Phil Bredesen Silent on Democrats Throwing Tantrums at Brett Kavanaugh SCOTUS Confirmation Hearing

Phil Bredesen

Tennessee Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen makes out he’s an elder statesman.

Bredesen boasts he can rise above partisan squabbles.

He says he isn’t afraid to call out members of his own party when they take a wrong turn.

But Bredesen and members of his campaign refused to comment on the childish antics members of his own party unleashed at Tuesday’s U.S. Senate confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh in the Judiciary Committee.

No one in the Bredesen campaign returned The Tennessee Star’s repeated requests for comment Tuesday.

If elected to the U.S. Senate, Bredesen will vote whether to confirm any nominated U.S. Supreme Court nominees.

Democratic Party protestors repeatedly interrupted Tuesday’s proceedings.

They heckled.

They shrieked.

They acted belligerent.

One protestor was reported to have yelled “This is a travesty of justice.”

Security officers had to remove that person, and many others, from the room.

Democrat U.S. senators on the Judiciary Committee, meanwhile, grumbled and carped they didn’t have enough documents on Kavanaugh to go forward with Tuesday’s hearing — even though Republicans said they provided them with plenty.

U.S. senators Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) were among the most petulant.

They and other Democrats tried their best to shut the hearing down.

Things got so bad U.S. Sen. John Cornyn accused them of trying to conduct the hearing by mob rule.

The Gateway Pundit reported Tuesday that U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) plotted and organized all of Tuesday’s pandemonium.

The Star hoped Bredesen or a member of his team would discuss whether he’d participate in such shenanigans, if called upon.

If party affiliation matters little, and if he wants maturity in the halls of the U.S. Senate, would Bredesen scold members of his own party for how they acted Tuesday?

Bredesen told The Tennessean this week he wants Tennessee voters to look beyond party affiliation.

“He knows that’s what it will take for him to win against U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn, the Republican nominee, in the Nov. 6 general election,” according to the paper.

“As such, he avoids openly criticizing Trump, makes overt appeals to Republicans and tries to spend the majority of his time talking about issues rather than the daily news out of Washington, D.C.”

The article went on to say Bredesen “derides Congress for its inability to tackle major issues” and that he wants people in D.C. to “stop the shouting.”

“One of the ways you do it is you start sending some people up there … whose attitude is ‘let’s get some things done’ as opposed to ‘let’s get a fight started,’ ” he told the paper.

Still, Bredesen would not comment on how Democrats behaved Tuesday.

Bredesen supporters told The Star last month that Bredesen has to pretend he’s a moderate — instead of a liberal — to win this fall’s election.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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7 Thoughts to “Phil Bredesen Silent on Democrats Throwing Tantrums at Brett Kavanaugh SCOTUS Confirmation Hearing”

  1. […] was one of three senators called out for being the most disruptive of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court […]

  2. Bill

    Ole possum doesn’t get involved with judiciary concerns. He’s too busy wanting to turn Washington. Upside down. Guess that makes sense for the fact that he sleeps upside down Hanging from a his tail.

  3. paulJ

    If Bredesen was on the judiciary committee he would be doing the exact same thing as his fellow Democrats. Guaranteed
    In fact, if God forbid Bredesen won, I guarantee you he would ask NOT to be on the judiciary committee, because his contractual agreement with the Democrat Jewish Leader Schumer would require him to act in such a way. He’d prefer to be in the background on that issue and then, of course, vote the way Schumer told him without the accompanying antics.

  4. John Bumpus

    ” . . . would Bredesen scold members of his own party for how they acted Tuesday?”

    Scold them,? Heck, Phil wants to join them!

  5. Randall

    The “total tool “ will go along with his party

  6. Wolf Woman

    I really don’t think Bredesen likes the noisy leftist in-your-face tactics of Sarsour and her cronies; he’s too stodgy and it’s tacky, belligerent quality isn’t his MO. But he would never speak against Democrat party politics, especially the D.C. variety, since he’s a “party” man. But you can bank on it that he doesn’t want Brett Kavanaugh to be a supreme court judge.

    Bredesen does not deserve to be our senator.

  7. TeeCee

    Of course Phil is silent, he agrees with what is going on. This guy was a joke as governor & he will be the same as a senator. Bredesen IS NOT for Tennesseeans. He doesn’t even live in Tennessee.
