Continue Reviewing Documents from Trump Raid

A panel of three judges for the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has allowed the Department of Justice to continue reviewing documents the FBI seized from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, upending part of an earlier ruling from the district court judge.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon earlier this month enjoined further federal review of the documents and appointed New York Judge Raymond Dearie as special master to independently review them.

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Migrants Whom DeSantis Flew to Martha’s Vineyard File Class Action Suit Against Him

Some of the migrants whom Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis flew to Martha’s Vineyard have filed a lawsuit against him and state officials.

These migrants allege that the group boarded the planes under false pretenses. The governor sent two planes of illegal migrants to upper crust liberal enclave Martha’s Vineyard late last week, prompting horror from the area’s residents and outrage from Democratic politicians. Authorities promptly relocated the migrants from the wealthy area to a military base near Cape Cod.

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CDC: Administrative Federal Agency Charged with Americans’ Health and Safety Flooded With Credibility Problems

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is only one example of an administrative federal agency run by unelected bureaucrats, it is one charged with ensuring Americans receive truthful health and safety information, a daunting role for an organization now engulfed with concerns about its credibility.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky wrote in a letter made public this week her agency did not conduct a type of analysis on reports made to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) regarding COVID shots during 2021. Her agency, however, indicated otherwise in its documents and through some of its other representatives.

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Packed House Shows for Renacci’s Kick Off to Pro-MAGA Forum Series in Medina

Former Ohio Republican congressman and current Chairman of American Greatness PAC Jim Renacci held his first in a series of pro-MAGA (Make America Great Again) forums at the Thirsty Cowboy in Medina, Ohio.

“Last night, 11 conservatives from different niches talked about uniting the conservative base and forwarding MAGA policies. I think it’s the start of something great. American Greatness can be achieved,” Renacci posted on Facebook following the meeting.

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Commentary: The ‘Gold Standard’ Private Pensions Exposed Now as High-Wire Busts

Like many retirees, Jesus Nunez knew he was due a pension but was having a hard time tracking it down. Now 66, the Burbank, Illinois, resident had worked as a painter and garage worker for the Checker Taxi Co. Inc from 1978 to 1986 and then another year for its successor concern. But when Checker Motors filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2009, he never got a notice about his anticipated retirement checks. He figures he’s due about $300 per month.

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Steve Bannon Tells Charlie Kirk That 35 Trump Allies Were Raided Thursday by FBI

Former Chief Strategist for President Trump Steve Bannon spoke with Charlie Kirk on his show Thursday and told the host that 35 high level supporters of Donald Trump were raided this week.

“35 members of MAGA, the Republican party, people close to Donald Trump, were rolled in on yesterday by the FBI with these intimidation tactics,” Bannon told Kirk. 

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Review: Publicist to the MAGA Stars Unleashes Hell on the Left in New Book ‘The Woking Dead’

In a world in which our own government is out to lock us in our homes, kill our jobs, infest our cities with criminal gangs, and make the shining light on a hill we know as America weaker than we have ever been before, we need leaders to step up and fight back without fear. Thanks to Joe Biden and his so-called 81 million voters we live in such a world right now. Just look around. Every major U.S. city is overrun with crime. A tank of gas costs a fortune. The young can’t afford an apartment anymore and older Americans can’t reach the dream of retirement. The American dream is dying and it’s all happened in under two years. That’s how fast leftwing ideologues can transform America into Venezuela.

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Queen Elizabeth II Dead at 96

Queen Elizabeth II passed away on Thursday at the age of 96, surrounded by family at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, according to a statement from Buckingham Palace.

Officials announced Tuesday that the queen was under medical supervision, and her family traveled to her summer residence in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, to be by her side.

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Bannon Surrenders to New York Authorities on Fraud, Money Laundering Charges Related to Wall Fundraising

Former Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon surrendered Thursday to New York authorities, on fraud and money laundering charges in connection to fundraising efforts to complete the southern U.S. border wall.

Bannon and unnamed others in the fundraising effort in New York and elsewhere from about Feb. 4, 2019, to roughly Oct. 10 of that year “knowing that the property involved in one and more financial transactions, to wit, money donated to WeBuildTheWall, Inc. through a crowdfunding website, represented the proceeds of a Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree, conducted one and more such financial transactions,” according the an eight-page indictment obtained by CNN. 

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‘Full Monty Mussolini’: Biden’s Primetime Speech Mocked, Slammed on Social Media

President Joe Biden’s Thursday evening speech targeting supporters of former President Donald Trump was mocked on social media, with many users poking fun at the stage.

The speech, held in Philadelphia, marked continued attacks on supporters of Trump, reiterating earlier attacks in which he claimed Republicans embraced “semi-fascism” at an Aug. 25 fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee in Maryland, and also attacked “MAGA Republicans” during a Tuesday speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Biden called “MAGA Republicans” a threat to democracy and doubled down on his rhetoric calling supporters of former President Donald trump “extremists.”

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Election Integrity Event Organizer Says Fake Police Showed Up at Her Home, Detained Her

A Gwinnett County woman who held an election integrity panel over the weekend to educate Georgians says men who she believes were impersonating police officers showed up at her home and detained her hours before the event began.

“The long and short of what occurred, is I had an encounter with the police right before I went to the event,” Surrea Ivey told The Georgia Star News. “Initially, I didn’t think anything about it. When somebody – I say somebody because I subsequently found out it was not the police – when these individuals knocked on my door, they were in police uniform and they said they had reason to believe I was in possession of government equipment.”

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Columbus Teachers Start School Year on Picket Lines

Students in Ohio’s largest school district will begin classes Wednesday remotely after teachers rejected a final contract offer and voted to strike late Sunday night.

Columbus Education Association teachers were on the picket line at several school buildings Monday morning, the first day teachers were scheduled to report, after 94% of its members voted to strike for the first time since 1975.

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Left Claims Supreme Court Ruling Will ‘Harm’ Black Women, But Black Pro-Lifers Look to a New ‘Womb Equality’

As reactions abound in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Friday to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, many on the left expressed their outrage by claiming the ruling will harm black and other minority women, but pro-life women of these communities wholeheartedly disagree and applaud the Court for “finally” righting their “wrongly decided law.”

“The Justice Department strongly disagrees with the Court’s decision,” said Attorney General Merrick Garland. “This decision deals a devastating blow to reproductive freedom in the United States. It will have an immediate and irreversible impact on the lives of people across the country. And it will be greatly disproportionate in its effect – with the greatest burdens felt by people of color and those of limited financial means.”

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U.S. Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade: ‘The Constitution Does Not Confer a Right to Abortion’

The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark ruling that created a right to abortion nationwide, and now returns issues about abortion to the individual states.

In the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Justice Samuel Alito wrote the majority opinion, released Friday, that was joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

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Virginia House, Senate Pass Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Compromise

RICHMOND, Virginia — The Republican-controlled House of Delegates and the Democrat-controlled Senate finally sent a budget compromise for Fiscal Year 2023 beginning July 1 to Governor Glenn Youngkin on Wednesday, but while leaders from both parties praised the budget, individual Democrats and Republicans criticized the compromise for problems ranging from no gas tax holiday to cuts on mental health resources.

House Appropriations Chair Barry Knight (R-Virginia Beach) told delegates, “It’s been a long haul, but I believe the result is a fiscally sound, bipartisan budget we can all be proud of.”

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Top-Ranking Senate Republicans Demand Answers on Royalty Payments to NIH Employees

Five Republican senators on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee are demanding answers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) about royalty payments made by third parties to NIH employees.

In a letter Wednesday to NIH Director Lawrence Tabak, the senators noted that “the agency has taken no action to disclose such payments to the public at large.”

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Michigan Board of Canvassers Deadlocks, Blocking 5 GOP Gov Candidates from Ballot

The Michigan Board of Canvassers deadlocked on a 2-2 vote, blocking five GOP candidates from the Aug. 2, 2022 ballot, unless a court intervenes on their behalf.

The four-person bipartisan panel met to discuss the Bureau of Elections report that recommended disqualifying five candidates who apparently didn’t meet the 15,000 valid signature threshold because of 30 petitioners who allegedly submitted 68,000 fraudulent signatures.

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State Farm Announces End to Transgender Book Project Amid Backlash

State Farm has announced that, amid “news and customer inquiries,” it will discontinue its support for an LGBTQ+ activist group’s program that asked the insurance company to donate books, to schools, community centers, and libraries, that serve to indoctrinate young children into gender ideology under the guise of acceptance, diversity, and inclusion.

The company issued a news release Tuesday focused on an explosive leaked email obtained by Consumers’ Research that revealed State Farm urged its Florida insurance agents to donate radical books celebrating gender ideology that target children as young as age five.

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Poll: 64 Percent of Americans Say Being Transgender Not Healthy, 72 Percent Oppose Teaching Sexual Identity-Based Curriculum in Elementary School

A wide-ranging poll on the issues surrounding gender ideology and sexual identity has found nearly two-thirds of Americans believe transgenderism is not healthy, while 72 percent say schools should not teach elementary school-age children about sexual identity and sexual behavior.

Summit Ministries, which provides education and curriculum resources that promote a biblical worldview, and renowned polling firm McLaughlin and Associates released results of the national poll Tuesday, one that surveyed 1,000 likely general election voters nationwide between April 22-26.

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JD Vance Wins GOP Senate Primary, Mike DeWine Wins GOP Gubernatorial Primary

In what was called the first big test of former President Donald Trump’s political influence, J.D. Vance rode his late endorsement to a U.S. Senate primary win in Ohio on Tuesday.

Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy, received the former president’s endorsement in late April and was the projected winner by The Associated Press over a large field that included businessman Mike Gibbons, State Sen. Matt Dolan, former State Treasurer Josh Mandel and former head of the state GOP Jane Timken.

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SCOTUS Authenticates Leaked Document, Orders Investigation

A message from the Public Information Office of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) says a report in German-owned Politico containing a leaked draft of the Court’s opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade is authentic.

“Yesterday, a news organization published an opinion in a pending case,” said the statement from the Court. “Justices circulate draft opinions internally as a routine and essential part of the Court’s confidential deliberative work. Although the document described in yesterday’s reports is authentic, it does not represent a decision by the Court or the final position on the issues of the case.”

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Biden: Women Have a ‘Fundamental’ Right to an Abortion

President Joe Biden on Tuesday called a woman’s right to abortion “fundamental” after a draft of a U.S. Supreme Court opinion leaked to Politico indicates a majority of justices will rule to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“I believe that a woman’s right to choose is fundamental,” Biden said in a statement. “Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned.”

The 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade established abortion as a constitutional right.

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Probable Cause Found in Blystone Financial-Reporting Probe; Election Commission Books Expedited Hearing One Day Before Election

Joe Blystone

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio Elections Commission (OEC) found probable cause to further investigate and decide two complaints filed against Ohio Republican gubernatorial candidate Joe Blystone’s campaign and booked a full-panel hearing for May 2, one day before the primary election.

Thursday, a Probable Cause panel comprised of commissioners D. Michael Crites (R), Charleta B. Tavares (D) and Ernest C. Knight (I) voted unanimously on an expedited investigation into cases that allege the Canal Winchester farmer and restauranteur improperly reported campaign contributions and expenditures and spent campaign funds for personal use.

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Texas Mask Mandate Repeal Case Attorney Welcomes Florida Judge’s Ruling

Neil W. McCabe, the national political editor of The Star News Network, interviewed Robert Henneke, the executive director and general counsel of The Texas Public Policy Foundation, about Florida federal Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle’s Oct. 18, 2022 ruling that overturned the Centers for Disease Control’s mask mandate for air travelers and public transportation passengers.

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Greitens: Karl Rove Exploits Our Family’s Pain to Block My Senate Run

Neil W. McCabe, the national political editor of The Star News Network, interviewed Missouri GOP Senate hopeful Eric Greitens about Karl Rove’s role in his ex-wife’s accusations against him.

Greitens, a Navy SEAL combat veteran and former Missouri, said told The Star News Network, his ex-wife has admitted that she wrote her statements off a draft by Rove and that her accusations have been disproven.

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Lawmakers Demand Attorney General Merrick Garland ‘Conduct Comprehensive Investigation’ into Deaths of Five Late-Term Babies Aborted in Washington, DC

House Pro-Life Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) led 69 members of Congress in a letter Friday that calls on Attorney General Merrick Garland to “conduct a comprehensive investigation” into the deaths of five late-term babies, apparently aborted in Washington, DC, to determine whether federal crimes were committed by the abortionist.

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