Commentary: Don’t Let the Democrats Cover-Up Their Charlottesville Riot


by Staff


President Trump was right that there was violence from both sides during the Charlottesville riots. However, Virginia Democrats in control of the investigation and the fake news media are already whitewashing the violence of leftwing extremists.

CHQ has run three articles connecting the dots between decisions made by Virginia’s Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe, Charlottesville’s Democratic Mayor Mike Signer, their staff and employees to the police stand-down that pushed the two violent factions together.

In those articles, we called for an independent investigation of the Virginia and Charlottesville security decisions that led to the riot.

Those decisions consciously created the environment for a riot to occur to advance the Democrats’ political narrative against Republicans and President Trump.

Here are links to the articles:

How And Why Virginia’s Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe Killed Three People In Charlottesville

Charlottesville, Charlottesville, Charlottesville

Was The Charlottesville Riot A Set-Up?

After violent leftwing protestors called “Antifa” clashed with white supremacists in Charlottesville on August 12, President Trump has been widely criticized for saying the violence should be blamed on both sides.

He’s even been called a racist for his remarks, even though his statements were accurate. Reports from the scene in Charlottesville show both sides engaging in violence.

CNN, other media outlets, and Democrats are now labeling not just Trump and his supporters, but all Republicans as racists. Even some establishment Republicans are calling Trump a racist over this. They are politicizing the tragedy in Charlottesville, and are using Trump’s remarks as yet another excuse to try to reverse the 2016 election, and remove him from office.

The violent leftwing Antifa have been responsible for mayhem and violence all around the country, not just in Charlottesville. They created mayhem and property damage in Washington, DC during President Trump’s inauguration. This violence on their part is nothing new.

And do you know what Charlottesville has in common with places like Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore — and many other places where there have been other violent leftwing protests?

These are Democrat-run cities.

And, the police were passive or failed to stop the mayhem and violence, letting the situations get worse.

We are not blaming the police. They seemed to be under instructions from their Democrat political leaders to hold back, which let the violence escalate. We know this spread of the violence runs counter to the dedication and training of these public safety officers who protect our communities.

This is about more than just Charlottesville, as violent leftwing protestors will continue to target rallies and citizens in other Democrat-run cities. In the weeks following Charlottesville, violent leftwing mobs shut down free speech rallies in Boston, San Francisco, and Berkeley.

Participants in the free speech rally in Boston were forced to flee under police protection when violent Antifa counter-protestors threatened their safety, hurled bottles of urine at police, and even ripped an American flag from one woman.

The organizers of those rallies shunned white supremacists. So, this is about the First Amendment rights of opponents of the Marxist left, the rights of those who support our police, the security of our police, and more.

The fake news liberal media and Democrats are trying to whip up a frenzy against not just reprehensible white supremacists, but against free speech and anyone who supports the Trump agenda to make America great again.

Our friend Stella Morabito writing at The Federalist about the “big picture” of Charlottesville says:

“Americans are being emotionally manipulated to take up cause with those whose ultimate purpose is the repeal of the First Amendment and erasure of national memory.”

It is clear from many news reports that Democrat politicians, including Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, were involved for weeks in the planning of what was to happen in response to the protests in Charlottesville.

It is negligence for public safety officials to allow violence by failing to act. There is even a legal doctrine called “state-created danger” when public safety officers create conditions by acting or failing to act in violent circumstances, as were present in Charlottesville.

If the plans, orders, and decisions of the public officials contributed to or caused this violence, we need to know.

And, the Charlottesville police acted well just over one month before in a July 8 KKK protest. Over 20 Antifa counter-protesters were arrested. The chief of police, though, came under criticism by the city’s leftwingers for not arresting any of the KKK protestors.

In other words, the lack of police response at the August 12 Charlottesville protest seems clearly linked to political pressure coming from leftists — the base of the Democrat Party.

The City of Charlottesville announced it is ordering an “independent” investigation into the August 12 incident. But we can’t trust the public officials who may have helped create the danger to carry this out.

In fact, what the Democrat Charlottesville officials did was appoint an Obama appointee, a former U.S. Attorney who happens to be married to the Secretary of the Army under Obama. This “independent” investigator supported extreme leftwing Tom Perez for chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

This follows the pattern under Obama, Eric Holder, and Loretta Lynch. When Democrats were at the center of scandals, they refused to conduct objective investigations.

Remember Hillary Clinton and Benghazi, Lois Lerner and the Tea Party, Operation Fast and Furious, and others? The Obama Justice Department did not investigate these scandals; they whitewashed them.

Eric Holder was even in contempt of Congress over Fast and Furious.

In Charlottesville, how can a politically ambitious Democrat, Obama appointee, and Eric Holder protégé be counted on to fairly investigate whether the Democrat governor and other public officials in his party contributed to the violence by their plans and orders?

The progressive Charlottesville mayor and city manager are already whitewashing the facts in leaked memos that fail to even use the word “Antifa” or place any blame on the violent leftwing mobs.

Under President Trump and Attorney General Sessions, we can now have an investigation into whether the public officials are partly — or fully — to blame for the violence in Charlottesville.

That is why we ask every CHQ reader to sign this petition demanding that the Department of Justice and Attorney General Jeff Sessions conduct a federal investigation of the Charlottesville riot and the decisions leading up to the tragic deaths of Heather Heyer and Virginia State Trooper H. Jay Cullen and State Trooper pilot, Berke M.M. Bates.


Reprinted with permission from



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