Chairman Scott Golden: Tennessee Republican Party Actions ‘Completely Vindicated’ by Unanimous Tennessee Supreme Court Ruling

In a statement provided to The Tennessee Star Friday, Tennessee Republican Party (TRP) Chair Scott Golden reacted to the unanimous decision by the Tennessee Supreme Court that “completely vindicated” the party’s actions in determining that Robby Starbuck, a disqualified Tennessee 5th Congressional District candidate, was not a bona fide Republican because he did not meet the requirements as outline in the bylaws.

Golden said, “We very much appreciate the unanimous decision of the Tennessee Supreme Court today. The ruling completely vindicated the actions of the Tennessee Republican Party and affirmed our authority to ensure that only Bona Fide Republicans are allowed to be Republican candidates for office.”

“We have always maintained that the actions of myself, the Party, the staff, and Members were conducted honestly and in accordance with the many state laws regarding ballot access for Republican candidates, and the verdict today has affirmed our belief,” the chairman continued.

“It will allow both the Republican and Democrat Parties the ability to operate in the future while maintaining important first amendment rights and freedoms,” he said.

“We will take some time to reflect on this ruling and will consider our near future legal options for the organizations and individuals that have slandered our institution with charges of corruption. We are gratified that the Supreme Court has issued a thoughtful legal opinion that affirms the TRP decision and process,” he said.

“I wish to thank our attorney, Josh Mullen, and his team for their hard work in this case and their effort in the strengthening of democracy,” Chairman Golden concluded.

The Star previously reported the Tennessee Supreme Court ruled in favor of the TRP Friday, vacating the injunction ordering Starbuck on the August Republican Primary ballot, and ruled that the TRP is not subject to the Tennessee Open Meetings Act (TOMA).

The court said in the order:

This Court assumed jurisdiction over this case pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated section 16-3-201(d) and Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 48. We conclude that the trial court erred in granting an injunction to Plaintiff Robert Starbuck Newsom a/k/a Robby Starbuck because the Tennessee Open Meetings Act does not apply to the Defendants, the Tennessee Republican Party and the Tennessee Republican Party State Executive Committee. Therefore, the order of the trial court granting the temporary injunction is vacated, and the case is remanded to the trial court for proceedings consistent with this Opinion. All other matters are deemed moot.

(emphasis added)

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTR, Twitter, and Parler.
Background Photo “Tennessee Supreme Court” by Jon698. CC BY-SA 4.0.


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One Thought to “Chairman Scott Golden: Tennessee Republican Party Actions ‘Completely Vindicated’ by Unanimous Tennessee Supreme Court Ruling”

  1. Hugh Brooks

    Thank you, Chairman Golden. This was a phony attack against the Tennessee GOP from the start.
    The level of arrogance displayed by Mr. Starbuck and especially Ms. Ortagus towards the voters of Tennessee is hard to comprehend.
    Under the leadership of you and your staff the State Executive Committee now deals with serious issues and is respected. I remember when the S.E.C. was just a bunch of yes men and women for a Republican Governor or federal officeholders.
