Commentary: Are the Haslams the First Family of the Never Trumpers?

There may be plenty of “Never Trumpers” on the Republican side of the aisle, with John Kasich and Jeb Bush immediately coming to mind, but no family can claim more current political power in the “Never Trumper” sphere than the Haslam family of Tennessee.

The controversial NFL protests against the National Anthem and the American Flag have been embraced by Jimmy and Dee Haslam, the owners of the Cleveland Browns.

Jimmy Haslam is Governor Bill Haslam’s older brother. The family owns Pilot-Flying J, the 14th largest privately owned company in the country. Jimmy Haslam is the company’s CEO.

The Haslams have supported their players’ protests and issued a harsh statement speaking out against Trump’s comments where he called for NFL owners to fire any players or employees who take a knee or don’t stand at attention during the National Anthem.

“We must not let misguided, uninformed and divisive comments from the President or anyone else deter us from our efforts to unify,” the statement said in part.

The Haslam family’s animosity towards President Trump is nothing new. During the 2016 Presidential election Governor Bill Haslam announced he would not vote for President Trump if he refused to step aside and allow Mike Pence to assume the nomination. Despite the opposition of Governor Haslam, Donald Trump carried 92 of Tennessee’s 95 counties last November.

Bill Haslam is reportedly considering seeking the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Senator Bob Corker, who announced Tuesday that he won’t be seeking re-election next year.

Haslam’s second term as Governor also ends next year and he is term limited from seeking reelection. During his term in office Haslam has seen his efforts to legislate Common Core, expand Obamacare and provide in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens defeated by the Republican majorities in the State House and Senate.

What kind of United States Senator would Bill Haslam be?

One who would be more comfortable siding with Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senator Al Franken (D-MN), and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) opposing President Trump’s agenda  than he would be siding with Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) supporting President Trump’s agenda.

In a word, Governor Haslam, like his NFL-franchise-owning, Trump-denouncing brother Jimmy Haslam, would be a “Never-Trumper” in the United States Senate.



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10 Thoughts to “Commentary: Are the Haslams the First Family of the Never Trumpers?”

  1. Ron

    As a veteran who loves the USA and honors our flag and national anthem, I vow to never patronize another Pilot filling station and not cast another vote for that RINO Bill Haslam.

  2. Sim

    At least Corker had the sense to see the “Handwriting on the wall” and dropout,

    Guess “hasbeen” does have that much sense, unless he thinks his “Money” can buy whatever he wants.

  3. Randall

    Haslam can take a flying leap off a Flying-J

  4. Don Clark

    Why would anyone vote for this spoon fed golden boy ? The family company screwed their customers on rebates & Little Jimmy skates, while his employees lives are probably ruined because they don’t have the resources to fight the DOJ, like Little Jim does. Give me a Dam’n break.

  5. Dave Vance

    Other than Megan Berry Bill Haslam would be the worst possible choice for Senator! He and his family are a disgrace! They have supported the likes of Alexander, Corker and now Boyd and pretty much all things liberal in Tennessee. They are utterly worthless and the epitome of what’s wrong with our country! No morals, no conservative principles and no backbone!

  6. Kevin B

    How do we bill Haslam for the extra money that we’re paying every week for gas and diesel? Make sure he never gets another elected or appointed position within any form of government. Well, except maybe dog catcher. Then he and his buddy Boyd can both be in the pet containment business!

    1. He actually has four of the Candidates on his side, Boyd, Lee, Black and Harwell! I speak out frequently about what a disgrace he has been with the 8 Billion that he has added to our State Budget in addition to the Gas Tax. I will work to turn this around and I will let the people know who they have sent to represent them are voting on issues!

  7. Jim Forsythe

    What a sick family! Based upon their comments and actions they clearly support the Obama/Clinton trash.

  8. Dee

    I’m a “Never Haslam-er.” Also a “Never Beth Harwell-er.”

  9. lb

    Yes, next question.

    A better question: a POLL as to who would actually vote for him after his awful Governorship? Are we not a real Red State and just a pretender Red State? Seems like it at times
