Exclusive: TN-5 Candidate Kurt Winstead Announces ‘Strong American Families Plan’


In an exclusive statement provided to The Tennessee Star, Kurt Winstead’s campaign in the Republican nomination contest for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District unveiled its “Strong American Families Plan.”

“Out-of-control gas prices and inflation, in addition to historic crime rates, are threatening American families. Joe Biden and the Democrats caused this problem. But conservative Republicans are going to be the ones to fix it,” the retired general said.

If elected, on his first day in the U.S. House of Representatives, Winstead said he pledges to “introduce legislation entitled the Strong American Families Plan.”

The plan contains three major components: “Promote Energy Independence,” “Keep Families Safe,” and “Stop Rampant Inflation.”

Winstead’s plan calls for legislation promoting energy independence by restarting the Keystone Pipeline, reopening drilling leases, and authorizing offshore drilling exploration on the east coast of the United States.

“We must force the Biden administration to restart the pipeline, which would create thousands of jobs and provide an increased supply of energy,” the plan says.

“The Biden administration has once again paused oil and drilling leases and permits. That limits our ability to produce American energy and forces us to import,” it adds. “We cannot allow environmental extremists to block oil and gas exploration.”

Winstead said he promises legislation that will keep families safe by funding a school resource officer in every school and securing the border.

“The federal government spends billions overseas but can’t adequately fund law enforcement here at home. It’s time to focus on American public safety first,” the document says.

“Public safety in America starts at our borders. We must restart construction on the border wall and finish the job,” it adds.

Winstead said he wants to stop rampant inflation by cutting wasteful spending and blocking pork-barrel spending.

The legislation Winstead proposes will “force every federal department and agency to conduct an audit and identify 5 to 7 percent of spending to be cut. Stopping wasteful government spending is the first step in fighting inflation.”

The plan additionally says, “The federal government should not be spending one more dime than it has to and special projects from members of Congress promote wasteful spending. Congressional earmarks and pork barrel projects need to end – immediately.”

The Republican primary for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District seat is scheduled to take place on August 4.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.



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3 Thoughts to “Exclusive: TN-5 Candidate Kurt Winstead Announces ‘Strong American Families Plan’”

  1. william r. delzell

    There are all types of strong American families: some are the traditional nuclear family; others are single-parent (either father or mother, or extended relatives) families; some are single-sex parent families (male or female). Likewise, dysfunctional families come in all types: including your precious nuclear family (like the Trump family or the Anita Bryant family). The Bible Belt has often had the nation’s HIGHEST divorce rate among both white and black families. I know some single-sex two-parent families over the years who have done an excellent job in raising their children by teaching them vital job and social skills so they can gain financial independence and engage in strong CIVIC-minded activities.

  2. Stuart I. Anderson

    Nothing says “conservative Republican” to me more than a candidate in the Republican primary who was a contributing Democrat at least until 2012 when he was well out of puberty and who holds “meet-and-greets” with “Madam No” Ortagus in the Washington, D. C. home of Jeff Miller, who was an advisor to worthless Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (Heritage-59%) and liberal Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Fifth District conservatives please prevent Gen. Weathervane from becoming our next congressman even if it may mean casting your vote for someone other than your favorite candidate in the primary.

  3. Laurie Kelley

    You don’t rise to the top of a bureaucracy (TN National Guard) by standing up for the little guy or doing what’s right. You rise to the rank of General by being a company guy and going along to get along. Don’t rock the boat and you’ll climb the ladder. “Yes men” get promoted.

    I’m sure Winstead is a nice guy, but don’t expect him to change ANYTHING if he wins. He’ll just be another minion of the DC uni-party.
