Meet the Martian Hopefuls: Elon Musk and All the Others Trying to Get to Mars

Ready set go. Elon Musk still really wants to put people in a canister, set off a controlled explosion beneath them, and shoot them out of the Earth’s atmosphere towards a barren, airless piece of rock—preferably one 33 million miles away. On Friday at the International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide, Australia, Musk announced an updated version…

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Genetically Engineered Bacteria Spread by Mosquitos’ Breeding Could Eradicate Malaria

Scientists spent ten years developing the special bug. The mosquito micro biome influences what parasites take hold. The mosquito is a delicate insect, with spindly legs and a graceful proboscis. The parasitic, single-celled organisms that spread malaria are even smaller and more fragile, and scientists are trying their hardest to remove them from the planet.…

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A Brief History of North Korean Diplomatic Name Calling

Tennessee Star

by George Rasley, CHQ Editor   The Leftwing media and the failed DC foreign policy establishment have been having a meltdown over President Trump’s reference to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un as “Rocket Man,” and have spent the past two days suggesting that giving Kim a demeaning nickname is somehow indicative of a lack of diplomatic acumen, or maybe even mental imbalance, on Trump’s part. Former Secretary of State John Kerry said President Donald Trump’s United Nations speech may have put America in isolation and danger. Appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show Wednesday, Kerry criticized Trump’s harsh rhetoric against North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Kerry said, “You have to ask yourself: Is America safer because of ‘rocket man?” He was referring to Trump’s characterization of Kim. Kerry said that kind of harsh language will make it harder for the United States to engage in diplomacy on North Korea and other international issues. Kerry seems to have forgotten that back in 2014 the North Koreans once referred to him as, “A wolf with a hideous lantern jaw,” and also described Kerry as a “wolf donning the mask of sheep.” The trigger for these insults was then-Secretary of State Kerry’s statement…

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Six Apps to Add Blockbuster Special Effects to Your Smartphone Videos

And…action! Add professional effects by simply tapping your phone’s screen. David Nield/Popular Science The smartphone revolution hasn’t just put a video camera in your pocket. It’s given you a whole movie-making studio in one compact package. With the right apps, you can add special effects and filters that the Hollywood experts would be proud of—and you…

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Trump’s November Asia Trip to Include First China Visit

U.S. President Donald Trump will embark on a trip to Asia in November with the goal of garnering global support against the North Korean threat, while attending regional summits and discussing trade, the White House announced Friday. “The president’s engagements will strengthen the international resolve to confront the North Korean threat and ensure the complete, verifiable,…

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First Lady Melania Trump Isn’t Happy An Elementary School Rejected Her ‘Racist’ Dr. Seuss Books

First Lady Melania Trump slammed an elementary school librarian’s rejection of so-called “racist” Dr. Seuss books gifted by the first lady to the school. Trump responded to Liz Phipps Soeiro, a school librarian at Cambridgeport Elementary School in Massachusetts, who rejected 10 Dr. Seuss books from the first lady in a Wednesday letter, reported Fox News.…

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Women Share Struggles at Worship Event in Thompson’s Station Friday to Inspire Others

THOMPSON’S STATION, Tennessee — Tammy Daniel believes in the power of story. The Christian author, speaker and worship leader is open about the struggles in her life, and has launched a ministry giving women a platform to share their own stories to help and inspire others. A handful of women spoke of their journeys Friday evening at Thompson Station Church, where Daniel’s ministry held a “Women’s Night of Worship.” Around 100 people attended the event to pray, sing praise songs and listen to painful stories of abuse, infertility, health problems and disabilities, relationship challenges and self-destructive choices. A common chord running through all the stories was that God offers hope and redemption. “You are not too broken,” said Ginny Priz. “There is nothing you can do that God can’t redeem.” Priz co-hosts an inspirational TV show called “Bloom Today” that airs on WHTN/CTN, and has written a book called Ditch the Drama. Born without a full right arm, which requires her to wear a prosthetic, Priz has also struggled with coming to terms with her Christian faith. She spoke Friday of reckless and wrong behaviors she engaged in before accepting that following God means walking a path of obedience. Michelle Moore, a…

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Domenic Sarno, Dem Mayor of Dr. Seuss’ Hometown, Slams Librarian for Trump Snub

The Democratic mayor of Dr. Seuss’ hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts, slammed an elementary school librarian who publicly rejected first lady Melania’s Trump’s book donation, calling the rejection “political correctness at its worst.” Mayor Domenic Sarno on Thursday offered to take the books instead and invited President Trump and his wife to visit the Dr. Seuss museum,…

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Texas Supreme Court Judge Don Willett Nominated to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Outspoken conservative and Texas’ official Tweeter Laureate Justice Don Willett was nominated to the join the federal bench as a Circuit Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit by the Trump Administration, the White House announced Thursday. Upon hearing the nomination was made public, Judge Willett took to Twitter to let his 101,000 followers know: No words. I am honored & humbled by @POTUS's nomination to the 5th Circuit. Thank you, Mr. President—also Senators @JohnCornyn & @TedCruz. — Judge Don Willett (@JusticeWillett) September 29, 2017 “For over a decade on the Texas Supreme Court, Don Willett has proven himself to be a jurist of the highest order,” Ted Cruz said in a statement lauding the Administration’s decision. “His service on the court was simply one more step in a career of public service, from the Texas Governor Office, to the White House, to the Department of Justice, to the Texas Attorney General’s office. Every step along the way, Justice Willett has stood out as man of intellect and principle, and I am excited to see what he will accomplish on the Fifth Circuit.” Justice Don Willett was appointed to the Texas Supreme Court by Governor Perry in…

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Sudanese Refugee Who Allegedly Murdered Woman at Antioch TN Church Motivated by Revenge for Shootings at Black Church

A black man who opened fire at a Sunday church service in Tennessee left a note that referenced retaliation for a white supremacist’s shooting massacre at a black church in South Carolina, the Associated Press reports. (more) Credit: Metropolitan Nashville Police Department Investigators found the note in the car of 25-year-old Emanuel Kidega Samson, who opened…

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Faith: Verse of the Day for Saturday, September 30

Tennessee Star - Verse of the Day

  VERSE OF THE DAY Be blessed and be a blessing September 30, Saturday Proverbs 14:4-6 Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox come abundant harvests. 5 An honest witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies. 6 The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning. Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

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