Commentary: Make the Left Care About Elections Again

by Sean Ross Callaghan


Burning American flags, taunting defenseless kittens, and perpetrating political terrorism: Most assume that all American politicians oppose things like this that are simply indefensible. But we all know that hasn’t always been the case. So, what must a politician do to show he opposes the indefensible today?

He must at least pay it some mind.

When a congressman’s voters show up behind him and unfurl a burning American flag, for example, he should turn around and say “stop!” If instead he goes on speechifying about the least of America’s cares, we can infer only that he wants the flag to burn. And when he pays no mind as those who voted for him terrorize those who won’t, we can infer only that he wants the nation ablaze.

Behind nine congressmen last week raged acts of political terrorism. It was not the terrorism that the nine prattled on about. These nine—all allies of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and installed by her on her illegally constituted January 6 committee as its exclusive members—carried on about an unruly Capitol protest that happened well over a year ago and which few think is America’s top concern. Yet just last week, real political terrorism flared up. These nine paid it no mind.

In Buffalo, New York, a pro-abortion terrorist firebombed a crisis pregnancy clinic. He broke into the clinic, set it aflame, and graffitied it with the tag “Jane was here.” The pro-abortion group “Jane’s Revenge” has apparently vandalized several pregnancy clinics in just the last several weeks. Just last month, it firebombed another clinic, in Wisconsin—and then gloated about it afterwards.

The quintessence of political terrorism is political assassination. Last Wednesday, a leftist traveled across the country allegedly to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. U.S. marshals arrested the man outside the justice’s home. They found in his backpack a gun, a knife, a crowbar, a set of zip-ties, and duct-tape. The man said he was angry that the Court is poised to recognize that states may regulate abortion. Now, he’s charged with attempted murder.

But the indifferent nine tell us that those charged with trespassing on Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021, are the real terrorists. They tell us that a vote in Congress delayed by a protest is an attack on Our Democracy™. What would they call a vote in the Supreme Court stopped by an assassination? “Unfortunately fortunate,” perhaps. Representative Brian Higgins (D-N.Y.), whose Buffalo district suffered the latest clinic firebombing, has yet to denounce the attack. No tweet. No press release. No anything.

The House Democrats’ perfervid preoccupation with the old Capitol protest is their pitch at distracting America from the rising leftist terrorism that has long been obvious. Consider what has occurred in just the last few years. A devotee of the left-wing cable-news host Rachel Maddow opened fire on Republican members of Congress practicing for an annual baseball game, nearly killing Rep. Steve Scalise (R-Va.). Leftists assaulted Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) three times, including once in his own front yard. And for months in 2020, Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters beset hundreds of American towns and cities.

They killed. They battered. They burned. They looted. They smashed. One even slaughtered a peaceful Trump-supporting counter-protester. The assassin lay in wait and shot him point-blank in the chest, in open air. His victim had been strolling the street with his friend and wearing a shirt and hat showing his conservative bona fides. Before pulling the trigger, the killer announced, “We got a couple right here.”

None of these events seems to have bothered Democratic Party politicians at all. Perhaps next, the Democratic Party will come out against apple pie. This may seem odd, as most assume political parties seek to win elections by appealing to mainstream voters. But the Democratic Party appears to care less and less about winning elections. The party’s standing among voters is dismal since Joe Biden took office. And it keeps getting worse.

But why should the Democratic Party care about winning elections when its activists get what they want not through passing and enforcing laws but through terror and intimidation?

During the months-long riots, BLM demanded and received billions of dollars in pledges from prominent American corporations. And since the media published a leaked draft of a judicial opinion showing the Supreme Court poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, leftists have wrenched from American corporations promises to pay for its employees’ abortions, including travel to states where abortion would still be legal.

Leftists have secured their most sweeping victories not for their most popular but for their least popular demands. They have secured these victories not through elections but through infiltrating and intimidating academia and corporate America. The Green New Deal failed in Congress, but it’s now being imposed through Wall Street. A mere sliver of American voters celebrates Pride Month. Virtually every American corporation now does. The new trans ideology would get fewer votes than concentration camps for kittens, but it’s now enforced through the nation’s once-elite colleges.

The leftists behind the Democratic Party are showing that they have less and less need for the American political state. The state must reverse that trend to halt the continued political terrorism that it foretells.

It’s not enough that the Democratic Party lose elections. The leftists behind the party must be made to need elections. That can happen only through the legal force of the political state, helmed by a resolute Republican Party imposing its voters’ unalloyed will upon the nation. Nothing less will work.

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Sean Ross Callaghan is an attorney and a former law clerk for a U.S. District Court judge. He served in the Treasury Department, the Justice Department, and in the D.C. Attorney General’s office as an Assistant Attorney General. He is currently a tech entrepreneur. Follow him on Twitter @seanrcallaghan.




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3 Thoughts to “Commentary: Make the Left Care About Elections Again”

  1. Get Freight

    As a last resort, why can’t we get people in to nullify juries and stop the insanity?

    Not 100% clear on how we can get them out now. This is beyond ridiculous. Claiming insurrection when the only people dying were protesters. And they were all unarmed. Pitiful liars.

  2. mikey whipwreck

    oh they care. care about how they can steal them.

  3. Steve Allen

    The only thing the Left cares about when it comes to elections is winning, no matter how much they have to cheat. The 2020 election proves that. Anyone with any level of intelligence could not deny that after watching the movie “2000 Mules”. President Trump was (and still is) the greatest threat to the globalist agenda and those fools in Washington are still chasing after him. IF we make it to the mid-term elections, at which time the donks will get a beating of historic proportion, they will scream and jump up and down claiming the Right cheated. Whoever, or whatever, is driving the current direction of the Democratic Party in Washington is pure evil. The level of immorality being promoted by the Left is beyond belief, and they and their globalist masters will be dealt a serious blow in November.
