Biden Denounces ‘Extreme MAGA Republicans,’ Trump ‘Abuse of Power’ in Fiery Speech

by Ben Whedon


In a bellicose speech on Wednesday, President Joe Biden warned Americans that “democracy is on the ballot” ahead of the November midterm elections, attempting to present the electoral contest as a choice between a Trump-led autocracy and a Democratic-led republic.

Biden filled the speech with vitriolic rhetoric against “extreme MAGA Republicans” and derided the “election deniers” who questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election.

“We the people must decide whether we’ll have free and fair elections. Every vote counts,” he said. “We the people must decide whether the rule of law will prevail or whether we’ll allow the dark forces” to triumph.

The president explicitly labelled former President Donald Trump a threat to Democracy and a “self-seeking autocrat” [sic]” while repeatedly insisting that his supporters sought to curtail voting rights.

“Democracy is under attack because the defeated former president refused to accept the results of the 2020 election,” he declared emphatically. Trump “abused his power,” Biden said, before referring to the “big lie,” a common left-wing term for Trump’s election fraud claims. He further termed such claims to be an “article of faith in the MAGA Republican Party.”

Biden went on to note that “more than 300 election deniers” were on the ballot nationwide, referring to a liberal favorite pejorative label for those in any way raising election integrity concerns, however substantiated.

Biden repeatedly called on voters to repudiate political violence, which he asserted could be done by forcefully rejecting Trump-backed candidates in the election.

“My fellow Americans, we’ll meet this moment,” he concluded. “May God bless you all.”

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Ben Whedon is the night editor for the Just the News. He came to the company from Breitbart News and is a graduate of Washington and Lee University.




Reprinted with permission from Just the News

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One Thought to “Biden Denounces ‘Extreme MAGA Republicans,’ Trump ‘Abuse of Power’ in Fiery Speech”

  1. Tim Price

    Biden has already proven that

    1. He is not calling on the God of Heaven to bless people. This is based on his support of the killing of the unborn and his support of the perverse behavior of the LGBTQ community and child molesters.

    2. He cares nothing about Americans but only about the power that Democrats can gain by taxing, spending and support of bringing in new illegal immigrants to make them Democratic voters.

    3. He cares only about destroying America by his playing the American worker by his focus of beefing up the IRS so he can collect more and more money.

    His denial that America is in a recession caused by his destructive energy policies.
