Tennessean Report: ‘Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Is Expected to Announce Her Resignation Tuesday Morning’


At 9:05 a.m., WKRN reported “JUST IN: Davidson County Criminal Court says Mayor Barry is expected to appear in criminal court this morning.”

8:15 a.m.

The Tennessean is reporting that “Nashville Mayor Megan Barry is expected to announce her resignation at a press conference Tuesday morning.”

The mayor has begun calling close advisers to inform them of it, according to multiple sources.

The resignation comes amid an investigation of an affair with her former bodyguard Metro police Sgt. Robert Forrest.

The resignation means that Vice Mayor David Briley will become acting mayor.

This report comes less than 24 hours after The Tennessee Star reported that “On Monday embattled Nashville Mayor Megan Barry called a report by WTN’s Brian Wilson that sources say the mayor and her bodyguard boyfriend Sgt. Rob. Forrest visited Mt. Olivet Cemetery at sunset on several occasions over a six month period “false and slanderous.”

The Star has asked Mayor’s Office spokesperson Sean Braisted for comment, but has not yet received a response.

Metro Councilman Steve Glover, however, did respond to an inquiry from The Star.

“That is my understanding,” Glover told The Star when asked if he can confirm or deny whether Mayor Barry is expected to resign today.


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9 Thoughts to “Tennessean Report: ‘Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Is Expected to Announce Her Resignation Tuesday Morning’”

  1. Not My Mayor

    She’ll get to see Sheriff Hall’s NEW jail.

  2. Rick

    And as she goes out, she continues her lies. What a sicko.

  3. Floyd

    Even her resignation speech is full of lies, deceit and hypocrisy. Poor thing, she’s in dire need of therapy and needs to take an honest look at herself.

  4. Bob

    Anyone who votes for a Democrat should be declared mentally insane.

  5. The Massers

    why she ‘s a dem,it doesn’t count if they do bad

  6. Ned T.

    The only bad news is that we get David Briley. He’s about as bad as Megan.

  7. Mark

    The California born socialist and unethical “ethics” expert is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. And it was a train running over her illicit affair and crazy socialist dream for Nashville!

  8. Wolf Woman

    Good. And hopefully, her disastrous, dreadful transit plan will go with her.

    Step by step, Mayor Moonbeam was taking the city down a socialist path she tried to cover in rainbows and roses.

  9. jay

    This is a great day for anyone who loves the rule of law and morale character.
