Report: Rick Pitino Expects Louisville to Fire Him Due to FBI Investigation of Fraud and Corruption in NCAA Basketball

Rick Pitino reportedly informed his assistant coaches and basketball staff that he expects to be fired as head coach at Louisville. Pitino, according to ESPN and Yahoo Sports, said in a statement he was not aware of the fraud and corruption charges that brought the FBI to the campus as part of a national probe launched…

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Latinos For Tennessee Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month, Focuses On American Identity

Tennessee Star

When Montgomery County Commissioner Tommy Vallejos was first elected to the commission in 2010, he said his race was not an issue. The statement he gave at the time was featured in a press release from Latinos For Tennessee this week, part of a series of news releases from the conservative political action group celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Vallejos serves as the group’s board chairman and also is a pastor. “My race or ethnicity never came up, nor was an issue,” said Vallejos after winning his county commission seat. “Still I am proud to be the first Latino to be elected as a county commissioner in Montgomery County. I believe the likelihood of more Hispanic men and women being elected to office is possible because we are are all Americans and should dream and dream big. So many politicians are using Latinos as political piñatas. I never allowed that to be a determining factor in my decision to run for office.” The press release also included a short video featuring Vallejos produced by the 917 Society, a Nashville area nonprofit that promotes the U.S. Constitution. In the video, Vallejos talks about growing up in New Mexico surrounded by gang violence. “My out…

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Letter to the Editor: NFL Athletes Have a Right to Protest, I Have a Right to Never Watch the NFL Again

Tennessee Star

Dear Tennessee Star, I spent ten years serving this nation in uniform. My dad served four years when he was young. My son retired from the Air Force, serving honorably with multiple tours in the Middle East. I have friends who made careers serving in the military. One in particular served over thirty years earning several medals, including three purple hearts and the Bronze Star. Another friend served 28 years, and lost her husband in combat while he served in Afghanistan. Other friends served in WWII, saving the world from fascism. Some came home maimed while others buried their friends on foreign soil. Back in the ’60’s, soldiers returned from Vietnam only to be met by protesters who berated and spat on them. While the protesters were protected by the First Amendment, their actions were deplorable. As far as I’m concerned, professional athletes who refuse to stand for our National Anthem not only disrespect our flag, they are figuratively spitting on every man and woman who served this nation in uniform. Athletes play their sport because they’re talented. We served our country because of our principles: Duty, Honor, Country. I’m a strong advocate for the Constitution. I’m a firm believer…

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John Rose Steps Up Campaign to Represent Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District

John Rose is ramping up his campaign for Congress. The DeKalb County Republican, who announced last month that he is running for U.S. Rep. Diane Black’s seat in the 6th Congressional District, held a campaign kick-off Saturday in Carthage, where he was endorsed by Smith County Mayor Michael Nesbitt. Campaign spokesman Braden Stover said 300 people attended. On Sunday, Rose released a statement on the national anthem protests in which he backed President Trump. “Our flag is a symbol we all hold dear, and it is important that we Americans honor it,” Rose said. “It is also important that we respect our men and women in uniform and recognize the sacrifice that they are making for all of us. There is too much division in our country, and our flag and national anthem should be symbols that unite us, not divide us.” On Monday, Rose attended an Upper Cumberland Young Life banquet in Cookeville, noting on his Facebook page that he was “encouraged to see young people pursuing Christ in their lives.” Black is giving up her seat to run for governor. State Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) is also in the race for the Republican nomination. Rose is a small business…

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Peyton Manning Has No Interest in Running for Any Elected Office in 2018

Tennessee Star

  As Tennessee potentates, politicos, and possible politicians vie for the various elected offices up for grabs in 2018, one individual makes if clear he will not run for any office at all. In 2018. Nope. Not interested. Not even a little. We’re talking, of course, about Vol-for-Life Peyton Manning, who appeared on Nashville’s 3HL on 1045 The Zone Wednesday. When asked if he might have an interest in running for Bob Corker’s now-open seat, Manning replied: Peyton Manning said, “I certainly have an interest in politics and in our country. I just have zero interest in being a politician." — 3HL (@3HL1045) September 27, 2017 WATE reports: Corker announced Tuesday he would retire from the Senate and not seek re-election in 2018, sparking a large amount of buzz about who will run to fill his seat. Corker himself spoke Wednesday, saying while it was possible Manning would run for his seat, he didn’t think it was likely. “Is he going to run for this seat? I think the chances are low. Is there a chance down the road that he could be enticed to run for the United States Senate or something like this? I hope so. He’s the…

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Faith: Verse of the Day for Thursday, September 28

Tennessee Star - Verse of the Day

  VERSE OF THE DAY Be blessed and be a blessing September 28, Thursday Matthew 25:31-34 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.

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Tim Allen on ‘Last Man Standing’: ‘Nothing More Dangerous’ Than a ‘Likable Conservative Character’

Tim Allen suggested Tuesday during an appearance on “Norm Macdonald Live” that the abrupt cancellation of his hit ABC sitcom “Last Man Standing” had something to do with his character’s politics. Mr. Allen, a conservative comedian who portrayed the politically conservative father of three, Mike Baxter, said “there’s nothing more dangerous” in today’s political climate than…

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Grassroots Conservative Roy Moore Crushes Establishment Candidate in Alabama GOP Senate Runoff Win

Grassroots conservative champion Judge Roy Moore crushed establishment candidate Senator Luther Strange (R-AL) in Tuesday’s Alabama U.S. Senate runoff election by a whopping 54 percent to 45 percent margin, with 95 percent of all precincts reporting. The 9 point victory came for Moore despite being outspent by his opponent and his opponent’s allies by at least 6 to 1, as well as President Trump’s inexplicable endorsement of Strange and his trip to Huntsville, Alabama on Friday to host a well-attended and boisterous rally with Strange in which he doubled-down in his support for the former Alabama Attorney General. Tellingly, Strange only won four counties in the state–two in the Birmingham area (Shelby and Jefferson),  one that comprised the metropolitan Huntsville area (Madison), and Sumter County on the border with Mississippi. President Trump promised at the rally that he would support Moore if he won and campaign for him vigorously to secure a victory for Republicans in the December 12 general election against Democratic nominee Doug Jones. True to his word, Trump congratulated Moore on his victory Tuesday evening: Congratulations to Roy Moore on his Republican Primary win in Alabama. Luther Strange started way back & ran a good race. Roy,…

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Bill Bennett to Speak Oct. 7 at Wilson County Republican Party Reagan Day Dinner

Bill Bennett will speak Oct. 7 at the annual Wilson County Republican Party Reagan Day Dinner. Bennett is a well-known conservative author, radio host and former education secretary. He will be joined by economic and China and Russia expert Roger Robinson and Middle East policy expert Brian Kennedy. All three worked in the Reagan administration. Bennett was drug czar in addition to education secretary. Robinson served on the National Security Council and Kennedy served on the National Council of the Arts. “They will bring their boots-on-the-ground experience during the Reagan years to bear as they evaluate the current state of the Republican Party as it attempts to recreate the Reagan revolution under the guidance of an equally unlikely president,” says a Wilson County Republican Party news release. “Their insights will be important to Tennessee Republicans in helping them navigate similar local and national challenges.” The event is at 6 p.m. at the Wilson County Expo Center. Doors open at 5 p.m. To purchase tickets, click here.    

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Mae Beavers Wins Gubernatorial Straw Poll At Rep. Andy Holt’s 2nd Annual Hogfest

DRESDEN, Tennessee – Following his 2nd Annual Hogfest and Turkey Shoot fundraiser held Saturday at the Holt Family Farm in Dresden, Representative Andy Holt released the results of the gubernatorial straw poll today on his Facebook page, which showed Sen. Mae Beavers took 44 percent of the votes. According to the Facebook post, the straw poll was done “to determine the following question: ‘If the 2018 Election for Tennessee Governor were held today, I would vote for.’” The post went on to say, And the straw poll results are as follows: 44% – Mae Beavers 25% – Bill Lee 24% – Beth Harwell 6% – Diane Black 1% – Karl Dean 0% – Randy Boyd 0% – Craig Fitzhugh During the event, Holt announced that he extended an invitation to the event to all the candidates, but just three – Mae Beavers, Beth Harwell and Bill Lee – actually attended. In his comments, Holt said of the gubernatorial candidates, “Only three took the time this evening to be with us. I hope you take that into consideration when you cast your vote.” More than 100 attendees traveled from around the state to the rural Holt Family Farm, several of whom…

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Mike Huckabee To Debut Nashville-Based Talk Show Oct. 7

Mike Huckabee will host a TV talk show from the Nashville area starting Oct. 7 on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), and his premier episode will feature a taped interview with President Trump. The show will be filmed Friday evenings and air Saturday at 7 p.m. Central Time with a repeat broadcast Sunday at the same time. The former Republican governor of Arkansas and two-time presidential candidate previously had a show on Fox News from 2008 to 2015. His new show is essentially a continuation of his old one and will also simply be called “Huckabee.” The show will be filmed before a live studio audience at Trinity Music Center in Hendersonville. Huckabee had hoped to return to Fox News after his unsuccessful 2016 presidential run, but the channel had made other plans, according to Variety. However, he is still a Fox News contributor. Known for his folksy style, Huckabee is especially popular among conservative evangelicals. He was a Southern Baptist pastor before getting involved in politics. His daughter, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is currently the White House press secretary. On the TBN website, Huckabee says his show will be “a place where we talk to newsmakers and celebrities in a civil and…

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Drag Queens Push to Hold Shows on Main Street in Portland, Tennessee

    The small town of Portland is in a big conflict with drag queens protesting efforts to curtail where they can put on shows. At issue in Portland, located in Middle Tennessee near the Kentucky state line, is whether drag shows can be considered an adult-oriented business and banned from residential and commercial areas. A proposed amendment to a city ordinance would restrict drag shows to industrial zones. The conflict began this summer when Elite Drag Star Productions put on two shows at Envy Bar & Restaurant on Main Street. City officials received several complaints. The production company plans to hold a “Fall Ball” at the bar Saturday. Drag shows feature men flamboyantly dressed as women, often acting in provocative ways. At a heated city council meeting last week, city leaders said they would delay a final vote until getting an opinion from the state attorney general, according to WSMV Channel 4. They said a decision would come no later than Nov. 6. “The values of our community are reflected in the ordinance,” said Mayor Kenneth Wilber. “We do not want those types of things in our normal business district, so I support it 100 percent.” However, drag performers…

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Ogles: ‘It’s Going to Be a Tough Year For Incumbents’

News of Bob Corker’s retirement from the U.S. Senate on the heels of Alabama incumbent Senator Luther Strange’s likely ouster from his short time in office could be a sign of the continuing anti-incumbent, grassroots-powered sea change that has gripped elective politics since the launch of the Tea Party movement in 2009. Senate hopeful Andy Ogles – himself a long-time grassroots conservative activist before becoming the state director of American for Prosperity – released a statement thanking Senator Corker for his twelve years in Washington D.C., adding:   We need new faces in Washington who share President Trump’s mission to drain the swamp. Grassroots activists across Tennessee have had my ear for years telling me how Tennessee needs someone who will stand up for Tennesseans and hold true to their promises. People across the country feel the same way – What we are doing in D.C. is not working for the majority of Americans and electing the same batch of folks over and over who haven’t produced any results won’t change a thing. Although rumors of additional candidates have been swirling for months, Ogles is the sole Republican vying for the now-open U.S. Senate seat. “It’s going to be a tough year…

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Commentary: Corker Retirement Sends Shockwaves Through Tennessee Political Landscape

U.S. Senator Bob Corker’s announcement Tuesday that he will not seek a third term next year has sent shockwaves through the political landscape of Tennessee. With an open Governor’s race, at least two open U.S. House seats, and the likelihood of two dozen State House and Senate seats being open, spending in next year’s GOP Primary election season was already expected to approach $70 million. Now, that number may approach $80 million! The impact of the Corker announcement has already fueled speculation about who might run for his seat, and what impact that the decisions of potential Senate candidates could have on other races. Here is a quick rundown of some names already in the mix of discussion. 1. Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R- TN-07). Marsha might not clear the field, but with over $3 million in her federal congressional account and strong con-servative credentials and name recognition courtesy of her many appearances on cable news networks, she would certainly give others pause if she gets into the race quickly. (If she hesitates, does Diane Black jump from the Governor’s race and with her personal funding advantage block Marsha from entering? That seems unlikely, unless Marsha hesitates for a while. Even…

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Marsha Blackburn Confirms She Is Considering Run for Bob Corker’s Senate Seat

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) confirmed late Tuesday that she is considering a run for retiring Senator Bob Corker’s (R-TN) United States Senate seat. That confirmation came “within minutes” of Corker’s stunning announcement that would not run for re-election in 2018, the Hill reported: Minutes after learning that Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) won’t seek reelection, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) told The Hill on Tuesday she’s considering running for his Senate seat in 2018. “Yes,” Blackburn said when asked if she’s taking a look at the Senate race. Blackburn said colleagues told her about Corker’s retirement during votes on the House floor. The Senate Foreign Relations chairman did not give his delegation any advance notice of his decision, lawmakers said. If Blackburn enters the race, she would likely clear the field of any other conservative challengers for the seat. An establishment candidate, such as current Governor Bill Haslam, might emerge, but if she announces, Blackburn will become the prohibitive favorite for both the Republican nomination and the general election victory in November. Blackburn’s statewide appeal was demonstrated in a poll of likely Republican primary voters conducted by The Tennessee Star in early June which showed her in a statistical tie with Senator…

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Roger Stone Show: Trump Confidante Roasts ‘Cowardly’ Lawmakers

Longtime GOP operative and provocateur Roger Stone came out swinging in closed-door testimony before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday morning, accusing Democrats of making false allegations against him and the whole committee of being “cowardly” for refusing to allow the testimony to take place in public. Stone skunked the committee, posting a video online at…

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U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn Files Resolution on National Anthem Manners

U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-7) on Monday introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives that reiterates U.S. Code on the manners to be displayed during the playing of the national anthem. “Persons present who are not in uniform or are not members of the Armed Forces or veterans ‘should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over their heart’,” the resolution says. Federal law offers guidance only and does not authorize any punitive measures for noncompliance. Blackburn’s resolution came a day after NFL players on several teams took a knee Sunday, with a few teams, including the Tennessee Titans, not even going out onto the field during the national anthem. Taking a knee has become a form of protest among football players and others against perceived racism, with Sunday’s protests fueled by President Trump slamming the practice. “The national anthem is a source of American pride,” Blackburn said on Facebook. “Our flag is the ultimate symbol of unity – uniting all Americans under one banner as ‘Americans’ – and we should respect it and those who have and continue to defend it.” The U.S. Code can be read here: Blackburn’s resolution can be read here:…/Anthem_resolution.pdf Here…

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Senator Bob Corker Will Not Seek Re-Election

Several news outlets are reporting Senator Bob Corker will not seek re-election in 2018. The embattled junior senator from Tennessee released the following statement Tuesday: After much thought, consideration and family discussion over the past year, Elizabeth and I have decided that I will leave the United States Senate when my term expires at the end of 2018. NBC News tweeted Senator Corker’s statement in full: JUST IN: Sen. Bob Corker announces he will not seek re-election in 2018 — NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) September 26, 2017   DEVELOPING…      

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Battle of the Border: Austin Peay Governors Dominate Murray State Racers 27-7

by Reagan Bumbus & Haylei Halliburton, student journalists   MURRAY, Kentucky — It was called the “Battle of the Border” as the Austin Peay Governors vanquished their rivals, the Murray State Racers, on the Racers’ home field, 27-7. The Governors started the first quarter with a touchdown by Kyran Moore giving the Govs an early 7-0 lead. Logan Birchfield kicked for a 45-yard field goal which made the score 10-0. The Govs continued to dominate the first half as JaVaughn Craig passed to Kentel Williams for a 14-yard TD. Birchfield’s extra point brought the score to 17-0. In the second quarter, Birchfield made a 22-yard field goal which extended the Governors’ lead to 20-0. The crowd was very entertained during halftime. The Murray State dancers performed to the song “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons. The band performed two different renditions. The songs were “Crazy in Love” by Beyoncé, and “Sway” by Dean Martin. The Racers finally scored in the third quarter with a touchdown on a 7-yard pass from Corey Newble to D.J. Penick. Gabriel Vicente kicked the extra point for the Racers and made the score 20-7. In the fourth quarter, the Governors’ JaVaughn Craig scored the last touchdown of the game. The…

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Rebecca Burke Working to Plan Next Tennessee Star Constitution Bee

Rebecca Burke has a passion for the U.S. Constitution and wants to help young people understand why it is so important. With others, she is already helping to plan the second Tennessee Star Constitution Bee. The inaugural bee was held Saturday, with sixteen students competing. Sponsored by the Polk Foundation, the event took place at Sycamore High School in Cheatham County. Students prepared for the bee by studying the The Tennessee Star Guide to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for Secondary School Students. Organizers intend to hold the next Constitution Bee in Williamson County on Saturday, April 28th. “We’re still trying to secure a location,” Burke said. A well-known Middle Tennessee conservative activist and Tennessee Republican Party state executive committeewoman, Burke recently announced she is running for the state House of Representatives District 61 seat. The seat is currently occupied by Rep. Charles Sargent (R-Franklin). Burke said a good understanding of the Constitution is important today because freedom of speech is under attack and students are growing up to believe they shouldn’t have to be exposed to ideas they find distasteful. Young people need to understand that all sides deserve a fair hearing, whether the ideas are coming from the left,…

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917 Society Celebrates Constitution, Still Giving Out Free Pocket Copies to Eighth-Graders

Members of the 917 Society traveled around Tennessee last week giving away free pocket Constitutions to eighth-graders to mark Constitution Week. The Nashville area nonprofit has reached 10,000 students so far with the launch of its Constitution Project, which is for public, private and homeschooled students. In Tennessee, eighth-grade is an important year for civics education, including an emphasis on the Constitution. The group is continuing to fulfill requests for copies of the pocket Constitutions. The group also makes available other resources for teachers, including a short documentary on the Constitution narrated by Kentucky journalist Nick Clooney, father of actor George Clooney and brother of the late singer Rosemary Clooney. Other films and resources will be developed for future years. Joni Bryan, executive director of the 917 Society, told The Tennessee Star that one challenge her group faces is that recognition of Constitution Week in Tennessee schools is uneven from school to school. “The biggest problem is there is no consistent program or promotion at the state level,” Bryan said. School districts generally leave decisions on recognizing Constitution Week up to individual schools and teachers. Bryan said the teachers who gravitated toward the 917 Society’s resources for Constitution Week were grateful…

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House Freedom Fund Endorses Judd Matheny in 6th Congressional District GOP Primary

The House Freedom Fund has endorsed State Rep. Judd Matheny in th 6th Congressional District Republican primary to replace Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06), who is running for governor. “I’m very proud to announce the House Freedom Fund’s endorsement of Judd Matheny for Congress in Tennessee’s 6th district,” Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the House Freedom Fund (HFF) said in a press release: Judd currently serves as a State Representative in the Tennessee legislature where he has a proven record of fighting for conservative policies. He has led efforts to stop sanctuary cities, protext the unborn, defend the Second Amendment, and block Common Core. Judd also is a veteran of the Tennessee Army National Guard and a former local and state law enforcement member. He now owns a small recycling business with 69 employees. He values the rule of law and understands whey we need to get the government off the backs of small businesses. I have gotten to know Judd over the past year and I know that he will help fight for conservative principles and values if he’s elected. The 6th district is solidly Republican so if Judd wins the primary he will be heavily favored to win the…

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Commentary: Immigrant From Former Trump Travel Ban Country Shoots Up Tennessee Church

by George Rasley, CHQ Editor   An immigrant from Sudan, Emanuel Kidega Samson, has been arrested for shooting-up the Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, Tennessee. One woman, identified as Melanie Smith, 39, of Smyrna, Tennessee was killed in the attack. Also shot were three men and three women, police spokesman Don Aaron said.  The church’s minister Joey Spann, 60, and his wife, Peggy, 65, were both injured in the shooting, in addition to the Spanns, police identified the victims as William Jenkins, 83, Marlene Jenkins, 84, Linda Busch, 68, Katherine Dickerson, 64 and Robert Engle, 22, an usher who heroically confronted Samson, who in the struggle shot himself. Sudan, along with Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen is among the original six countries covered by President Trump’s “travel ban,” that expired on Sunday. A new ban on travel from five of those six countries, plus Chad, North Korea and Venezuela was announced Sunday evening. You can read the proclamation through this link. You can read a fact sheet on the proclamation through this link. You can read answers to frequently asked questions through this link. Citing an attack in London earlier this month, President Trump seemed to call for an expansion…

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Conservative Roy Moore Leads Establishment’s Luther Strange by 10 in Alabama GOP Senate Runoff As Voters Go to the Polls

Conservative grassroots champion Judge Roy Moore leads establishment pick Senator Luther Strange (R-AL) in the Alabama U.S. Senate Republican primary runoff election by ten points in the Real Clear Politics average of polls as voters cast their ballots today in the Yellowhammer State. On Monday night, an all-star gallery of conservative grassroots leaders gathered in Fairhope, Alabama to lend their vocal support at a rally headlined by Moore on the eve of the election. Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve Bannon, United Kingdom Brexit leader Nigel Farage, former head of the independent UKIP party, and Duck Dynasty reality TV star Phil Robertson all joined in to tell the enthusiastic crowd of Judge Moore’s supporters why they have endorsed the West Point graduate and man who championed the Ten Commandments in today’s election to select the Republican nominee who will take on Democrat Doug Jones in the December 12 general election. The winner of that election will be seated in the United States Senate as the replacement for former Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), now Attorney General. You can watch the complete video recording of that rally here:   One regular reader of The Tennessee Star made the trek down to Fairhope on…

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Commentary: John McCain’s Betrayal of the Conservative Grassroots is Treasonous

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   Treason; it’s a difficult concept to grasp. The dictionary indicates the word means “betrayal of country – a violation of the allegiance owed by somebody to his or her own country, e.g. by aiding an enemy.” It also means treachery and/or act of betrayal. Similarly, a traitor is defined as “betrayer – somebody who is disloyal or treacherous.” By definition then, Arizona Senator John McCain is a traitor, guilty of treason. No, a mob isn’t now forming to drag him in chains before a court of inquisition and no formal charges will be filed by anyone in a federal or state jurisdiction to indict him for a crime. But make no mistake, what McCain is doing to sabotage the efforts of about half of his fellow senate members (and President Donald Trump) to deal with a serious big government problem istreasonous. McCain is a traitor within the Republican Party and by extension he’s betrayed the American people because he refuses to even consider a proposal to pass the last-ditch Obamacare “fix it” (I can’t get myself to call it a repeal) bill that his good friend South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham conjured up as the GOP’s final attempt to address the failing Obamacare…

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Super Bowl Champ Derek Wolfe on National Anthem Protests: ‘If You Don’t Think We Are the Greatest Country, Then Why Do You Stay?’

While plenty of players around the NFL protested the national anthem following President Donald Trump’s “son of a bitch” comments, at least one player didn’t agree with the decisions. Denver Broncos defensive end Derek Wolfe discussed the protests with ESPN’s Josina Anderson, via Pro Football Talk: “I stand because I respect the men who died in…

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Behind in the Polls, Desperate Luther Strange Searches for Issues in Attacks on Judge Roy Moore in Alabama GOP Senate Runoff Tuesday

As Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) and challenger Roy Moore make their closing arguments in a special election runoff, the incumbent is trying a new 11th-hour strategy of painting his opponent as soft on crime. Law-and-order issues have not figured prominently in the race to succeed Jeff Sessions as Alabama’s junior senator, but Strange is searching for…

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Media Lauds, Fans Outraged as Aspiring Country Music Singer Meghan Linsey Takes a Knee at Tennessee Titans Game

  The Tennessee Titans decided as a team to boycott the National Anthem Sunday, but that was not the only protest fans were treated to prior to the game. Aspiring country music star and habitual singing competition contestant Meghan Linsey who – by her own admission “didn’t even think about it that much” – took a knee on the final note of her performance of the Star Spangled Banner. Both the Titans & Seahawks remained in their locker rooms during the national anthem while the singer took a knee during her performance. — FOX Sports: NFL (@NFLonFOX) September 24, 2017 The singer has been hailed by several news outlets for her demonstration, earning no less than a 1200+ word love-fest on Yahoo News: That thing was taking a knee at the end of the anthem, as the singer best known for taking Season 8 of The Voice down to the wire locked arms with her guitarist, Tyler Cain, who also got down on one knee. Linsey had expected to have more company on the field during her action, but she got word right before she went out that the Titans and the Seattle Seahawks had been chosen to stay…

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Immigrant from Sudan Allegedly Murdered Woman in Parking Lot of Church in Antioch Sunday, Wounded 6 Before Capture

Emanuel Kidega Samson, 25, an immigrant from Sudan, allegedly shot and killed Melanie Crow Smith, 39, in the parking lot of the Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, Tennessee around 11:15 am on Sunday. Samson, who was wearing a mask, then went inside the church, where he shot and injured six more people, including Pastor Joey Spann and his wife. Pastor Spann remains in critical condition. Witnesses say Samson pistol whipped 22-year old Caleb Engle as he entered the church, but Engle ran to his car in the parking lot where he retrieved his legally permitted gun, returned to the inside of the church building, and was able to keep Samson at bay until police arrived. Some reports indicate that Samson may have accidentally shot himself during his shooting spree. If so, the injuries were minor, as he was seen walking unaided after being taken into police custody. Engle was taken to a local hospital for treatment of head wounds received from the pistol whipping. His injuries are not life threatening. WKRN anchor Nikki Burdine sent this tweet out about Engle late Sunday: “In addition to being a minister, Joey Spann teaches at the Nashville Christian School,” WKRN…

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Donald Trump Urges NFL Boycott over National Anthem Protest

Tennessee Star

President Trump on Sunday suggested fans boycott the National Football League until owners punish players who kneel in protest during the pregame national anthem, further fueling a controversy that has raged since last season. The president raised the hot-button issue during a Friday night rally in Alabama, saying NFL owners should fire players such as former…

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