Representative Cooper Co-Sponsors Bill to Expel Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

Representative Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) will release a bill next week proposing the expulsion of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA-14). Cooper jumped to co-sponsor the resolution to expel Greene promised by Representative Jimmy Gomez (D-CA-34) after a sampling of Greene’s old social media posts were published by the media in spades.

Cooper made the announcement in a Twitter post on Thursday, claiming that “she’s a danger to the House [and] to the country.”

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Newt Gingrich Commentary: Small Business Will Continue to Suffer Unless We Reopen Society

Small businesses have been decimated by the pandemic shutdowns. Many have struggled to survive. Many have had to lay off employees. If they haven’t closed their doors yet, the next six to nine months will be a real challenge.

There is some help on the way. The Small Business Administration has released a second round of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) — a forgivable loan program designed to assist small businesses with money to stay afloat. Part two of the PPP opened on Jan. 15.

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Commentary: Civic Virtues as Moral Facts Trying to Recover the Other Half of Our Founding

Until a half century ago or so, there was a moral consensus, however fraying, that informed and shaped the exercise of freedom in the Western world. The self-determination of human beings, of citizens in self-governing political orders, presupposed a civilized inheritance that allowed free men and women to distinguish, without angst or arduous effort, between liberty and license, good and evil, honorable lives and dissolute and disgraceful ones. Few would have suggested that liberty and human dignity could long flourish without a sense of moral obligation and civic spirit on the part of proud, rights-bearing individuals.

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GOP Unleashes Wave of Pro-Life Bills in Democrat-Controlled Congress

Republican lawmakers have unleashed a wave of pro-life bills into the Democrat-controlled Congress this week.

The flood of pro-life legislation occurred the same week that President Joe Biden enacted policy allowing taxpayer dollars to fund abortions abroad. Days earlier, Biden marked the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade by promising to both appoint judges who respect the ruling as precedent Friday and to codify Roe v. Wade.

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Rep. Matt Gaetz Travels to Wyoming to Criticize Liz Cheney at Rally

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) traveled to Wyoming for a rally on Thursday at the state capitol, where he denounced the state’s At-Large Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) for her vote in favor of President Donald Trump’s second impeachment, as reported by Fox News.

Speaking to a crowd of Wyoming Trump supporters, Gaetz declared Cheney to be a member of the “establishment in both political parties [that] have teamed up to screw our fellow Americans for generations.” Gaetz also slammed Cheney’s hawkish approach to foreign policy, saying that “there’s basically two things that Liz Cheney has done in the United States Congress: Frustrate the agenda of President Trump, and sell out to the forever war machine.”

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Elizabeth Warren Urges More Regulation to Prevent ‘Dramatic Swings’ in Stocks Like GameStop

Senator Elizabeth Warren called for an SEC investigation into Reddit posts and other entities, according to a letter she sent to the Acting Chair of the SEC.

After Redditors discovered large hedge funds had shorted massive quantities of GameStop ($GME), retail investors bought $GME in a frenzy, sending it surging  600%, and causing hedge funds to lose approximately $5 billion dollars. Popular investment platforms such as Robinhood responded by halting the ability of investors to freely purchase more shares, making their only option to sell.

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Cuomo Administration Pushes Back Against Accusations It Withheld Data on COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths

Hours after New York Attorney General Letitia James issued a scathing report over how the state reported deaths at nursing homes due to COVID-19, state Heath Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker went on the offensive.

Zucker claimed the attorney general’s report affirmed the total number of deaths overall and that the state has repeatedly said its policy is to count deaths by where they occurred.

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Commentary: Who Killed the Anti-War Democrats?

After three generations the anti-war tendency within America’s oldest political party has been thoroughly alienated from its leadership and rendered impotent. The absence of this political failsafe means that America’s destructive overseas interventionism is less accountable than ever.

As the 1968 presidential election cycle kicked off there was little reason to suspect that Lyndon Johnson would not continue to serve as president. He had succeeded to the office following the much loved and mourned John F. Kennedy after his assassination in 1963 and won in such a landslide in 1964 that he was immediately able to undertake a raft of ambitious new programs known as the Great Society. 

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Democrats Push Massive Stimulus Package over Republican Objections

President Joe Biden’s administration and Democrats in Congress have vowed to press forward with the president’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package amid Republican objections to the bill’s size, even if they do so without any GOP votes.

Biden has argued that the relief package is not only popular among a majority of Americans but is also necessary to combat the economic toll imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. Though Biden campaigned on a message of unity and bipartisanship, his administration rejected a Republican pitch to split the plan into smaller pieces and has said that it must move quickly to pass the package even if it means doing so without Republicans’ help.

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Bill Prohibiting Solitary Confinement Use in State Prisons, Juvenile Facilities Reports Out of Virginia Senate Committee

A bill in the state Senate that would prohibit prisons and juvenile facilities run by the Virginia Department of Corrections (DOC) from placing offenders in solitary confinement was reported out of the Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee on Friday.

Specifically, Senate Bill 1301 does not outright ban the use of solitary confinement – defined as 17 or more hours in a cell for juveniles and 20 or more hours for adult prisoners – but more so restricts the practice and implements safeguards against misuse

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Amy Klobuchar Complains About Trump’s Tweets While Biden Governs by Executive Order

  A Minnesota Senator woke up Saturday morning to complain about former President Donald J. Trump’s “mean tweets,” while President Joe Biden governs by executive order. “Woke up on a Saturday and didn’t have to respond to a mean tweet from the White House. Feels weird but good. I’m going to make some toast instead,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said on Twitter. Woke up on a Saturday and didn’t have to respond to a mean tweet from the White House. Feels weird but good. I’m going to make some toast instead. — Amy Klobuchar (@amyklobuchar) January 30, 2021 Klobuchar, who is infamous for treating her staff poorly and eating salad with a comb, is apparently still holding a grudge over Trump’s Twitter habits. The former president was banned from the microblogging site about two weeks before his presidency ended. While Big Tech silenced Trump, President Biden has spent his first several days governing by executive order. On his first day in office alone, Biden signed executive orders to strengthen the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program for illegal alien children brought to America at a young age by their illegal alien parents, reverse Trump’s order to ban travel from…

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Michigan Republicans Welcome Gov. Whitmer’s Theme of ‘Common Ground’ but Remain Skeptical

On Thursday morning, Michigan Republicans welcomed Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s State of the State Address theme of “common ground,” but said they’re looking forward to action.

“The tone set is exactly what I think people Michiganders want to hear. But we need action and not just words and politics,” House Speaker Jason Wentworth, R-Clare, said.

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Knoxville’s African American Equity Restoration Task Force: $100 Million to Solve Racial Inequity

This year, Knoxville will deploy an African American Equity Restoration Task Force to solve “disparity and disenfranchisement in Black communities.” The city created the task force in mid-December at the request of Vice Mayor Gwen McKenzie, as part of a larger resolution issuing an apology for the city’s past impacts on Black people.

According to the City Council website, the task force will include business, community, financial, education, faith, healthcare, youth, and city leaders capable to create policy and programs for the city. The Community Empowerment Department will assist the task force in their assigned task. Additionally, the city stated that the task force’s recommendations may be afforded up to $100 million in government grants over the next seven years.

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Tennessee Department of Education Faced Lawsuit over Textbook Bias Allegedly Perpetrated by Commissioner Penny Schwinn

A lawsuit alleged that Commissioner Penny Schwinn favored certain textbook vendors without merit at the expense of more qualified vendors. Textbook and educational materials publishing company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) filed the suit against the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) in November of 2019. Consequently, HMH noted that the sale of all other grade levels of reading materials offered by HMH were jeopardized, since they are designed to be implemented together from K-12 curriculum.

The Tennessee State Board of Education acted on the recommendation of an advisory panel appointed by the Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission to not adopt HMH’s third grade reading material. HMH claimed that the advisory panel’s process was disrupted after Schwinn appointed Dr. Lisa Coons as TDOE Assistant Commissioner for Standards and Materials. Thereafter, HMH claimed that the panel re-reviewed and failed HMH’s material, while TDOE adopted programs offered by competitors that also received failing grades.

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Commentary: A One-Size-Fits-All Federal Minimum Wage Makes Zero Sense

President Joe Biden’s new $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief proposal includes a surprising provision: raising the federal minimum wage to $15.

The fight for a higher minimum wage is not new, although it has been intensified by current events. The idea, more specifically, is to provide a “living wage.” Proponents argue that, currently, minimum wage workers cannot afford basic living expenses. But even if one assumes for the sake of argument that this is true and sets aside the fact that small businesses are already on the brink of collapse, it’s impossible to determine one suitable “living wage” for all parts of a vast and diverse country like the United States.

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Largest U.S. Automaker General Motors Plans to be Carbon Neutral by 2040

General Motors announced that it plans to eliminate emissions from new light-duty vehicles by 2035 and go completely carbon neutral by 2040.

General Motors (GM), the largest automaker in the U.S., announced plans Thursday to go completely carbon neutral globally and produce an all-electric lineup of vehicles by 2040, according to a press release. GM also joined fellow U.S. automaker Ford Motor Company and more than 380 other companies, signing onto the United Nations (UN) “Business Ambition for 1.5 C” climate petition.

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‘The Enemy Is Within’: Pelosi Calls for More Security to Defend Against Republicans Who ‘Want to Bring Guns on the Floor’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for additional security Thursday to defend against members of Congress seeking “to bring guns onto the floor.”

Pelosi said during a press conference that she was in talks to increase security measures because the threat to safety was coming from within the House of Representatives.

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Commentary: The Nature of the Chinese Threat

It is almost impossible to describe adequately how absurd the partisan abrasions of American politics appear after listening to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s virtual address earlier this week to the inevitable World Economic Forum at Davos. A more unlikely setting could not be imagined: Davos is a dingy, cold, little town inhabited by grumpy German Swiss with inferior hotels and restaurants and one of the few benefits of the coronavirus pandemic is that Davos is now virtual and the rigors of its Spartan, humorless, relentless globalism may be moderated somewhat by the comforts of home. 

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New York Young Republicans Plan ‘Re-Occupy Wall Street’ Event over Claims of Corruption

The New York Young Republicans are planning a “Re-Occupy Wall Street” event in New York City after allegations that popular investment platforms are throttling trading of certain stocks to protect big hedge funds.

“We do not want this massive story to get brushed under the rug. We want to keep the spotlight and attention on what Wall Street is doing and what the Biden administration is allowing. This is corrupt and illegal, plain and simple. We need to keep up the pressure,” New York Young Republicans President Gavin Mario Wax told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Six Attorneys General Warn Biden Administration of Lawsuits over Executive Orders

Six attorneys general sent a letter to President Joe Biden warning him that many of the executive orders he issued in his first week in office will be challenged on constitutional grounds.

Any actions he takes that might exceed statutory authority, are inconsistent with constitutional law or risk civil liberties could result in legal action brought by states, attorneys general from West Virginia, Arkansas, Indiana, Mississippi, Montana and Texas warned in the letter.

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Johnson & Johnson’s Coronavirus Vaccine Is 72 Percent Effective, But Offers Weaker Protection Against New Strains

Johnson & Johnson announced on Friday that its coronavirus vaccine was 72% effective in combating COVID-19, but only 57% effective against a novel South African strain.

While slightly less effective than Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines, which were both approved by the FDA in December, Johnson & Johnson’s vaccines provides significant distribution advantages that could be crucial in the nation’s fight against the virus. Unlike Pfizer and Moderna, Pfizer’s vaccine is just one shot, and can be stored in refrigerators instead of freezers.

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Biden Regime Embraces ‘Great Reset’ Plan to Destroy Capitalism

The Biden regime is fully embracing a radical globalist plan that seeks to destroy capitalism and replace it with a socialist system.

“The Great Reset” was unveiled at the World Economic Forum (WEC) in Davos, Switzerland last June, using the coronavirus pandemic and “global warming” as pretexts to impose on the world far-left social programs like government-provided basic income, the Green New Deal, universal healthcare, and of course, massive tax increases.

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National March for Life Was Mostly Virtual, but Pro-Life Supporters Attended Local Demonstrations Across U.S.

The national March for Life in Washington D.C. looked very different on Friday compared to past years. Normally, thousands of pro-life demonstrators would march through the Capitol in the yearly march, but this year the thousands turned to social media to watch as a few hundred hand-picked representatives of the pro-life movement marched in D.C. By Friday evening, a Facebook livestream of the event had over 200,000 views.

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Legislation Requiring Virginia School Divisions to Offer In-Person Learning Option Advances in Senate

Legislation that would require local school divisions in Virginia to make in-person learning available to all students advanced out of the Senate Education and Health Committee on Thursday with some bipartisan support.

Senate Bill 1303, introduced by Sen. Siobhan Dunnavant (R-Henrico), just barely passed out of the committee by an 8-7 vote. All six Republicans voted in favor of the bill and two Democrats joined, while the rest of the committee members opposed.

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Virginia House of Delegates Votes to Remove Statue of Segregationist Governor Harry Byrd, Sr.

The Virginia House of Delegates voted 63 to 34 on Wednesday to remove to storage the statue of former Democratic Governor Harry Byrd Sr. from Capitol Square. Byrd served as governor for four years from 1926-1930, and as Senator from 1933 until 1965. He wielded extensive political power which he used to oppose the New Deal and civil rights legislation. His legacy has come under fire in part because he advocated “Massive Resistance,” an effort to block school desegregation mandated by the U.S. Supreme Court in its 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision.

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Virginia Gov. Northam Supports Ending ‘Inequitable’ Death Penalty as House Bill Passes

Gov. Ralph Northam (D) showed his support Friday as a bill that would end the death penalty in the state passed through a subcommittee in the Virginia House of Delegates.

“The use of capital punishment has been inequitable. The administration strongly supports HB 2263 and abolishing the death penalty. The Office of [Gov. Northam],” Del. Mike Mullin (D-Newport News) said on Twitter, attributing the statement to Northam’s office. 

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Gov. DeWine Releases First-Round Shot Schedule for Ohio Schools

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio Governor Michael DeWine (R) announced on Friday the vaccination schedule for Ohio K-12 schools – public, private and career-tech.

DeWine’s administration identified school personnel required for in-person learning and laid out a four-week schedule for those eligible to receive their first jab containing one of the vaccines the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted authorization for emergency use – Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

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Michigan’s GOP Senate Refuses to Confirm Whitmer Appointees

In an attempt to send a message to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), Michigan’s Republican-led Senate is refusing to confirm her new appointees. 

“The state Senate rejected 13 of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s appointees Wednesday to ‘send a signal that [Republicans are] displeased with [the] governor’s actions and refusal to listen [or] work with [the] Legislature,'” first reported by Michigan Advance. 

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Union Files Complaint Against Minneapolis Schools over Plan to Resume In-Person Learning

A Minneapolis teachers union has filed an unfair labor practice complaint against Minneapolis Public Schools because of the district’s plan to return to in-person learning next month.

The Minneapolis Board of Education voted 6-2 last week in favor of a phased-in return to in-person learning for K-5 students across the month of February. According to the plan, classes will be cancelled from Feb.1-5 to “allow staff to get ready to welcome back students back into buildings,” meaning teachers and staff are required to return to work on Feb. 1.

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Rep. Green Co-Sponsors Bill to Save Women’s Sports

Republicans in the U.S. House, including one from Tennessee, are stepping in to try to stop President Joe Biden from essentially ending women’s sports. 

“Sports are based on the idea of fair competition. Allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports destroys a level playing field and denies women an equal opportunity,” Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) said on Twitter. “Today, I cosponsored [Rep. Greg Steube’s] bill to protect the integrity of women’s sports.”

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Governor Lee Refutes Representative Cohen Claims on Shorted Distribution of COVID Vaccines

In a letter to Memphis Mayor Strickland, Governor Bill Lee refuted recent claims that the COVID-19 vaccines weren’t distributed equally to Shelby County.

“[I]t has been reported that Shelby County has not received an equitable share of vaccine doses relative to other counties across the state. However – and I want to be clear and unmistakable about this – any such claims are incorrect,” stated Lee.

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Two Democrats Call for Hearing on ‘Robinhood’s Market Manipulation’ of GameStop Trades

At least two House Democrats are on board to hold a hearing on “Robinhood’s market manipulation,” Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday.

Companies such as GameStop, AMC, and Blackberry recently saw their ticker’s unable to trade on the popular investment platform Robinhood. The stock surge for companies such as Gamestop and AMC, boosted by a group on Reddit, has caused hedge fund managers who held short positions on those companies to lose billions, according to Yahoo Finance.

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Hunter Biden Continues to Hold Stake in Chinese Private Equity Firm, Records Show, Despite Reports That He Was Planning to Divest

Hunter Biden continues to hold a 10% stake in the Chinese private equity firm BHR Partners, Chinese business records show, despite multiple reports from December suggesting he was divesting his position in the company.

Both the Daily Mail and Fox News reported in late December that Hunter Biden was in the process of offloading his stake in BHR. Both outlets cited an unnamed source with Hunter Biden and his business dealings.

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