It’s Time to Take Care of Our Own Health

Tennessee Star

   Health care “reform” is once again in the news. And while I am happy to see any increase in our choices as citizens and consumers, the conversation is still about other people – politicians – deciding the future of our health care. This is the wrong emphasis. Most Americans want to see those who have special situations get the care they need. And I think that most want as much personal freedom as possible, allowing them to make their own health care choices. Accomplishing both these goals should not be a difficult chore. Meanwhile, I’ve been thinking about what I’d personally like to see more of in health care plans: An increased emphasis on help to get or remain healthy. For instance, gym membership and fitness class discounts (such as done by the SilverSneakers program for senior citizens), and affordable access to blood work, nutritionists, personal trainers and other specialists. Trainers can guide clients through targeted 12-week sessions covering weight and fat loss, lean muscle mass retention and gain, strength and mobility training, etc. Plans such as these will be more popular as the public demands them. I also want to see more freedom to choose in the marketplace, just as…

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Jeff Sessions Confirms Federal Government Sending Investigators to Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday that the federal government is stepping in to help lower the dangerous murder rate in Chicago. “This is good. We’ve been supporting that. We’re sending in additional gun investigators. We’ve directed our U.S. attorneys to prosecute these gun cases aggressively. The police have been demoralized in many ways. They’re not…

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Iran, the World’s Top Terror Sponsor, Is Upset With Trump’s Travel Ban

Iran, the world’s top terror sponsor, denounced President Donald Trump’s travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries Friday, calling it a “shameful exhibition.” “US now bans Iranian grandmothers from seeing their grandchildren, in a truly shameful exhibition of blind hostility to all Iranians,” said Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in a Twitter post Friday. Trump’s travel ban went…

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Game On: Judd Matheny Announces Candidacy for Congress in Sixth District Whether Diane Black Runs for Governor or Not

  State Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) made a bold political move on Friday, formally announcing his candidacy for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee currently represented by Congressman Diane Black in an interview with WMSR radio in Manchester. Matheny made it clear he’s in it to win it, whether Black runs for governor, as many expect she will, or not. The State Representative from Coffee County’s announcement comes less than three weeks after he told The Tennessee Star “I’m 100 percent in the race for Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District. I’m not making a formal announcement until Diane Black announces for governor.” A veteran of the Tennessee Army National Guard as well as local and state law enforcement who has served in the Tennessee House of Representatives since 2002, Matheny “has been one of Tennessee’s most consistently conservative legislators and activists,” his announcement said: He has a perfect record protecting the unborn and our Second Amendment. Judd opposes illegal immigration and was just recently responsible for leading the successful fight to stop Nashville City Council ‘s attempt to become a sanctuary city. During the forced attempt to implement Common Core by establishment Republicans, Matheny orchestrated a maneuver to stop the initiative…

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Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk To Launch Controversial Restorative Justice Program

  Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk is planning to start a restorative justice pilot program using practices that are lauded by some but criticized by others who say they downplay wrongdoing. The program would start in juvenile courts but could be expanded to the adult system if it’s successful, reports WKRN News 2. In restorative justice programs, offenders meet with their victims as a way of taking accountability and to show remorse, and to help victims heal. In Davidson County, cases would be sent to a diversion program run by a nonprofit, which has yet to be found. Teens charged with vehicle thefts, home burglaries and nonviolent crime would be eligible to participate if the victim agrees. “What has to happen is the offender has to accept responsibility,” Funk told WKRN. “They have to admit to what they did, they have to meet with the victim, they find out what they need to do to make the victim whole, and then they have to take concrete steps to try to make the victim whole.” Restorative justice programs have been around for decades, but have become more popular in recent years in criminal justice systems and in public schools. Nashville Mayor Megan…

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Commentary: Democrats Cannot Be Trusted With Classified Intelligence

George Rasley, Editor Democrats have a long history of abusing classified intelligence, leaking and in some cases giving it to our enemies. In the modern era, you can start with the fellow travelers like Alger Hiss and draw a straight line to Rep. Ron Dellums giving classified material to the Communist rulers of Grenada, to the intelligence leaks to discredit President Trump coming from former Obama White House and national security officials. In each case Democrats were given access to highly classified intelligence and used it to undermine the legitimate government of the United States. A lot of people call that treason, but to Democrats it is just politics as usual. Our friend Fred Fleitz, Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs at the Center for Security Policy, pointed out how damaging this leaking of classified material is and who is ultimately responsible for it in a recent interview with Liz Wheeler of One America News: Obama’s senior aides are behind these leaks or know who the leakers are. These leakers were brought in and vetted for high level clearances by the Obama administration. Mr. Obama therefore bears responsibility for their leaks against the Trump administration which are becoming…

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Knox County Sheriff’s Office Now Part of 287(g) Program to Strengthen Immigration Enforcement

The Knox County Sheriff’s Office has formally entered into an agreement with federal immigration officials that will allow deputies to perform some of the duties of immigration officers after undergoing training. The agreement is part of the 287(g) program, which is strongly opposed by activist groups such as the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC). Knox County is the only agency in Tennessee currently participating in the program, which was authorized by a 1996 federal statute. President Trump supports the program and has revived it after it was scaled back under former President Obama. The number of participating agencies has been growing. Currently, 45 law enforcement agencies in 18 states are involved. Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones signed the Knox County agreement June 13 and an official with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) signed June 15. The agreement is good through June 2019. Acting on a request from ICE, Jones had asked for, and received, letters of recommendation from Sens. Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker and Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. After completing their training, deputies in Knox County chosen for the program will have the delegated authority to interrogate suspected illegal immigrants detained by law enforcement, collect evidence and process paperwork. They…

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Pentagon: ‘Rookie’ ISIS Fighters Are Accidentally Blowing Themselves Up In Mosul

Inexperienced Islamic State fighters in the city of Mosul are accidentally blowing themselves up in preparation for combat, an Army spokesman told reporters Thursday. Army Col. Ryan Dillon, a spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve, said there is serious discord among the terror group’s last “few hundred” fighters left in Mosul. “We have reflections of serious internal…

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Incensed Californians Working to Recall State Assemblyman Who Supported Gas Tax Hike

Gas up the car

  Earlier this year, the Democrat super-majority in the California legislature passed a substantial gas tax hike. Though wildly unpopular with the relative few who took notice, Governor Jerry Brown signed it quickly, and put into motion an uptick in fuel costs to consumers estimated to raise a staggering $5 billion in new recurring revenues to help underwrite the Golden State’s bloated budget. Republicans, fueled by the outrage of every day Californians at the imminent tax increase, responded by launching a recall effort against newly-elected Assemblyman Josh Newman, whom they say was key to the passage of the tax hike. The Washington Free Beacon reports the effort, led by San Diego radio talker Carl DeMaio, is garnering vast support amongst California voters. The first step to recall a sitting elected official is to gather petitions signed by voters. The Beacon reports, “Republicans opposed to the most recent gas tax hike Newman backed submitted 84,988 signatures for the recall effort on Tuesday, nearly 20,000 more than the 63,592 the law requires.” DeMaio told The Beacon, “The overwhelming number of signatures we collected in just six weeks demonstrates a real rebellion is brewing in California against the out-of-control tax raisers in the state legislature.” He continued, “This recall…

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Congressman Jim Jordan Calls for Investigation of Comey, Lynch

Rep. Jim Jordan called Thursday for an investigation into government officials involved in the Russia investigation. Mr. Jordan, Ohio Republican and member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said on CNN that former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch should be looked into for calling the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails…

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Is NASA’s Mars Rover Getting Close To Artificial Intelligence?

Tennessee Star

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover uses extremely advanced software that allows it to independently locate individual rocks for study without human intervention, scientists working on the project told Wednesday. A software update called Autonomous Exploration for Gathering Increased Science (AEGIS) gave the Curiosity rover a degree of artificial intelligence, and is the first time artificial intelligence…

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Mark Green Wins Award From Tax Reform Group

Tennessee Star

  State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) has won an award from a tax reform group. “Tennessee Senator Mark Green, MD was honored for his ongoing work devoted to taxpayers via legislative and regulatory reforms by the Tax Foundation, an independent tax policy organization. The award presentation was made at the monthly meeting of the Center Right Coalition of TN meeting by Patrick Gleason of the Americans for Tax Reform (ATR),” Mark Green for Tennessee said in a statement released earlier this week: “My commitment to Tennesseans has not and will not change. A government should always look for ways to allow its citizens to keep more money in their family budget and not the State’s,” noted Green, physician and business owner. “The Hall Income Tax was bad policy that penalized both investors and those who saved.” Annually the Tax Foundation, a nonprofit, independent tax policy organization recognizes state leaders – legislators, governors and other officials – for the effective legislative and regulatory reforms that improve a state’s tax policy. The honoree, according to the group, must be noted as 1) outstanding, 2) achieved during the 2016 legislative calendar and 3) reform taxes to make simpler, more neutral, more transparent, more…

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La Raza Affiliate That Randy Boyd Gave $250,000 Is Holding Another Anti-Trump Event in Nashville

Tennessee Star

  Renata Soto, is the co-founder and director of Conexion Americas, a named partner affiliate of the National Council of La Raza (La Raza). In 2015, she was made Chairman of La Raza’s board and the following year, gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd donated $250,000 to her Nashville organization. Shortly after Trump was elected President, Soto announced that she would begin organizing against the new administration by starting an “Indivisible” chapter in Nashville. “I invite you to join INDIVISIBLE, a campaign bringing together concerned Americans who commit to protect the promise of an indivisible nation that celebrates the roots and possibilities of all its people,” Soto wrote in a December 2016 op-ed published in The Tennessean. On Friday, Soto will hold another ‘Indivisible’ event at the Conexion Americas building Casa Azafran.  Among the activities promoted at the event, attendees of all ages are invited to “RAISE YOUR VOICE Write postcards to our legislators supporting the principles of an INDIVISIBLE community.” Nashville Mayor Megan Barry’s early support for the ‘Indivisible’ campaign is no surprise given her own left-wing open borders, pro-illegal immigrant political philosophy. ‘Indivisible’ organizers are working to obstruct President Trump’s agenda for the nation including the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws. The Indivisible…

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Faith: Verse of the Day for Friday, June 30

Tennessee Star - Verse of the Day

  VERSE OF THE DAY Be blessed and be a blessing June 30, Friday Romans 6:20-21 For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. But what fruit were you getting at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

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State Representatives Who Spearheaded Effort to Stop Sanctuary City Ordinance ‘Look Forward to Working in Partnership with Nashville’

State Representatives Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma), Bryan Terry (R-Murfeesboro), and Sheila Butt (R-Columbia), who spearheaded the effort to obtain signatures of 63 members of the Tennessee House of Representatives on a letter expressing opposition to the proposed, now withdrawn, Metro Nashville sanctuary city ordinances, released a statement about that withdrawal on Thursday. “Yesterday, with the withdrawing of the proposed Nashville sanctuary city ordinances by Councilmen Mendes and Sledge, the voices of many Tennesseans were heard. The threat of Nashville becoming a sanctuary city or even a de facto sanctuary city for illegal immigrants who commit criminal offenses mobilized grassroots organizations and numerous citizens to stand in the gap for the safety and security of all Tennesseans and legal residents of the state including immigrants and refugees,” the statement began. “We would like to personally thank the individuals and organizations that advocated for their fellow Tennesseans by emailing and calling their elected officials including Metro Nashville Council Members. We are a government of, for, and by the people and public participation is the cornerstone of our republic,” the statement continued: Additionally, we would like to thank the Tennessee General Assembly for their overwhelming and decisive response to the pending legislation. There were…

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FOXNews Star Judge Jeanine Pirro to Speak at the 9th Annual T-Bones and Politics Event

Tennessee Star

  Former State Representative Joe Carr announced Thursday that FOXNews host Judge Jeanine Pirro will be the featured speaker at this year’s 9th Annual T-Bones & Politics fundraising event. This conservative political event will take place September 14 at The Shed in Lascassas, TN on September 14; tickets go on sale today. Those wishing to attend a private, pre-event reception with Judge Jeanine can also purchase those tickets on the website. This fundraiser benefits JoePAC, a political action committee focused on supporting and electing conservative candidates to the Tennessee General Assembly. Carr said, “T-Bones & Politics has provided some of the most dynamic and relevant political thinkers for nearly a decade and this year we’re raising the bar with FOXNews firebrand and legal scholar, Judge Jeanine Pirro! No one brings it like Judge Jeanine – with her insight, cutting wit and judicial expertise – you’ll be informed, inspired and ready to ‘Make America Great Again’.” Previous year’s speakers have included Former Bush White House Chief of Staff, Andrew Card, political insider and commentator Dick Morris, Wisconsin Governor and Presidential Candidate Scott Walker, former Tennessee Governor Winfield Dunn, former Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey, and nationally syndicated radio talk show hosts, The Politichicks. “Come on out and enjoy the fellowship…

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President Trump Meets with Victims of Crimes by Illegal Immigrants on the Eve of ‘Kate’s Law,’ ‘No Sanctuary for Criminals Act’ Votes

Tennessee Star

  President Trump met with several immigration crime victims Wednesday, on the eve of two major floor votes for bills designed to strengthen punishments for criminal illegal immigrants. “Thank you very much for being here to discuss two crucial votes taking place in Congress tomorrow on vital safety and national security legislation,” President Trump said. “We’re joined by the Chairman of the House Judiciary, Bob Goodlatte, a friend of mine for a long time,” President Trump said.  “Bob is one of the most skilled legislators in Congress, and he’s worked with law enforcement to write a series of critical immigration bills that will close the dangerous loopholes exploited by criminals, gang members, drug dealers, killers, terrorists. ” The first of the two votes is for ‘Kate’s Law’ (HR 3004), named for the tragic murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco. The prime suspect, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez had been deported five times before with seven felony convictions. If passed, ‘Kate’s Law’ will increase the penalties that may be imposed on criminal aliens convicted of illegal reentry. The second vote is for the ‘No Sanctuary for Criminals Act’ (HR 3004) which is designed to cut off funding for cities and localities that violate federal immigration law in order…

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President Trump Accepts Invitation to Attend Bastille Day in Paris Next Month

Tennessee Star

President Donald Trump will attend Bastille Day celebrations in Paris on July 14, according to a statement from the White House. Trump accepted the invitation from French president Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday and “looks forward to reaffirming America’s strong ties of friendship with France.” The two leaders spoke by phone on Tuesday, when Macron offered the…

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Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch Has Democrats In Meltdown Less Than 80 Days Into His Life Tenure

Tennessee Star

Senate Democrats savaged Justice Neil Gorsuch’s early performance on the Supreme Court, as his first rulings evince an important shift in the balance of power on the high court. Three Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee gave grave assessments of the junior justice’s first months on the bench to Politico, lamenting that he has proved a…

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Bob Woodward Chides New York Times, Mainstream Media: ‘Fair Mindedness is Essential’

Famed investigative journalist Bob Woodward criticized the media’s open bias toward President Trump on Tuesday in remarks following a screening of “All The President’s Men” in Washington, D.C. [dcquiz] Woodward, the reporter who broke the Nixon Watergate scandal the media now loves to compare to the Trump administration, said it’s crucial the press retain the trust…

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Italy Threatens to Block Ships Carrying Migrants

Italian officials say their government has told the European Commission in Brussels it is considering stopping ships that are not Italian-registered from disembarking at its ports migrants who were rescued while trying to cross the Mediterranean from Libya. The dramatic move comes after nearly 11,000 asylum-seekers and economic migrants, mainly from African nations, arrived on Italian…

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Commentary by Victor Davis Hanson: Liberal Plots to Remove Trump Are Backfiring

Tennessee Star

The progressive strategy of investigating President Trump nonstop for Russian collusion or obstruction of justice or witness tampering so far has produced no substantial evidence of wrongdoing. The alternate strategy of derailing the new administration before it really gets started hasn’t succeeded, either, despite serial efforts to sue over election results, alter the Electoral College vote,…

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Soros Open Borders Progressives Working to Turn ‘Welcoming Nashville’ into Safe Zone for Illegal Aliens

  This week, talking points on BL2017-739  were provided to Metro Nashville Council members so they could explain to constituents why they support an ordinance that would effectively convert Nashville’s “welcoming city” into a legally recognized sanctuary city. The talking points were written by Soros funded organizations that work to shield illegal aliens from deportation. Councilman Mina Johnson who is a co-sponsor of the ordinance says “[she] would like to call [the ordinance] “Nashville Together” or  the “Family Friendly City Bill” because it will: give immigrant families peace of mind that their families will not be separated so long as they continue to live their lives abiding by the law. This ordinance will make Nashville a truly warm and welcoming city and a safe place for all to live. The TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) assisted in drafting the ordinance and along with the San Francisco – based Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC), also helped draft the talking points being circulated by Metro Council members. Both TIRRC and the ILRC are recipients of funding from the George Soros Open Society Foundations and the Soros front group Neo Philanthropy. The Soros funded Open Society Foundations grants help support “organizations that promote open borders,…

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Gubernatorial Candidate Mae Beavers: UT-Knoxville ‘Disengenuous’ Regarding Decison to Reinstate Pride Center

Tennessee Star

Conservative Republican gubernatorial candidate State Senator Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet) says the Chancellor of the University of Tennessee – Knoxville, Beverly Davenport, and her team are being “disingenuous” concerning the announced plans to use taxpayer funds that previously supported the University’s Diversity Office to reinstate the campus LGBT Pride Center and hire a full time Director. “The Chancellor has made it clear that, at the very least, she will use state funds to hire a full time Director of the LGBT Pride Center and a few other staffers. Quibbling over whether they have announced details concerning spending the balance of the funds doesn’t change the fact that the agenda of the Diversity Office is being restored regardless of how UT spins it. Perhaps they should call it the Duplicity Office instead of the Diversity Office,” Beavers said on Wednesday of Chancellor Davenport’s announcement. “This is how I feel and how I will continue to invest (in UT Knoxville): My responsibility is to ensure all our students are welcomed, that they are safe and that we continue to invest in ensuring that our students succeed,” Davenport told the Knoxville News Sentinel on June 22. “I’ve looked at those monies and we…

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Rep. Jerry Sexton Calls The Tax Cuts of The IMPROVE Act A Farce

TAZEWELL, Tennessee — At an Americans For Prosperity Town Hall Monday, Rep. Jerry Sexton (R-Bean Station) told the 30-plus people who turned out to thank him for his no vote on the IMPROVE Act that the tax cuts were a “farce,” if you do the math right. Sexton proved the point when only one person raised their hand as a payer of the F&E tax, no one raised their hand as a payer of the Hall Income Tax, and that the grocery tax savings of $2.88 were based on a family size of 4 when the actual average family size in Tennessee is 2.3. When asked, “What would it take for you to be for this bill,” Sexton said he responded that he wanted to vote for roads and infrastructure, but he wouldn’t vote to raise taxes in order to do it. The results of a poll Sexton commissioned in the three counties he covers revealed that 80 percent of respondents wanted roads improved, but 70 percent said no to a gas tax increase. Sexton signed on as a co-sponsor of the Hawk amendment, which used the sales tax from new and used vehicles, which Sexton said couldn’t get closer…

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Texas Congressman Mac Thornberry Looks to Increase Pentagon Budget to $640 Billion

From climate change to allowing women in the draft, lawmakers in the House tackled a series of controversial subjects as they pulled together their version of the Pentagon’s spending plan for the coming fiscal year. The marathon markup session Wednesday by the House Armed Services Committee is the first opportunity Congress has to make their legislative…

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Greenwald: Mainstream Media Driving ‘Really Dangerous’ Escalation in U.S.-Russian Tensions

Journalist and co-founder of The Intercept Glenn Greenwald said it is “a really dangerous thing” for the media and Democrats to “ratchet up tensions between Moscow and Washington” to push their narrative that President Donald Trump colluded with Russian election interference, during an interview Wednesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.” Greenwald accused the mainstream media of…

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Councilman Bob Mendes Blames People Outside Nashville For Foiling ‘Sanctuary City’ Bills, Vows To Find Other Ways To Accomplish Goals

Tennessee Star

  NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Metro Councilman Bob Mendes is blaming opposition from people outside Davidson County for thwarting two “sanctuary city” bills, saying the proposed legislation had broad support among Nashvillians. “Inside the county, the support has been overwhelming for these bills,” he said at a press conference Wednesday, where he announced he will withdraw the bills because of growing opposition and a legal opinion issued Monday by Metro’s lead attorney that presented obstacles. Mendes said the bills had become “a political football” among candidates for office, specifically mentioning the Republican primary for next year’s gubernatorial election. All of the announced and anticipated candidates spoke out against the bills. The opposition became so fierce, with many state legislators opposed and also a budding grassroots movement, that Mendes’ claim of broad support within Davidson County is likely debatable. Mendes and other supporters vowed Wednesday to find non-legislative ways to achieve the same ends. “Our goals are unchanged,” he said. Those goals are at odds with the direction many in the country and across Tennessee want to take with the challenges posed by illegal immigration, leaving Mendes and his like-minded colleagues isolated in Nashville’s liberal enclaves. President Trump, whose tough talk helped…

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Elizabeth Warren Slams Obama’s Healthcare as Not Liberal Enough

Elizabeth Warren

Rep. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) criticized former President Obama’s model for healthcare while promoting a progressive agenda towards single-payer health care. She said the Affordable Healthcare Act, also known as Obamacare, was based on a model of healthcare taken from a conservative playbook and that Democrats should campaign on a platform for Medicare-for-all. “President Obama tried to…

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Lead Sponsors Withdraw Metro Nashville Council ‘Sanctuary City’ Bills

Metro Nashville Council members Bob Mendes and Colby Sledge announced at a press conference held Wednesday afternoon on the steps of the Nashville Courthouse they are withdrawing the two controversial “sanctuary city” ordinances they introduced as sponsors earlier this year. Standing in front of about a dozen supporters of the ordinances from the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugees Rights Coaliton (TIRCC), some carrying signs that said “Stand Up to Hate,” Mendes said he and Sledge were withdrawing both ordinances. One ordinance had already passed two of its required three readings and was scheduled for a vote on a third and final reading at the next Metro Council meeting scheduled for July 6. Mendes told the local media outlets present at the press conference that the ordinance could not be amended prior to the third reading, and therefore would be withdrawn. The second ordinance scheduled for a vote in August will also be withdrawn. The need for an amendment became apparent when Metro Director of Law Jon Cooper issued a legal opinion on Monday saying the ordinances were “not enforceable,” and Mayor Barry on Tuesday asked the Metro Council to “reconsider” the ordinances. Mendes did not indicate whether he and Sledge would…

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Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett Rules Out Run for Governor, Sets Sights on U.S. Senate or House of Representatives

Tennessee Star

  Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett says he will “either run for Senate or US Congress,” WBIR reports. The announcement puts incumbents Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) and Representative Jimmy Duncan (TN-02) on notice for a challenge by a fellow Republican. A recent Tennessee Star/Triton poll found Burchett’s chances for a successful bid for the US Senate may be good, due to Tennessee voters’ collapse in confidence of Senator Corker. WBIR quoted Burchett Tuesday, saying that although the Governorship never really interested him, “I think that I need to run for one of those seats [Senate or House]. We’ll be making a decision shortly.” The Star reported Monday Burchett’s promise that he would “be on the ballot” in 2018. Voters first met Tim Burchett in the 1994 when he ran to represent the people of Knoxville in the 19th State House District and won. After two terms, he ran for and won the State Senate District 9, serving three, four-year terms. With 16 years of service in the General Assembly, in 2010 Burchett ran for and won his election for Knox County Mayor. After eight years, he is termed out. While Burchett is exploring his future prospects, a spate of candidates are stepping up to run for the open office. WBIR reports:…

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Tennessee State Library And Archives To Host Presentation On Korean War Photos

The Tennessee State Library and Archives will host a free presentation July 22 on a collection of photographs from the Korean War. The event will feature the photos of David Franklin Brock, who left his home in Van Buren County in 1952 for combat engineer training and then a stint in the 2nd Infantry Division in the area of the Iron Triangle and the 28th parallel in Korea. His photos document his time in Korea and his visits home. Darla Brock, the library’s manuscripts archivist and Brock’s daughter, will present her father’s photos and discuss the history of the war. “The David Franklin Brock photo collection allows us to see history from Mr. Brock’s unique viewpoint,” said Secretary of State Tre Hargett in a press release. “These photographs of the Korean War era will serve as a valuable resource for generations of Tennesseans.” People interested in attending are encouraged to register as soon as possible because of limited seating. The presentation will run from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the library auditorium. The building is at 403 Seventh Ave. North in downtown Nashville, directly west of the Capitol, and has free parking. To reserve seats, visit The Brock collection…

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South Dakota Senator John Thune Disputes Claims Donald Trump Isn’t Involved in Health Care Talks

Sen. John Thune said Wednesday that President Trump is involved in the health care talks, despite reports that he’s actually removed from the negotiations. “The president has been very involved. He’s engaged with individual members that have specific concerns they want addressed. He’s engaged in our entire conference as you saw yesterday. He had all Republicans…

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Media Obsession: 55 Percent of Broadcast News Coverage of Trump Centered on Russia Probe

“How much has the media’s obsession with the ongoing Russia investigation smothered the rest of the Trump policy agenda? A Media Research Center study of every broadcast network evening newscast in the five weeks since the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller on May 17 found a whopping 353 minutes of airtime devoted to the Russia…

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Arkansas Man Arrested For Destroying Ten Commandments Monument At State Capitol

An Arkansas man has been arrested for plowing a vehicle into the Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of the State Capitol in Little Rock less than a day after it was installed. Michael Reed of Van Buren is accused of destroying the moment around 5:15 a.m. Wednesday, according to Fox 16 News. He posted a video on his Facebook page depicting the incident and featuring only one word: “Freedom.” The 32-year-old was arrested in 2014 for driving into a Ten Commandments monument at the Oklahoma Capitol. Reed told authorities that Satan made him crash his car into the statue, and that he was bipolar and had been off his medication. He was ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. The Arkansas monument was installed on Tuesday, having gone through a final stage of approval last month. The approval by the Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission was largely a formality because the Arkansas General Assembly had passed legislation in 2015 allowing for the privately-funded monument. The display has been a source of controversy and the American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas has threatened to sue. Earlier this year, state lawmakers blocked a proposal for a Baphomet statue pushed by the Satanic Temple as a response…

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Tammy Bruce Commentary: Liberals Ignore Violence Against Conservatives

Two weeks ago, a deranged gunman, nourished on leftist hate and rage against conservatives, went to a baseball field with the intent of assassinating Republican congressmen. That same morning, this column was unfortunately prescient in focusing on the imagery of violence against President Trump, and how “the liberal loathing of the president has entered the realm…

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Lindsey Graham Demands to Know if He Was Unmasked; Intelligence Officials Demur

Officials from the Justice Department, FBI and National Security Agency refused to tell a GOP senator and former 2016 presidential candidate whether his conversations with a foreign leader abroad had been incidentally collected and unmasked during a hearing Tuesday about the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, probed national security and intelligence…

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GOP Senator: Mueller’s Hiring Spree ‘Tainted’ Russia Probe

Tennessee Star

Sen. James Risch (R-Idaho) said that special counsel Robert Mueller’s hiring spree that included Democratic donors and an attorney who represented Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is “troubling” and has “tainted” the integrity of the entire probe, during an interview Tuesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.” Risch, a former attorney and a member of the Senate…

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Metro Council Ordinance Will Protect Illegal Aliens Who Violate State Law by Driving Without a License

Metro Nashville Legal Director confirmed today that the proposed sanctuary city ordinance BL2017-739 cannot stop the sheriff from turning illegal aliens over to ICE after they’ve been arrested. However, for illegal aliens living in Nashville who open borders advocates claim are forced to break Tennessee’s driver licensing law, the ordinance could help keep them out of deportation proceedings. The proposed Metro Nashville ordinance prohibits the collection of immigration status information by any “department, board, commission, officer, or employee of the metropolitan government of Nashville and Davidson County, including law enforcement officers,” unless required by federal or state law or by court order. The Metro Nashville ordinance closely tracks Seattle’s municipal code prohibition currently being tested with the city suing to challenge the President’s Executive Order that takes on sanctuary cities. If no immigration status information is collected, then Metro Nashville will be in compliance with the federal law governing communication exchanges “regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.” That is, unless the Tennessee General Assembly chooses to try and pass an Arizona type “show me your papers” law or simply bar local prohibitions on information collection as a way to ensure compliance with the “broader cooperative scheme between…

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Randy Boyd: ‘If I’m Elected Governor, I Will Work to Make Sure There Are No Sanctuary Cities in Tennessee’

Tennessee Star

Gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd posted on his campaign’s Facebook page late Tuesday evening that he is opposed to sanctuary cities, and urged residents of Davidson County to tell their Metro Council members to oppose the proposed sanctuary city ordinace. “Sanctuary Cities are illegal,” Boyd’s post began. “Washington has made a complete mess of our immigration system. But here in Tennessee, we will follow the law and must say NO to illegal immigration and Sanctuary Cities,” Boyd said. “I encourage everyone in Metro Nashville/Davidson County to quickly contact their Metro Council members and encourage them to strongly oppose these Metro ordinances that would ignore the law. If I’m elected Governor, I will work to make sure there are no Sanctuary Cities in Tennessee on my watch, ” Boyd concluded. Later on Tuesday evening, Boyd released a slightly longer version of his Facebook post as a statement on his campaign website, which included an extra sentence in which he “commend[ed] our state’s legislative leaders for speaking out.”: Nashville, Tenn. – Randy Boyd, Republican candidate for Governor, released the following statement today regarding proposed Metro Council ordinances and current Sanctuary City debate in Nashville: “Sanctuary Cities are illegal. Washington has made a complete…

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