Blackburn Receives Taxpayers’ Friend Award and an A Rating from National Taxpayers Union

Marsha Blackburn

U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) has received a Taxpayer’s Friend award and an A rating of 87 percent from the National Taxpayers Union (NTU).

Blackburn is running for the seat of retiring U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-TN). Democratic former Governor Phil Bredesen is running against her.

NTU released the Congressional scorecard for the first session of the 115th Congress, and it’s good news for taxpayers: more pro-taxpayer votes were taken and passed in 2017 than in other recent years, and the number of “Taxpayers’ Friend” awards has jumped over the 2016 totals.

The results are available here.

The Tennessee House delegation’s state average is 70.

“While far too many members of Congress are still failing to consistently stand up for the best interests of taxpayers, 2017 was still an important year of progress on many fiscal policy issues,” the organization said in a press release.

NTU will be awarding 66 representatives and 15 senators with the “Taxpayers’ Friend” awards this year, up from only 15 House members and 3 senators from previous ratings.

“This reflects the number of important, pro-taxpayer bills that were voted on and passed by Congress in 2017 – including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and important regulatory reforms. At the same time, much work remains to be done. Pro-taxpayer legislation like the Financial CHOICE Act and the American Health Care Act received votes but did not make it out of Congress. So while taxpayers saw a good year, it could have been a great one.”

The Taxpayer Score measures the strength of support for reducing spending and opposing higher taxes. In general, a higher score is better because it means a member of Congress voted to spend less money.

The Taxpayer Score can range between zero and 100. The organization says it does not expect anyone to score a 100, nor has any legislator ever scored a perfect 100 in the history of the scoring system.

Founded in 1969, NTU calls itself the “Voice of America’s Taxpayers.” Its mission is to achieve favorable policy outcomes using the most effective pro-taxpayer team on Capitol Hill and in the states.






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  1. […] this month, Blackburn received a Taxpayer’s Friend award and an A rating of 87 percent from the National Taxpayers Union […]
