Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Lee Launches New Website Dedicated to Reinstating Faith in the Public Square

Bill Lee Faith in the Public Square

Franklin-based businessman Bill Lee launched a new website Tuesday that discusses the gubernatorial hopeful’s views on Faith in the public square, along with a list of events with faith-based community organizations, and a video introducing the effort called, “Faith in Tennessee.” (embedded below) “Too often, our leaders in government work to create government-first solutions to address some of the challenges we face,” Lee said in a statement. “This comes at the expense of many fantastic organizations that are already doing the work and are looking for willing partners, not a government-sponsored competitor.” The website’s singular purpose is to lay out Lee’s thoughts on how to better engage leaders in the faith and nonprofit groups and also lists more than a dozen events scheduled across the state with nonprofits and faith-based organizations.  The tour, which the campaign says will continue through the end of March, highlights groups Lee sees as some of Tennessee’s most effective organizations. “People of faith have been called to serve,” Lee said. “Faith and community leaders are consistently at the forefront because they are often the ones on the front lines battling addiction and improving education.  As I continue to travel across this state, I know that engaging them even more will lead to better results. Also,…

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Stephen Hawking Has Died

Stephen Hawking, who has died aged 76, was Britain’s most famous modern day scientist, a genius who dedicated his life to unlocking the secrets of the Universe. Born on January 8, 1942 — 300 years to the day after the death of the father of modern science, Galileo Galilei — he believed science was his destiny.

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House Republicans Call For Tennessee Monument to The Unborn For The Victims of Abortion

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Fifteen House Republicans joined State Representative Bill Dunn (R-Knoxville) as he announced a bill calling for a monument to the unborn for the victims of abortion. The bill sponsor, Representative Jerry Sexton (R-Bean Station), requested co-sponsor Bill Dunn, who is one of 22 co-sponsors, to fill in for him as he deals with a family medical emergency, which Dunn said is “truly a life or death situation.” Rep. Dunn related Rep. Sexton’s situation to the topic at hand, saying “What he’s going through right now reminds us how important life is, and how fragile it is, and how devastating it is when a life is lost.” House Bill 2381, said Dunn, will have an amendment “that will call for establishing a memorial at the Capitol for the victims of abortion.” Dunn, pointing out two monuments currently on either side of the Capitol grounds, one to the victims of slavery and the other to the victims of the holocaust, reflected “Both of these monuments that are already here recognize that atrocities occurred because human beings were treated as less than human. In both cases, the vulnerable and defenseless were subjected to the will of the powerful.” The two…

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Tennessee Pastors Network Calls on Tennessee’s Legislators to Reject Sunday Sales of Alcohol

Pastor Dale Walker

Tennessee Pastors Network President Dale Walker called on Tennessee legislators to reject a bill moving through the legislature that would allow for sales of wine and liquor on Sundays in Tennessee Tuesday. “We have more than enough problems with alcohol abuse in Tennessee without making it even more easily and readily accessible, especially on the Lord’s Day,” Walker saidn in a statement, adding: We are praying that the legislators will focus on the dangers of fueling even more addiction and harm to Tennessee families from these products rather than bowing to the demands of the liquor lobbyists and their large campaign donations. Alcohol continues to devastate more and more lives, and our politicians are to blame when they allow an increasing number of venues for alcohol to be sold. Now they not only want more venues, they want to add an additional day for the sale of these products. Do legislators really believe the problems and challenges we face in Tennessee will be solved by more of our neighbors and family members consuming more alcohol? I pray that Tennessee wakes up and defeats this liquor industry push for more alcohol sales. Sunday sales of liquor and other alcoholic beverages will not make…

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Commentary: The Obama Administration Stripped Religious Liberty from Our Military, and It’s Up to Veterans to Reclaim It

by Dr. William Scott Magill, founder of Veterans in Defense of Liberty   Despite the election of the very pro-religious liberty President Trump in 2016, there are still many anti-religious liberty policies in place for those who serve in the military. Many of those policies engineered by former President Obama and his civilian bureaucrats in the Pentagon erase freedom of expression of Christian faith and religious liberty from the U.S. Armed Forces. Some Obama-era rules even criminalize the open expression of religious faith by men and women in uniform. With President Trump in the White House, we have a real opportunity to reverse one of the worst legacies of the Obama Administration – its aggressive attempt to erase Christianity, religious liberty and even Chaplains from the United States military. But it will be up to veterans to lead the charge to undo the damage Obama has done to our military. One of former President Obama’s first acts as President was to ban Bible verses traditionally included with daily briefings from the Pentagon, and that was just for starters. Over the following years his Pentagon bureaucrats, among other outrageous acts: Banned guests from bringing Bibles and other Christian symbols into Walter Reed and…

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Are the Mummified Corpses Discovered In Peru Human?


The anatomical structure of the mummies discovered near Nazca, in southern Peru, last year is not human, Russian scientists who were studying the case said. A team of researchers from St. Petersburg, who collected the tissue samples in Peru and brought them back to Russia to study, have determined that the mummies — with elongated heads and three fingers on each hand — possess 23 chromosomes that are human but lack the human anatomy.

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Franklin Graham: ‘Shocked By Profoundly Incorrect’ Atheist Democrat Running Against GOP’s Shane Reeves

Franklin Graham and Shane Reeves

Evangelical leader Franklin Graham expressed shock on Monday at the “profoundly incorrect” comments made by atheist Democratic candidate Gayle Jordan, who faces the GOP’s Shane Reeves in the State Senate 14th District special election happening today. “USA TODAY has a story about an atheist running for public office in Tennessee—the election is tomorrow,” the Christian leader wrote on Facebook Monday afternoon, adding: I was shocked by her profoundly incorrect comment about it – she said, “It’s incidental to who I am.” I’m afraid the opposite couldn’t be more true. There’s nothing more significant to who we are. There’s nothing more important than faith in God and trusting in His Son Jesus Christ. Atheism and secularism may be trendy and “progressive,” but denying God is devastating for a life or for a nation. God’s Word tells us that one day “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11).   Republican Shane Reeves and Democrat Gayle Jordan are battling it out at the polls today as voters in the 14th State Senate District decide who will represent them in the…

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Sources: Embattled Williamson County Schools Superintendent Mike Looney to Take Medical Leave

5:13 PM Williamson County Schools director of communications Carol Birdsong confirmed to The Tennessean the story The Tennessee Star broke earlier in the day that Williamson County Schools Superintendent Mike Looney will be taking a medical leave: Williamson County Director of Schools Mike Looney will take medical leave due to an upcoming surgery. Looney has recently learned that he has a tumor in his pancreas, according to WCS Spokeswoman Carol Birdsong. Over the next several weeks, he will be having surgery and undergoing treatment. The district does not know when exactly Looney will take medical leave, she said.   4:08 PM Sources tell The Tennessee Star that embattled Williamson County Schools Superintendent Mike Looney will be taking a medical leave. The Star has asked Williamson County Schools director of communications Carol Birdsong for comment, but has not yet received a reply. According to a source, Looney sent this message out today:   I need to share a little bit of news so that you can learn it from me rather than another source. I would much rather not share things of a personal nature, but given my role in the district, it really can’t be avoided. I very recently learned…

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State Rep. Mark White, House Champion of In-State Tuition For Illegals, Is Also Chief Promoter of Unproven Pre-K Programs

Republican State Representative Mark White(R-Memphis), who has made repeated attempts at passing a bill that would allow in-state tuition for illegal immigrants in Tennessee, was also the only member of the Tennessee General Assembly to promote and sit on a panel promoting pre-K. Rep. White’s office sent out a “save the date” email to the entire Tennessee General Assembly regarding a public briefing on “the crime prevention, national security and economic and workforce benefits of investing in high-quality early education in Tennessee.” The event, held on February 28 in the Old Supreme Court Chambers located in the State Capitol was organized so that members of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids and ReadyNation Tennessee could “discuss why Tennessee needs to preserve its investments in its youngest learners.” Both organizations, Fight Crime: Invest in Kids and ReadyNation Tennessee operate under the umbrella of Council for a Strong America, a “national nonpartisan nonprofit convening five powerful pillars of society to advocate for investments that ensure our next generation of Americans will be citizen-ready.” The invitation stated that “Fight Crime: Invest in Kids” is “a nationwide, bipartisan, non-profit organization of more than 5,000 police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors and violence survivors committed to research-based solutions…

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Tillerson Out at State Department, Pompeo In

In a surprise announcement made on his Twitter account at 7:44 am central time on Tuesday morning, President Trump announced that Rex Tillerson is out as Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo is in.   Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job! Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 13, 2018   The former Exxon CEO served in his post as Secretary of State for barely a year, and was said to be frequently on the outside of major foreign policy decisions made by President Trump. Reports indicated that he was not aware that President Trump had arranged to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un in person until after the announcement was made public last week.

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Off the Record: In-State Tuition Bill for Illegal Immigrants Must Be in Trouble – Haslam’s Former Chief of Staff to the Rescue?

Remember the first time two Republican legislators filed a bill to give illegal immigrants taxpayer subsidized in-state tuition and when it didn’t pass, House member Richard Floyd started crying? Remember the second time two Republican legislators filed a bill to give illegal immigrants taxpayer subsidized in-state tuition? And Governor Haslam, in his typical can’t-give-a-straight-or-decisive-answer-until-we-know-which-way-the-winds-are-blowing, said “it has merit.” That bill failed also even though Speaker Harwell walked out so she wouldn’t have to cast a vote? And then remember the third time a bill was filed to give illegal immigrants taxpayer subsidized in-state tuition? And Governor Haslam took a picture on the capitol steps with advocates for illegal immigration to make sure all Tennesseans understood he actually supports at least a little bit of illegal immigration, Since Haslam can’t run again it’s okay for him to break the campaign promise he made to demagnetize Tennessee from illegal immigration. When he was desperate to be Governor he promised all kinds of things in writing and told voters that: In order to keep Tennessee a great state, we must also work to provide more and better job opportunities for Tennessee residents. An important part of that effort must be making sure that available jobs are…

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Sanctuary Cities Bill Set to Be Heard in Tennessee’s State and Local Government Committee

A bill aimed to strengthen state laws barring municipalities from ignoring state and federal laws in order to aid, abet, and otherwise shield illegal aliens from federal law enforcement agencies will be heard in the State and Local Government Committee Tuesday morning. “Sanctuary cities are illegal and dangerous, and it’s time for us to take action to protect our citizens who honor the laws of our great state and nation,” Green said in a statement. “By adding teeth to our existing immigration laws, hopefully our state can prevent tragedies like what happened to Kate Steinle in San Francisco.” The measure, SB2332, is sponsored by State Senator Mark Green (R-TN-Clarksville) and would prohibit any local government that enact so-called ‘sanctuary city’ laws from receiving any state funding. It would also create a mechanism for Tennesseans to submit complaints directly to the Attorney General, and would authorize law enforcement to cooperate with federal officials to enforce immigration laws. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Jay Reedy in the state House. Co-sponsors include Senators Mike Bell, Janice Bowling, Ed Jackson, Bill Ketron, Mark Pody, Kerry Roberts, and Steve Southerland. The hearing is scheduled to start at 10am, and will be available to view live…

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Gone in Sixty Seconds: New One-Minute Video by BT4N Shreds the Transit Plan Rationale

Better Transit for Nashville, a new group opposing the massive $9 Billion transit plan proposal, has a new video that in exactly one minute explains exactly why the current plan won’t help anyone – except for Nashville-area elites. The sixty-second explainer consists of simple white text on a black background with a light soundtrack of piano and violin. Clearly tuned for sharing on social media platforms like Facebook, the video begins, “In One Minute: Nashville Transit Plan 2018 & Why It Won’t Work:” The plan is not regional, To truly deal with traffic & transit, a plan has to include the 10-county region. Light rail at best serves only 1% or less of commuters, an amount that with have no impact on traffic. Light rail is 15mph max – school zone speed Best case projections: in 50 years, transit ridership will no increase at all & likely will decrease All data is at the end of this video. Public transit is declining at 3.5% annually. Generous projections for Nash in 2070: 1.3%of commuters will use public transit. Today, approx 2% In 50 years, light rail with be completely, 100% obsolete and extinct Light rail is 70% of the costs: $6B…

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Noncitizen Voters in Pennsylvania Not a ‘Glitch,’ Philly Official Says

voters polling place

Al Schmidt bristles at the description, often attributed to him, of noncitizen voters in Pennsylvania as a “glitch.” Schmidt, a Philadelphia city commissioner who has been sounding the alarm since 2012 about noncitizens on the voting rolls, said the word, misattributed to him, would be accurate if ineligible voters managed to elude safeguards in the motor-voter law.

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Marks Skoda Commentary: Trump Genius in Action

by Mark A. Skoda   The recent announcement that President Trump decided to implement steel and aluminum tariffs was met with both condemnation and adulation. Looking at this action as a one-off is the absolutely wrong way to evaluate Trump’s decisions. However, as a broader strategy for job preservation and creation, Donald Trump is probably one of the economic geniuses of our time! Since his election in 2016, Trump has attacked all matter and sorts of regulations. He has begun to reduce the overreach of the EPA, reversed job-killing actions by the Obama administration and focused on re-building and regaining America’s preeminent position in everything from coal, energy production to manufacturing and now steel and aluminum. Unlike the “experts” who have never done a day’s work with their hands, Trump was building skyscrapers and hotels around the world. And what Trump understands better than all these academic critics is that you need two key elements to build these commercial projects: steel and concrete! His business acumen in the developer world offers a unique perspective that only Donald Trump fully recognizes. In addition, all of the actions together, represent a commitment to executing on his campaign promises which is unique in…

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Senator Bill Ketron Confirms ‘Friends of Megan Barry’ Donated $250 to His Campaign Fund, Will Now Give the Contribution to Charity

The fallout from the Nashville Mayor Megan Barry scandal continues to reverberate. As The Tennessee Star reported in February, Republican candidate for Governor Bill Lee made a $500 donation to the Megan Barry mayoral campaign in 2015. Now, The Star has learned that the Barry campaign made a donation to the reelection campaign of Republican State Senator Bill Ketron on January 9, 2017. The $250 donation to the Ketron campaign from “Friends of Megan Barry” is contained in Ketron’s Amended 2018 Yearly Supplemental Report filed with the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance on 3/31/2017. Ketron confirmed the contribution in a statement emailed to The Star on Monday. “I did receive a contribution from her, but do not approve of the way she conducted her office,” Ketron said. “Therefore, I will be taking that contribution and giving it to charity,” he added. Ketron was an early supporter of Megan Barry’s transit plan for Nashville and has expressed his hopes to expand it to Murfreesboro.  The nearly $9 billion Nashville transit plan and the tax increases needed to pay for it are scheduled for a referendum vote on May 1, 2018 in Davidson County. Ketron is currently running in the Republican primary…

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Shane Reeves and Gayle Jordan Face Off at the Polls in State Senate District 14 Special Election

Republican Shane Reeves and Democrat Gayle Jordan are set to face off at the polls today as voters in the 14th State Senate District decide who will represent them in the Tennessee General Assembly, replacing former State Senator Jim Tracy (R-Shelbyville), who resigned when he was was tapped by the Trump administration to serve in the USDA. Reeves, a first-time candidate, won the Republican primary in January against former State Rep. Joe Carr (R-Lascassas).  Democrat Jordan, a very far left candidate in a traditionally conservative district, ran unopposed in her party’s primary. Earlier this year, political watchers were stunned at the outcome of the special election in December to replace longtime popular State Senator Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet). Her long-time friend and ally State Senator Mark Pody (R-Lebanon) ran unopposed in the primary, but low voter turnout resulted in a very narrow victory by Pody over liberal Democrat Mary Alice Carfi by a margin of scarcely 300 votes. Democrats are hoping that Pody’s close call, combined with the 39 local elections they’ve taken from Republicans in the past year, may be an indicator that the hoped for “Blue Wave” many pundits are predicting for the 2018 Congressional midterms in November will be followed by another surprisingly…

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Marc Morano, Founder, Fights Climate Change Alarmists with Humor

Global warming skeptic Marc Morano, founder of, is a marked man in climate change circles. While many scientists, academics and personalities sound the alarm over what they see as the cataclysmic threat posed by a warming planet, Mr. Morano takes the opposite approach: The sky isn’t falling. The doom-and-gloom forecasts are wrong. And he isn’t…

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Lawsuit Filed Challenging August 2 Date for Mayoral Special Election in Nashville

Nashville attorney Jamie Hollin filed a lawsuit Monday morning in Davidson County Chancery Court on behalf of mayoral candidate and former Metro Councilman Ludye Wallace challenging the legality of the Davidson County Election Commission’s decision to set the date for the mayoral election as August 2. Wallace was listed as the plaintiff in the case, and the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and the Davidson County Election Commission were named as defendants. “Three of the five members of the Davidson County Election Commission ignored the plain meaning of Tennessee law and voted to set August 2, 2018 as the date for the special election to select a new mayor of Nashville late Friday afternoon, thereby plunging the city into a likely firestorm of lawsuits and threatening the legitimacy of an election held on that date,” The Tennessee Star reported last week: Commission Chairman Jim DeLanis, Commissioner Jesse Neil, and Commissioner Emily Reynolds, all Republicans, formed the three member majority who voted in favor of the motion to set the election date at August 2. Commissioner Tricia Herzfeld and Commissioner A.J. Starling, both Democrats, formed the two member minority who voted against the motion. Wallace, who served on the Metro…

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Commentary: My Life Behind the Iron Curtain Was Not a Socialist Utopia

by Carmen Alexe   Individual freedom can only exist in the context of free-market capitalism. Personal freedom thrives in capitalism, declines in government-regulated economies, and vanishes in communism. Aside from better economic and legislative policies, what America needs is a more intense appreciation for individual freedom and capitalism. I was born and raised in communist Romania during the Cold War, a country in which the government owned all the resources and means of production. The state controlled almost every aspect of our lives: our education, our job placement, the time of day we could have hot water, and what we were allowed to say. Like the rest of the Eastern European countries, Romania was often referred to as a communist country. In school, we were taught it was a socialist country. Its name prior to the 1989 Revolution to overthrow the Ceausescu regime was the Socialist Republic of Romania. From an economic standpoint, a petty fraction of property was still privately owned. In a communist system, all property is owned by the state. So if it wasn’t a true communist economy, its heavy central planning and the application of a totalitarian control over the Romanian citizenry made this nation rightfully gain…

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‘Free-Trade’ Theory Failures in the Face of Real World Trade Warfare Against the U.S.

Donald Trump, Xi Jinping

By Printus LeBlanc   Last week the Trump administration announced it would impose a 25 percent tariff on imported steel and a 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum. Many in the media and were quick to lose their mind as usual. Before judging President Donald Trump’s actions, those criticizing should look at the real world instead of the utopian society they want to live in. In the real-world trade is used as a weapon and it is time the U.S. wake up to that reality. A 2014 white paper from U.S. Army Special Operations Command on Unconventional Warfare discusses different methods of warfare being used by various adversaries. With regards to China, it states, “China will use a host of methods, many of which lie out of the realm of conventional warfare. These methods include trade warfare, financial warfare, ecological warfare, psychological warfare, smuggling warfare, media warfare, drug warfare, network warfare, technological warfare, fabrication warfare, resources warfare, economic aid warfare, cultural warfare, and international law warfare.” This is more than abstract theory. There is actual recent historical evidence to prove nations use trade and economic warfare to accomplish a goal. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia used the oil trade as a weapon…

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Trump to EU: We’ll Drop Our Tariffs If You Drop Yours First

President Donald Trump said Saturday he would spare the European Union his steel and aluminum tariffs if the bloc halts its own trade barriers to US products, in his latest round of economic hardball. The duties of 25 percent on imported steel and 10 percent on aluminum have stung the EU, along with other major partners including Japan, and European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem said earlier Washington had failed to clarify how its allies could be spared.

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Republicans in Congress Continue to Dismantle Oppressive Regulations

By Natalia Castro   Republicans in the House of Representatives have spent this week breaking down the oppressive regulatory regime the previous administration put into place. Former President Barack Obama dramatically expanded the influence of the executive branch through agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). House Republicans are now working to pass legislation that mitigates the impact of overreaching federal policies, but barriers in the Senate could make this a difficult task. The House has taken up two pieces of legislation this week to combat EPA overreach. First, the Satisfying Energy Needs and Saving the Environment Act or SENSE. The legislation exempts certain coal power plants from 2012 environmental regulations in order to foster growth within the industry. Pennsylvania Representative Keith Rothfus explained in a press release, “Huge piles of low-quality… ‘waste coal’… have become fixtures of our natural landscape. With the invention of circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology, however, the private sector has been able to process this coal and use it to generate cheap, domestic energy…. Unfortunately, facilities that utilize CFB technology will soon be forced to shut down as a result of the compliance costs associated with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Mercury and Air Toxics Standards rule… the…

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Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice, Warns of ‘Cynical’ Society

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas called on hundreds of law school students Saturday to set their own paths towards positivity in order to have a more civil society. Speaking at a dinner for the Federalist Society’s 2018 National Student Symposium, Justice Thomas said people can get each other worked up, but it’s important to work for an ideal and not just against something.

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Elizabeth Warren Punts on DNA Test for Native American Ancestry

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat, punted Sunday when asked point-blank if she would take a DNA test to prove her disputed Cherokee ancestry, saying, “I know who I am.” The Berkshire [Mass.] Eagle called last week on Ms. Warren to “take the spit test” to put to rest questions over her claims of Native American heritage, an issue that has dogged her 2018 reelection bid, but she didn’t appear willing Sunday to do so.

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Elizabeth Warren ‘Not Running for President’ in 2020

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat, said repeatedly Sunday that she is not running for president in 2020, but demurred when asked if she would serve the full six years if reelected in November. “So look: I am not running for President of the United States. “So look: I am not running for President of the United States. I am running for the United States Senate in 2018 Masachusetts, whoo-hoo,” Ms. Warren said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

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State Rep. Mark White Breaks Promise to Committee Chairman on In-State Tuition Bill

Last year, State Rep. Mark White (R-Memphis) gave his word to House Education chairman Harry Brooks that he would not try to change state law that currently says taxpayer subsidized in-state tuition is a state benefit. White made that promise with regard to his bill HB660 which removed in-state tuition from the current state law definition of “state or local public benefit” so that it could be provided to illegal immigrants. This year, White has broken that promise by filing a new bill, HB2429 which combines parts of the two in-state tuition bills he sponsored last year, including the section that would redefine “state or local public benefit.” The first in-state tuition bill that White tried to pass last year, HB863, failed to pass the Education Committee in a close 7-6 vote. White deferred his second bill HB660, to the current session. When White first introduced this bill in the Education Subcommittee, Chairman Harry Brooks questioned the section removing in-state tuition from being a state benefit as currently contained in state law. White gave his word that he would amend that section out if the bill was allowed to go before the full Education Committee. The bill failed to pass the Education committee…

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions Blasts Slew of Nationwide Injunctions Imposed by Left Wing Courts

In a speech to a conservative legal group Saturday, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions blasted federal judges for issuing nationwide injunctions that have blocked President Donald Trump from enacting his policies on everything from sanctuary cities to transgender troops serving in the military. “In truth, this is a question of raw power-of who gets to decide the policy questions facing America: our elected representatives, our elected president or unelected lifetime-appointed federal judges,” Mr. Sessions told a gathering of the Federalist Society.

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