Antifa Sends Threatening Message To Ted Cruz After Disrupting His Dinner: ‘You Are Not Safe’

by Molly Prince


The Washington D.C. chapter of Antifa sent a message to Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz early Tuesday morning after chasing him out of a restaurant, telling the Texas senator that he is “not safe”.

Cruz was dining with his wife, Heidi, on Monday night when a large crowd of protesters flooded the restaurant shouting “we believe survivors,” referring to allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a nominee to the Supreme Court who Cruz supports. Cruz and his wife promptly left the restaurant.

A recording of the incident was soon tweeted by Smash Racism DC, a branch of Antifa based in Washington, D.C., with the hashtag “#CancelKavanugh.” Hours later, Smash Racism DC doubled down on its harassment of the senator.

“No — you can’t eat in peace — your politics are an attack on all of us You’re [sic] votes are a death wish. Your votes are hate crimes,” Smash Racism DC wrote. “Tonight Senator Ted Cruz arrived at Fiola, an upscale restaurant mere steps from the White House, to enjoy a hearty Italian dinner. He could have dined on a lavish four course meal for only $145 while millions of Americans struggle to buy groceries. He might have sampled from the top shelf wine list as migrant children languish in cages.”

The comment was seemingly in response to President Donald Trump’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy that separated juveniles from their parents after illegally crossing into the United States. However, Cruz notably proposed legislation to keep illegal immigrant families together.

“He’d have laughed with his wife while women and members of the LGBTQ community collectively gasp in horror as Senator Cruz pushes forward on Bret Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination. At least he could have had activists not interrupted his evening just as he was being seated,” the Antifa group continued. “Instead, activists from Smash Racism DC, Resist This, DC IWW, members of DC Democratic Socialists of America, Anarchists, women, sexual assault survivors, and members of the LGBTQ community interrupted Ted Cruz’s peaceful meal.”

Smash Racism DC further defended the disturbance, saying it “does not compare in scale to the interruptions his actions as a Senator have had on millions of American lives”.

The group then sent a threat directly to Cruz, Kavanaugh, and Trump:

“This is a message to Ted Cruz, Bret [sic] Kavanaugh, Donald Trump and the rest of the racist, sexist, transphobic, and homophobic right-wing scum: You are not safe. We will find you. We will expose you. We will take from you the peace you have taken from so many others.”

The series of tweets was signed “Sincerely, Some Anti Fascist Hooligans”

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Molly Prince is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Molly @mollyfprince.












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6 Thoughts to “Antifa Sends Threatening Message To Ted Cruz After Disrupting His Dinner: ‘You Are Not Safe’”

  1. L.P. Barnett

    My main question is “Why are the police never called?” Why are the police never present when this band of punks pulls its antics? The restaurant management is culpable for their lack of action. At the risk of seeming militant I think patriots should form a “Rapid Response Team” in and around the D.C. area that could monitor social media and infiltrate Antifa and these other bullies. The team would be able to mobilize in a moment’s notice. It would not take too many patriots because the Antifa bullies are nothing if not cowards. I guarantee a few cracked heads would adjust attitudes!
    Am I suggesting vigilantism? Of course, because the police are not doing their job, largely due to restaurant managers not doing theirs. Oh, and I myself am a little long in the tooth or I would be more than willing!

  2. Angelito

    Now, exactly who are the fascists?

    Ted Cruz, Sarah Sanders, and numerous other politely left while these nimrods screamed in their faces. Is there anyone else out there who would love to see these little punks get some immediate street justice?

  3. Jane

    Go to this restaurant’s website and leave a message: Go to the “reservations” area and email them what you think of their obvious complicity in the attack on Senator Cruz and Heidi. Better yet, call them! The restaurant claims that “your experience is important to us,” unless you are a Constitutionalist or Conservative, of course!

  4. Wolf Woman

    Antifa: rude, angry, ugly, hateful, tyrannical, narcissistic kids who have never had any responsibility or hardship in their lives and live off the blood on the hands of George $oros.

    1. James

      Some one in this group is going to get killed. Then what? Some of us believe spit in the face is over the line, and we are armed.

  5. Ron W

    That message from “Smash Racism DC” doesn’t violate Twitter’s “community standards” ? Just depends on the messenger, I suppose. They’re Twitter approved.
