Bredesen Campaign Worker Says Bredesen Will Serve Only One Term if Elected to Senate, Campaign Has No Comment

Phil Bredesen, Democrat

According to Project Veritas videos, staffers for Democratic U.S. senatorial candidate Phil Bredesen said he will likely serve only one term if elected.

Bredesen will turn 75 next month.

As a one-termer, Bredesen would have more flexibility to push for leftist causes that would surely repulse most Tennesseans.

The staff members’ thinking seems to suggest that if Bredesen doesn’t have to worry about re-election then he doesn’t have to worry about infuriating red state constituents. He can do whatever he pleases. He can, for instance, ally himself with Democratic U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York or former New York mayor and anti-gun advocate Michael Bloomberg.

The Tennessee Star could find no evidence of Bredesen or any of his staffers publicly saying he would serve only one term if elected — not in any known media reports, at least.

Will Bredesen serve only one term?

No one in Bredesen’s communications staff returned The Star’s request for comment Friday.

Field Organizer Will Stewart told the undercover Project Veritas journalist that Bredesen will serve one term and thus “can get in and do the right thing.”

Voter Protection staffer James Miller said the same thing in another portion of the video.

Stewart had nothing to say when The Star confronted him about the Project Veritas videos this week.

The Star did not see the other campaign staff members featured in the video, which also included organizer Maria Amalla.

Publicly available records from the Federal Election Commission indicate all three Bredesen campaign workers featured on the video are paid staffers of the Tennessee Democratic Party, and are not “volunteers” or “unpaid interns.”

On the now viral video, Stewart said, among other things, Bredesen would not really vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a U.S. Supreme Court justice, despite telling the public otherwise.

On those videos, Amalla said Bredesen’s sudden support for Kavanaugh was nothing but “a political move” to get more Republicans on his side.

The Senate confirmed Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court last week, by a 50 to 48 vote, with only one Democrat, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) casting a “yes” vote to confirm.

Stewart, meanwhile, told the undercover Project Veritas journalist not to talk about any blue waves outside the office and that running against President Donald Trump is “why we’re all here.”

As reported, Bredesen has previously praised former Massachusetts U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy and called former President Barack Obama “a rock star.” He’s donated generously to Democrats, including U.S. Sen. Cory “Spartacus” Booker of New Jersey.

That indicates Bredesen is a loyal and faithful servant of the Democratic Party, despite past claims he is a political moderate.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].










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2 Thoughts to “Bredesen Campaign Worker Says Bredesen Will Serve Only One Term if Elected to Senate, Campaign Has No Comment”

  1. […] As reported last week, a Project Veritas journalist caught Bredesen’s staffers on video saying he will likely serve only one term and, while so doing, carry out the progressive Democratic Party agenda. […]

  2. John Bumpus

    Probably ANOTHER Dem LIE! If Bredesen is elected to the U.S. Senate, the old fraud will probably serve as many terms as he can before age and infirmity finally force him out. If nothing else, he would serve until a Dem Governor of Tennessee could appoint his successor, another Dem. Don’t be fooled by Phil!
