Democratic Presidential Candidate Mike Bloomberg Tells Nashville Crowd He’ll Raise Taxes and Crush the NRA


NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg delivered a litany of talking points that included tax hikes and gun control during a campaign appearance in Nashville Thursday. He also said he’s not afraid of fellow Empire State billionaire President Donald Trump.

Instead, Bloomberg went on to say, Trump is afraid of him.

Bloomberg spoke to a large audience at Nashville’s Rocketown venue to explain why he believes he is the man to beat Trump.

Bloomberg promised that, if elected, he will have a sparring match with the National Rifle Association.

Bloomberg said he will implement more government initiatives to take on climate change. The billionaire also promised to raise taxes.

“I’ll raise the estate tax to generate some of the revenue we need to start fighting income inequality in this country,” the former New York City mayor told the audience.

Bloomberg went on to call Trump “the world’s biggest schoolyard bully with no respect for civility, decency, and facts or honesty.”

“This is a national emergency, and if we have four more years of the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue I don’t know how we are going to recover. The stakes couldn’t be higher,” he said.

“We just have to find a way to defeat Donald Trump by appealing to the broadest coalition possible of Americans of all backgrounds and all parties to stand shoulder-to-shoulder. The way to defeat Trump is with workable, sensible solutions to our biggest challenges.”

Watch his full remarks:


Bloomberg appeared in Chattanooga earlier in the day.

While there, according to, Bloomberg addressed his past stop-and-frisk policies and past blaming of minorities for inner-city-crime, saying those actions do not reflect “how I led the most diverse city in the nation.”

“Those words don’t reflect the way that I’ve governed or the way that I run my company or the way that I live. I’ve led the most diverse city in the country, and the public there re-elected me and reelected me two other times so I think they’re pretty happy,” Bloomberg reportedly said.

More than 1,000 people reportedly showed up for the Chattanooga event.

Bloomberg told his Nashville audience that he has campaigned for president in 60 cities in 25 states since he last campaigned in Nashville in December.

Bloomberg said he will next travel to Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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25 Thoughts to “Democratic Presidential Candidate Mike Bloomberg Tells Nashville Crowd He’ll Raise Taxes and Crush the NRA”


    Bloomberg is an oxyMORON! He thinks fancy commercials and hiring people to show up at his events is going to propel him in to the leadership of the USA. He think taking away your Constitutional Rights (free speech, guns, rights to earn a living and the rights to eat and drink what you choose) are need for you. He believes that when he wants you opinion he entitled to tell you what he wants you to say, The last time a person like this step forward in an attempts to control people and promote racial purity (body slam the minority and frisk them) was name Adolph Hitler! Mikey May like his life cereal of being an elite but he has no right to control our life.
