Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition Slams ICE for ‘Traumatizing’ Community


In response to this week’s ICE incident in Nashville, members of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition released a statement describing the federal law enforcement agency as brutal and deadly.

“Beyond the physical and, in this case, near deadly violence, ICE agents are wielding in the enforcement of civil immigration law, they are creating a climate of immense fear that is terrorizing and traumatizing the entire community,” TIRRC members said in their statement.

In their statement, TIRRC said “ICE makes our community less safe.”

“The ICE agent who fired the gunshots should be held accountable for his excessive and unreasonable use of force,” said TIRRC Legal Director Mary Kathryn Harcombe, in the official statement.

“The shooting yesterday is not the first time the brutality of immigration enforcement in Tennessee has been exposed.”

As The Tennessee Star reported last week, the FBI is investigating the potential assault of a federal agent after an alleged fugitive hit an ICE officer with a vehicle in Antioch, outside Nashville.

According to Time, “the driver started to drive in the direction of one of the agents after they identified themselves as ICE.”

The ICE officer then opened fire.

“ICE’s Office of Professional Responsibility, which looks into all officer-involved shootings involving ICE, is also investigating,” CNN reported.

According to the Nashville-based News Channel 5, the man is a 39-year-old from Mexico who was previously deported.

The alleged illegal alien later surrendered to the FBI.

As The Star reported, TIRRC members put out a manifesto in May describing how they want Metro Nashville officials to treat illegal immigrants. The manifesto demands taxpayers subsidize new programs to protect them from deportation.

This document, titled, Beyond Welcoming: A Platform for Immigrant Inclusion for the Next Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, also disparages ICE agents as persecutors who set out to destroy immigrant families.

You can download the full document here.

The TIRRC document focused on community organizing activities to put political pressure on state and local officials.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo by TIRRC. 






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6 Thoughts to “Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition Slams ICE for ‘Traumatizing’ Community”

  1. Jim Goatman

    That’s because ICE sucks ass on a biblical level

  2. Pissed Off Nashvillian

    I’m traumatized by the IRS every April 15th! Where’s my compassion?

  3. John R

    Legal immigrants and refugees have nothing to fear from ICE

  4. Wolf Woman

    “TIRRC said “ICE makes our community less safe.” And whose community is TIRRC talking about? Metro Nashville? Or the illegal alien community? How much does George Sosos and the progressive party pay you, TIRRC, to organize people who shouldn’t be here to attack and belittle government agencies tasked with keeping our country secure?

    TIRRC and people who aren’t citizens of the U.S. are offended by our rule of law. Well, I am offended at TIRRC’s cultural appropriation of this southern city. They seem to have no feelings for the native residents who work hard, obey the law, and pay our to their pockets to provide entitlements to these illegal invaders. Getting rid of criminals who rape, murder, rob and assault us makes for a safer city, not defending and putting law breakers above law-abiding tax payers.

  5. Melva

    Your dreams may not be illegal but YOU ARE!

  6. Rick

    Do not break the law and you will not have to worry.
