Andy Ogles Announces Challenge to Bob Corker for U. S. Senate


Long time conservative activist Andy Ogles announced Thursday he is launching a campaign for the U.S. Senate, challenging incumbent Senator Bob Corker (R-TN).

“In less than a year the Republican primary will give us an opportunity to make choices that will impact future generations of Tennesseans,” Ogles said in a statement. “Conservative leadership means more than making promises, it means keeping them.”

Andy Ogles is perhaps best known at the leader of the Tennessee chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a position he’s held since 2013. During his tenure as the state director, the grassroots army defeated Obamacare expansion twice, led the fight against Common Core and prevented multiple attempts to inflict so-called “Washington DC values” on Tennesseans. The volunteer organization worked to hold politicians accountable for bad votes, regardless of party affiliation.

Unlike Senator Corker, who has repeatedly put himself at odds against President Trump and his policy goals, Ogles is aligning himself closely to the president’s ‘Drain the Swap’ message.

“Over the past several months it has become increasingly clear that too many of our elected officials in Washington are failing our country, failing to fulfill their promises, and failing our future,” Ogles said. “Sadly, Republicans who promised to govern as conservatives if we would just ‘give them a majority’ are letting us down the most, including our Senators from Tennessee.”

“As long as he has to rely upon career politicians more focused on preserving their own power rather than empowering the American people we will find ourselves short of where we want to be,” Ogles said of President Trump.

Ogles continued:

Republican majorities in the House and Senate have not been able to repeal and replace Obamacare, balance the budget, or cut taxes. Our nation has racked up a 20-trillion-dollar debt, any career politician who has spent more than 12 years in DC has helped create the problem. Congress now appears more focused on providing amnesty to illegals to placate so-called Dreamers while refusing to build the wall and secure the American Dream for American citizens.

We will not change what we are seeing IN Washington until we send new, strong conservative representatives TO Washington. Our problem isn’t the shortage of Republicans in the Senate, it is the shortage of the RIGHT Republicans in the Senate.

Andy Ogles has been active in politics since 2003. In 2011, he worked as COO for the group now called Hope for Justice, who combat human trafficking and exploitation. In 2012, he served as the National Deputy Director for Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign, and in the same year, worked within Tennessee to help win Republican super majorities in the State House and State Senate. According to press reports, Ogles resigned from Americans for Prosperity earlier this week.

“Details about Ogles’ upcoming statewide tour and campaign leadership and staff will be announced over the coming week,” according to his announcement statement.

To find out more about Andy Ogles and his campaign, visit




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5 Thoughts to “Andy Ogles Announces Challenge to Bob Corker for U. S. Senate”

  1. Barbara Richardson

    Good luck I will be praying for you . We need young people with good respect for our flag and country…wishing you good luck. GOD Bless You.

  2. Pam

    Drain the swamp it never gets anything done all that knows how to do is complain and fight and we as United States states citizens are done with it time for change President Trump drain the swamp !

    1. Betty powers

      Corker is a RINO!

  3. V hibdon

    Corker is a RINO and will
    Not get our vote again

  4. Bob

    Where do I contribute?
