Beth Harwell Celebrates Flag Day, Announces Support for Constitutional Ban on Burning American Flag

In a statement first obtained by The Tennessee Star, former Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives and a Republican candidate in the August 4 primary for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District Beth Harwell celebrated Flag Day and announced her support for a constitutional amendment that would make burning the American flag illegal.

“The American Flag is the greatest pillar of freedom across the globe. It is a guiding light to our troops and a symbol of hope to men, women, and children around the world who suffer under authoritarian regimes. Desecration of our flag is the greatest disrespect for the ideals our Founding Fathers sought to establish and to all who have given their lives to defend it. We must protect our flag and our freedom by passing a constitutional amendment that outlaws the burning of our nation’s flag,” said Harwell.

The statement additionally says, “This Flag Day marks 245 years since the adoption of the U.S. flag in 1777 and celebrates the birthday of the U.S. Army. Beth deeply values American patriotism, our nation’s military and the veterans who dedicated their lives to defending our freedom. She will continue to stand up for our flag and support our veterans in Congress. ”

This has been a busy week for the Harwell campaign.

On Monday, Harwell’s campaign confirmed that she visited the U.S. southern border on May 26, likely making her the first TN-5 candidate to make that trip.

Harwell additionally released her plan for securing the U.S. southern border that day.

In a statement, Harwell said, “America’s illegal immigration crisis starts at our southern border, but it ends in our own backyards. The soaring numbers of crime, human trafficking, opioids and fentanyl are the result of reckless policies coming from the Biden administration.”

Harwell continued, saying that those policies “have created a national security issue at the southern border. Just last year, 2 million illegal immigrants tried to cross the border, according to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. The refusal to enforce immigration laws by the Biden administration has invited the cartels to run rampant with drug smuggling and human trafficking across our border. Enacting the following proposals will slow the flow of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border,” Harwell said in her document outlining her plan.

Her plan includes eight components, including finishing President Trump’s border wall.

Harwell also wants to keep Title 42 in place, properly utilize surveillance technology to secure the border, hire more border patrol agents, defund sanctuary cities, require all cities to work with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), end “catch and release,” and keep President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Beth Harwell” courtesy of Beth Harwell


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2 Thoughts to “Beth Harwell Celebrates Flag Day, Announces Support for Constitutional Ban on Burning American Flag”

  1. william delzell

    Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

  2. william delzell

    People who burn the flag are NOT unpatriotic. They want to cleanse the flag of its sins against others like the promotion of slavery, the support of rich dictators, etc. Flag-burning is a very PATRIOTIC act that simply wants the flag to live up to its ideals and not to allow unscruplous politicians from abusing the flag to cover up their misdeeds. Beth Harwell is not a real patriot; she is a HACK!
