Letter to the Editor: Colonel George Mason’s Key Contribution to Our Constitution

On 15 September 1787, the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia was just two days from adjourning after nearly four months of painstaking negotiations.

Yet Col. George Mason of Virginia remained fearful the proposed federal government could one day go rogue. In the waning hours of deliberation, he set out to persuade fellow delegates they were on the verge of codifying a fatal flaw.

On that day, with extraordinary foresight, Mason championed a ‘Break In Case of Emergency’ tool which 233 years later is being used to stop out-of-control federal bureaucrats and career politicians.

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Letter to the Editor: Results Are All That Matter

Once when I was a health care worker in a small, rural hospital in the desert Southwest, we respiratory therapists and nurses were in the cafeteria, discussing at lunch the relative merits of various doctors with whom we worked, in ER and on the clinical floors. Who was better?

It was unanimous that a guy who was a jovial, folksy dude with a decent bedside manner was our LAST choice — because he was incompetent.

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Letter to the Editor: Bill Hagerty’s Record Edges Dr. Manny Sethi’s Pledges

Before we cast a vote in an election, we should remember that we are not casting ballots in a popularity contest. We should not vote for someone because he is a nice person or because he seems to have good intentions. We will be voting for someone who will have the authority to make law. We should be voting for someone who most closely aligns with our values, who has a record that reflects the same, and knows how to get things done.

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Letter to the Editor: A Warning from Maine About the Taxpayers’ Role in Refugee Resettlement Programs

My home state has been ground zero for America’s failed, taxpayer abusive resettlement schemes for decades. Thousands of welfare dependent refugees, migrants, and illegal immigrants have been forced on our overburdened taxpayers in economically deprived cities, and the results have been disastrous. If Tennessee citizens fail to act, you will endure the same fate.

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Letter to the Editor: An Open Letter to Senator Gardenhire

  Dear Senator Gardenhire, My name is Alexander Ioannidis and I am a rising senior studying Economics at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga. I am a lifelong resident of Chattanooga and currently reside in East Brainerd. I have been following the debate over the proposed school-choice legislation very closely, and my emotions have been continuously fluctuating. There are times when it looks like this bill is bound to pass, and there are times when it looks certain to fail. I know that people from both sides of the aisle are trying to lobby for your vote, I know that you had several concerns about the bill, and I would be a fool to think that you were not conflicted about it. With this being said, I cannot tell you how grateful I was when I saw that you voted along with your fellow Hamilton County colleague Senator Watson to send it out of the finance committee and advance it to the Senate floor. I was even more grateful today when I saw that after the urging of President Trump, the Senate coalesced around it and passed the bill. While I could not be more thrilled that it passed, I hope and…

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Letter to the Editor: Thank You Tennessee Senators Representatives for Supporting the Bold Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act

Dear Tennessee Star, I want to publicly thank our Senators, Lamar Alexander, Bob Corker, and my Congressman, Jim Cooper as well as the other members of Tennessee’s congressional delegation (Rep. Roe, Rep. Duncan, Rep. Fleischmann, Rep. DesJarlais, Rep. Kustoff and Rep. Cohen) for supporting and passing the Bold Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act, a bi-partisan legislation that, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, “will combat the Alzheimer’s crisis and create a public health infrastructure to address the disease.” In 2013 my 63-year-old father, Col.Tom Bowden, was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s Disease. A retired Army colonel who commanded over 900 soldiers, who was responsible for 36 Pershing II missile launchers with assigned nuclear capable missiles, completed two assignments at the Pentagon, and had a ten-year successful post-military career; no longer knew who he was, where he was, or how to communicate his basic needs. My mother, Barbara Bowden was his care-partner. When he was first diagnosed with AD, his primary care provider said, “it is going to get really bad.” As a result, we immediately enrolled him in clinical studies, researched at-home care, and scoured the internet for the best books to read, wheelchairs, hospital beds and eating utensils to buy. However,…

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Letter to the Editor: A Grateful Veteran’s ‘Thank You’ to Lipscomb’s ASCE Chapter

Dear Tennessee Star, Lipscomb University, how proud Nashville should be of this fine academic institution. Here is my story. On Sunday, the 28th of October, a group of wondrous young students came to my home and proceeded to clean my yard, cut my grass, pressure clean my house and seal my deck. They asked for absolutely nothing in return, and in the process, brought tears to my eyes, joy into my heart, and a profound renewal of my faith in young people of our country. This was a result of contacting a good friend, Ken Nelson, Jr., and requesting his help in finding someone to seal my deck which was getting weather-worn. Previous attempts to find people were fruitless and discouraging. As a wheelchair-bound 100% disabled veteran, I simply must rely upon others for these things. Upon Ken’s recommendation, I contacted David Callahan, a Lipscomb student, and he came out. A fellow Marine veteran, he looked over my deck and he explained that he attended Lipscomb University, a Civil Engineering major, and there was a program of volunteer outreach that the ASCE Chapter supports. After discussing it with his fellow students, they expressed enthusiasm for volunteering to seal my deck.…

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Letter to the Editor: Giving Thanks and Living Gratefully in Today’s Republic

Dear Tennessee Star, November is best known for three special dates: Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day, and every other year, election day. This is one of those years in which we have all three and the interesting, little-understood, facet of this month is that all three of these days are connected. Thanksgiving is the day originally designated to give thanks to God for His gracious provision for our nation. While today it is more likely an occasion for excessive eating and watching sports, it is still a good time to reflect on our tremendous blessings. Though the United States is not a perfect nation, we still have more opportunities and abundance than any other nation on earth. This is certainly something for which to give thanks, and in regard to showing appreciation, in the last 20 years, thanking our veterans for their service has become a custom for some. The veterans of the Revolution won our right to enjoy the blessings of this land at great sacrifice. Then those of the Civil War ensured that all people would be able to enjoy these blessings, again at great cost. In every other war, our armed forces met the challenge of defending our nation…

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Letter to the Editor: Giving Thanks and Living Gratefully in Today’s Republic

Dear Tennessee Star, November is best known for three special dates: Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day, and every other year, election day. This is one of those years in which we have all three and the interesting, little-understood, facet of this month is that all three of these days are connected. Thanksgiving is the day originally designated to give thanks to God for His gracious provision for our nation. While today it is more likely an occasion for excessive eating and watching sports, it is still a good time to reflect on our tremendous blessings. Though the United States is not a perfect nation, we still have more opportunities and abundance than any other nation on earth. This is certainly something for which to give thanks, and in regard to showing appreciation, in the last 20 years, thanking our veterans for their service has become a custom for some. The veterans of the Revolution won our right to enjoy the blessings of this land at great sacrifice. Then those of the Civil War ensured that all people would be able to enjoy these blessings, again at great cost. In every other war, our armed forces met the challenge of defending our nation…

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Letter to the Editor: The Way to Lower Healthcare Costs Is to Support and Elect Candidates Who Will Apply Free Market Principles

doc nurse senior patient

Dear Tennessee Star, During the U.S. Senate debate I was glad to see Congressman Marsha Blackburn speak out against single payer healthcare. Being in the healthcare industry professionally since 1980 and now as a health consultant focused on health care legislation and helping companies and individuals navigate health care costs, pricing and affordability and keeping legislators informed from the provider perspective of the hindrances to care as a result of government intrusion – I know that single payer health care has disastrous implications. Obamacare has taken us in the wrong direction since 2010 – limiting access to plans, skyrocketing double digit cost increases each year, a diminishing individual marketplace, disappearing insurance plans and greatly reducing provider choice – it has been in direct contradiction to the two promises given to the American Healthcare consumer – If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, and it will reduce the costs to consumers. It is unfortunate that many mainstream Democrats are taking a bad idea and setting the stage to make matters much worse. Now many Democrats support Senator Bernie Sanders’ proposal to nationalize our health care system via single payer – also known as “Medicare for All.” In reality,…

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Letter to the Editor: Message, Media, Money, and Matheny

Judd Matheny

Dear Tennessee Star, It wasn’t until I heard an interview with the social research scientist Robert Epstein about the impact of Internet messages on political thought that I first grasped the complete gravity of this problem. Epstein’s conclusion was that moderate and conservative Republicans are the voter group most easily influenced by what they see in the media. Wow! Each time I witness political offices being bought like auction items instead of side by side comparisons, I remember the Marshall McLuhan axiom “the medium is the message.” Consequently, if you can afford to buy enough of the medium, you can own the result of the message. So what is the true message of a candidate for the US House of Representatives who once elected will earn a salary for 2 years at $175K, currently “loaning” their campaigns millions of dollars which they’ll earn back in after-win donations? And what common sense campaign finance law would permit a candidate to obtain a $500,000 loan at 3% simple interest from a local bank to finance such an operation? Such is the case in the TN 6th District House race. State Representative Judd Matheny is clearly the candidate most closely aligned with the…

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Letter to the Editor: We Need a Senator Who Will Be an Ally to President Trump

Marsha Blackburn, President Donald Trump

Dear Tennessee Star,   Congressman Marsha Blackburn should be elected to the Senate in November so President Trump will have an ally in Washington. As I have been volunteering for Marsha this summer, I have acquired insight as to what it looks like to be a leader. I am not able to vote yet, since I am only 16 years old, but Marsha has inspired me to be involved in her efforts to fight for Tennessee values. What stuck out to me is the fact that Marsha is proudly pro-life and has fought tirelessly to defund Planned Parenthood and protect the innocent unborn lives. Also, she is working to bring tax relief, cut wasteful spending, fight for our veterans, and guard our right to keep and bear arms. Marsha should be elected because she supports President Trump’s actions in securing the border and protecting our communities from gangs like MS-13. Knowing that the President of the United States and a United States Senator agree harmoniously will tremendously expand what can be accomplished in dysfunctional Washington D.C. Having a conservative in the United States Senate will not only help to achieve national stability, but also will aid the common good. Congressman…

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Letter to the Editor: If You Want to Change State Politics Then Support Bill Lee for Governor

Bill Lee

Dear Tennessee Star,   We all witnessed an historic change in American politics with the election of Donald Trump as President in November of 2016. A man who never held a political office of any kind defeated all the primary candidates of the Republican A-Team. A group so strong that the late Charles Krauthammer stated there was never a better group of candidates assembled in any prior election. The Republican Party was certainly confident that one of their establishment candidates would rise to the top with ease. Their first but not last choice of course was Jeb Bush. They backed Jeb with all the considerable money and connections they possessed. In any prior election cycle it would have been all over but the music for the remainder of the Republican candidates. What we all learned however is that 2016 was no normal election cycle. The movers and shakers of the political world had somehow lost both their bark and their bite. Even the media elites could not resurrect the campaign of “low energy Jeb,” as one of the candidates called him. Of course today you know I refer to Donald Trump who won the primary and went on to win…

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Letter to the Editor: The ‘Heartbeat Bill’ Should Wait

Fetus on Health

Dear Tennessee Star, After reading the article in the TN Star regarding HB 108, the “Heartbeat Bill,” I want to emphasize the significance of the position taken by TN Right to Life. To the dismay of pro-life supporters across the state, including myself, we cannot allow this legislation to pass. Let me explain. Anyone who pays attention to the long game of politics knows that, when a controversial bill on any issue is passed, it only takes moments for the opposition to file a lawsuit. Just as in 2014 when pro-life Amendment 1 was passed, Planned Parenthood had filed a lawsuit in federal court within days. What many don’t realize is the cost of fighting against one of these lawsuits is far more than dollars. While the majority of people in America may very well be pro-life, the pro-abortion lobby is powerful and well-funded. And we know what is at stake if we lose in the courts. It’s not just a loss, it’s a setback – of several steps. When the Roe vs. Wade decision was handed down in 1973, states across the nation began establishing laws to regulate the abortion industry. Under a Democratic ruled General Assembly, Tennessee was…

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Letter to the Editor: Gun Control, Border Security, and the Flagrant Hypocrisy of the Left

Gun Control

Dear Tennessee Star, The Texas Church shooting is a tragedy. I wish I could think of some realistic idea that would halt this type of horrible event from ever happening again, but I can’t. Over the years I’ve watched the horror of this type of senseless mass killing with the same sense of loss and hopelessness as most Americans. I listen to “experts” point out common factors, guns being the most often noted, and then watch as the discussions sink into a morass of mental illness in its various forms, notification of authorities by mental health professionals, failure to follow up with patients, on, and on, and on, leaving out some killers with no known mental health issues. So,even the “experts” seem at a loss. Now come the Democrats and the Hollywood types. “More gun control laws!” they shout from the rooftops, at any microphone within range of their voices. If I sincerely believed more gun control would work, I would be shouting with them. While these mass shootings merit attention and efforts at resolution, totals of citizens murdered by shootings in strict gun controlled cities, think Chicago, dwarf the loss of life in “mass shootings.” Think of Chicago as a…

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Letter to the Editor: Let Us Remember the True Meaning of the Second Amendment

2nd Amendment

Dear Tennessee Star,  After Las Vegas, The Second Amendment is again under attack by the Democrats and Liberals. But why did the framers of the Constitution include the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights? It’s been said that to properly understand the Constitution one must place themselves in the environment and frame of mind of those writing the Constitution at the time the Constitution was written. I agree, a Government of the People and by the People, must also include it’s protection and security by the People. America was in a war with England at the time the Constitution was being written, a war the People was fighting with their own guns and ammo. America had no military such as we have today, everything depended on the citizens, their firearms and willingness to fight. The framers recognized that without the right to own guns, the people would never be able to win their freedom or maintain their own security from tyranny in the future. The Framers placed the ultimate responsibility for maintaining America’s way of life not in the hands of Government, Law enforcement or the Military, but in the hands of the people, and just as Law enforcement and…

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Letter to the Editor: NFL Athletes Have a Right to Protest, I Have a Right to Never Watch the NFL Again

Tennessee Star

Dear Tennessee Star, I spent ten years serving this nation in uniform. My dad served four years when he was young. My son retired from the Air Force, serving honorably with multiple tours in the Middle East. I have friends who made careers serving in the military. One in particular served over thirty years earning several medals, including three purple hearts and the Bronze Star. Another friend served 28 years, and lost her husband in combat while he served in Afghanistan. Other friends served in WWII, saving the world from fascism. Some came home maimed while others buried their friends on foreign soil. Back in the ’60’s, soldiers returned from Vietnam only to be met by protesters who berated and spat on them. While the protesters were protected by the First Amendment, their actions were deplorable. As far as I’m concerned, professional athletes who refuse to stand for our National Anthem not only disrespect our flag, they are figuratively spitting on every man and woman who served this nation in uniform. Athletes play their sport because they’re talented. We served our country because of our principles: Duty, Honor, Country. I’m a strong advocate for the Constitution. I’m a firm believer…

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Letter to the Editor: Don’t Let America Become Like Soviet Russia


  Dear Tennessee Star, My name is Florin. I am married, father of six and  a strong conservative Christian. I am this way for my own and personal salvation and my love for God. Thirty years ago I’ve escaped from the former Soviet  regime where Christians were persecuted and killed. The United States of America was the only place for refuge that was known to accept Christians like me and it was also known all over the world as a Christian Country. The United States printed the Bibles in more than one hundred languages and sent out missionaries all over the world. Ever since I immigrated to America I am a fighter for religion rights which are taken away from us Christians every day by those evil groups that are turning this country upside down and destroying it from inside out. I totally disagree with what the Knoxville mayor did. Instead of fighting for the Christian Communities in Tennessee she crashed our Bible to the ground. I am encouraging the Christians in Knoxville, TN to come out and ask for her resignation upon failure to defend the City, State and Country’s Christian Religion faith against all other atheist individuals and…

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Letter to the Editor: With Obamacare, There Is Nothing Left to Repair

Tennessee Star

  Dear Tennessee Star, There are a lot of people calling, writing and visiting our two Senators, urging them to vote against the American Health Care Act and instead, repair the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). I have news for these folks: There is nothing left to repair. I know it must be frustrating to see that the hallmark Democratic achievement of the last eight years has, as we predicted, collapsed under its own weight. More and more insurers are leaving the health care exchanges: in fact, of the 95 counties in Tennessee, 47 – over half – will have NO INSURER left beginning next year. Nearly two million Americans have dropped their Obamacare coverage so far this year. Is it not bad enough to pay taxes and penalties for refusing to buy health insurance you can’t use? Do you remember the promise that premiums for the average family would decrease by $2,500 a year? In reality, premiums for many families have doubled (or more) and are expected to increase dramatically again in the next year. Clearly, the Affordable Care Act is neither affordable, nor does it provide care. The government, and insurance companies, need to get out of the…

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Letter to the Editor from Rob Mitchell, Rutherford County Assessor of Property

Tennessee Star

Editors Note: Rob Mitchell sent The Tennessee Star this “Open Letter to All 2018 Tennessee Gubernatorial Candidates and Citizens,” with the following note: “As I begin to explore the possibilities of a candidacy for Tennessee Governor I believe that ideas and experience should be considered. I would appreciate your consideration of my open letter for publication. Rob Mitchell Rutherford County Assessor of Property” We are running Mr. Mitchell’s letter in its entirety, as he sent it to us. Dear Tennessee Star, my fellow Tennesseans, and would-be Gubernatorial Candidates: We do not need a gas tax increase when our State has a tax collection surplus. The knee jerk reaction of raising taxes to solve management issues must stop. The issues both our thriving and our struggling communities alike are caused by poor management and worse policies. The next governor should immediately Repeal and Reform the state gas tax and sales tax.  2018 candidates, will you do that? My proposal would be to reduce the state portion of the sales tax by one cent or more and transfer that equivalent option of sales tax to local communities. These additional funds could be earmarked for infrastructure. The best government is local government and…

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Letter to the Editor: Governor Tim Burchett?


  Dear Tennessee Star, With Dr. Mark Green’s nomination to be the next Secretary of the Army it has left many in the state desperately trying to find a true conservative candidate they can support in next years gubernatorial race. There is one person that all conservatives can support, that person is Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett, if he decides to throw his hat in the race. ● Why Burchett? As mayor he’s proven himself to be a fiscal conservative. Burchett isn’t afraid to stand up to anyone in his fight for limited government, even special interest groups that are influential at the local level. During one of his ‘budget fights’ with the schools he had this to say, “I want to very respectfully say that it is easy to claim that more money will solve our problems, but we need only to look to Washington, D.C., though, to see that this is simply not true.” When the big government folks on the School Board wanted more money which would have resulted in a tax increase he pledged to veto any measure to raise taxes. Gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd even testified before the Knox County Commission in support of the massive…

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Letter to the Editor: Time For the Republican Party in Tennessee to Return to Our Limited Government and Individual Liberty Roots

Tennessee Star

  Dear Tennessee Star, Some of my best memories are from the time I spent with my great-grandparents as a child. Both grew up on farms in East Tennessee, and my papaw served in WWII. I was blessed to have them in my life, and it is my great hope to honor them by carrying on their legacy of self responsibility, hard work, and charity. They taught me much about life. Whether I was helping them string beans or talking to my mamaw as she cooked Sunday’s dinner, there was always something to learn. Really, the way they lived was the biggest lesson of all. They showed me the importance of working hard, pinching pennies, and helping those in need. I was raised by a single mother who did her best, but if it weren’t for them my family would have lacked some of life’s basic necessities. I’ll never forget one time a vacuum salesman showed up, and they would not let him leave until they made him a sandwich and a glass of sweet tea. That is the kind of people they were. They worked for everything they had and never went into debt for anything. Their motto was,…

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Letter to the Editor: Haslam’s ‘Tax Cut Act of 2017’ Straight Out of Orwell’s 1984

Tennessee Star

  Dear Tennessee Star, In George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece 1984, the unfortunate character Winston is battling desperately to grasp objective truth. Meanwhile the power mongers ruling the Ministry of Truth tell him, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Orwell thought he was writing satire; too bad he couldn’t witness our Tennessee General Assembly, where a tax increase is hawked as a tax cut. Gone is the IMPROVE Act; now we have the “Tax Cut Act of 2017.” Same steaming cowpie, just an added dash of Haslamian perfume. We must assume our politicians dreamed this up supposing that average Tennesseans are complete imbeciles who salivate at the mere mention of tax cuts. Well, tax cut for whom, you may ask? Good question. Short answer – it ain’t us. Longer answer – the bulk of the tax cuts are specifically in the Franchise and Excise tax, targeted to save some of Tennessee’s largest corporations about $113 million. Most conservatives might be fine with reasonable corporate tax reductions as the state runs a $2 billion surplus, but not in the same bill that seeks to slam average Tennesseans with a huge increase in fuel taxes. The Governor and his political…

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Letter to the Editor: Mandatory Union Dues Fund Leftist Causes at the Expense of Conservative Union Members

Tennessee Star

  Dear Tennessee Star, It really is simple the more members who pay union dues affords greater political clout for that union and feed the union bureaucracy. Most people still have a lot to learn about unions, especially in education. Many have likened unions to being an ATM to left-wing politicians and causes. Too many people vaguely equate the union with that classroom teacher whom they know and respect, not with the hard-as-nails political entity that dictates bad school policy. It makes little sense for teachers to contribute their hard-earned dollars to political and ideological causes they oppose. For example, a teacher union’s goal, of course, is political power, not education. This means of course they funnel union money to politicians who support their agenda. So how do the government unions, whose leaders run to the left of the average worker, get away with spending dues dollars on candidates and causes that so many of its members revile? The answer very simply is because its members let them. In fact, in all elections since 1989, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has given $76,446,797 to Democrats and liberals and just $363,000 to Republicans and conservatives. In other words, less than…

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Letter to the Editor: “I am fed up with these blatant, arrogant power grabs”

Tennesee Star

  Dear Tennessee Star, First of all, I just want everyone there to know how much I appreciate you. I have sent the Tennessee Star link to all of my friends and family – both here and in other states. The reason I’m writing today is that I am fed up with these blatant, arrogant power grabs that are so totally disrespectful and contradict the residents of Tennessee. Boss Doss plainly is answering to a boss other than Tennessee residents. I hope voters remove the 10 Republicans who voted for this “amended IMPROVE Act.” This kind of “ramming” seems to be the order of the day. Last night I was at the Metro Council meeting and watched as they went through new resolutions so quickly that I couldn’t even keep up on the agenda! The Vice Mayor actually joked with the Council person reading the resolutions about getting through them so quickly. I was there specifically regarding a zoning change. I have been to every commission meeting, council meeting, and public hearing on this proposal except one when I didn’t receive a notice. The only persons who have spoken in favor of this rezoning are the person wanting to develop…

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Letter to the Editor: Repeal Obamacare Now

Tennessee Star - Obamacare

Dear Tennessee Star, Obamacare continues to be a total disaster for families. Remember the famous saying, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” With President Trump in office and Republican control of Congress – it’s important that Congress moves to quickly repeal Obamacare. Our healthcare system is on the edge. Republicans must put forth a solid and complete replacement plan that goes along simultaneously with any repeal. Congress should work on patient-centered reforms that bring power back to the states and allows for a free market system. It’s also important that Congress ensure the repeal of the health insurance tax – which is a tax on healthcare premiums. The National Federation of Independent Business Research Foundation found the health insurance tax will cost between 152,000 and 286,000 jobs by 2023, with 57 percent of those lost jobs represented in small businesses. A study by Oliver Wyman estimates that the health insurance tax results in an extra cost to small businesses of an average of $280 per employee per year and to individuals who purchase insurance coverage on their own of $220 per year. Thankfully, there is a bi-partisan bill by Representatives Kristi Noem and Kyrsten Sinema –…

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Letter to the Editor: Today’s Shenanigans at House Transportation Subcommittee Deflate Tennessee Taxpayers

Tennessee Star

  Dear Tennessee Star, Conference room 16 was packed with an overflow standing room only crowd of “Ax the Tax” folks, and they listened respectfully to every word. The Gas Can Man was there bigger than life and getting all kinds of photo ops. Yet, in the end, the Tennessee taxpayer crowd left feeling defeated and deflated like those Tom Brady footballs. I read Rep. Andy Holt’s remarks about the hearing on Facebook. He describes the shenanigans at the Sub House Transportation Committee. Rep. Holt also gives you insight to our own “FAKE MEDIA” which is alive and well in Tennessee….except for one….the conservative Tennessee Star. Go to their web site and check out the latest fact gathering information on this Republican fiasco. To Chairman Terri Lynn Weaver’s credit, she defended and upheld what the taxpayers wanted which was the common sense Hawk Plan. When she voiced that opinion the crowd clapped loudly. But, the votes were not to be. Those who opposed the Haslam Improve Act were: Lt. Col. Courtney Rogers, Chairman Terri Lynn Weaver, Rep. Jerry Sexton, and Rep. John Mark Windle. Those voting in favor of the Haslam Improve Act (the Gas Tax Increase) were: Rep. David…

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Shenanigans at the State Capital

Tennessee Star Letter to the Editor - Shenanigans at the State House

  Dear Tennessee Star, Shenanigans at the State Capitol never cease. The proposed Gas Tax is a tax that will definitely affect every single Tennessee citizen in more ways than one. The Transportation House Sub Committee suddenly adjourned their meeting last week and the next meeting is at HIGH NOON, March 1 in LP Room 16.  I wonder if more time was needed in order to twist more arms in order to vote a certain way. If you like paying more taxes, pay this article no mind. But, if you realize that many politicians can’t spend enough Tennessee citizens’ money…read on and contact the House Transportation Sub Committee members below and then pass this information on to others and ask them to do the same. Haslam’s Gas Tax Proposal The governor proposes a 7 cent increase in gas tax and 12 cent increase in diesel tax Also, there is a pesky automatic index to future gas tax increases…which means this proposed gas tax will automatically increase. That means, this gas tax will keep on taking bigger bites out of your wallet as time moves on, and you, the taxpayer will have no say in the matter. Haslam says that it will be “revenue neutral.” Not buying that one. The math doesn’t add up. Keep in mind of that pesky automatic increase that…

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Letter to the Editor: What We’re Really Up Against

Dear Tennessee Star, I Googled the definition of “liberal”. You know what it says? 1. Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. “they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people” 2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person’s general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training So when you see these leftists at Berkeley burning and destroying property and inflicting injury on innocent people just to prevent the free exchange of ideas, or leftists calling for a ban on groups who have a different point of view than them, that’s actually the exact opposite of true liberalism. It’s Groupthink, a mandatory and absolute conformity to the collective. Anyone who dares have an independent thought or belief that runs contrary to the collective must not only be silenced and expelled, but utterly destroyed. That’s what we’re up against. Not liberals, but mindless zombies who are incapable of critical or independent thought, who will lash out with a mob mentality at anyone or anything that the collective deems outside their norm. This is a cultural war like nothing we’ve ever faced. I have no doubt that reason and virtue…

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Letter to the Editor: Protesters Crossed the Line

Dear Tennessee Star, February 15, two lawmakers, Sen. Mae Beavers and Rep. Pody, attempted to conduct a press conference about two bills they are sponsoring, the Traditional Marriage Bill and the Bathroom Bill. Protesters disrupted the conference. It was abruptly halted. Protesters crossed the line for peaceful protesting. Not only did they shout the legislators down from speaking, protesters followed them out shouting even more. Protesters were belligerent , crude, and rude. Denying the legislators to speak and the public’s right to be heard showed bullying at its best. When you peel back the layers of this incident it boils down to good versus evil. Fidelity in relationships of marriage, parenthood, and friendship; commitment to right principles in business, sanctity of one’s word…all of these are ancient landmarks placed by God in His holy word. Spiritual landmarks are there for all time and are changed at the changer’s peril. Spiritual landmarks do not need updating and changing because human needs and nature remain the same as they were from the beginning. Removing those ancient landmarks endangers human happiness. Those who honor those ancient landmarks have it all – inner peace, satisfaction, and most of all, assurance that they will spend…

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