Fox News Guest Who Called Out Abortion Advocates For ‘Irresponsible Sex’ Now Faces Death And Rape Threats

DC McAllister
by Grace Carr


Fox News guest and PJ Media contributor Denise McAllister stated that abortion advocates regard the procedure as an easy solution for irresponsible sex and has since been met with death and rape threats, she told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

After McAllister sent out a Sept. 6 tweet “reacting to the Kavanaugh insanity,” she said she received a deluge of direct messages calling her “hateful, awful, terrible,” and that she should be aborted, she said Wednesday.

She said her tweet prompted a slew of threats against her life and family’s safety.

“The vitriol and the way they were delivered is quite frightening,” McAllister told TheDCNF.

“I am facing legit death & rape threats because I have dared to call out women who are hysterical about abortion and to challenge them to be responsible and not to elevate sex to the point that they’re willing to kill human life to avoid their responsibilities,” she tweeted Sunday.

McAllister also said a number of people had gotten hold of her private number and have been threatening to rape and strangle her over the phone. Her home is now on police watch.

“I can’t go outside with having someone who is armed accompany me,” she said. “It’s unnerving and our families don’t deserve it.”

McAllister also said she’ll refrain from posting on social media for the time being until the situation improves.

“If you have a problem with me, debate me, argue with me. But don’t threaten me and family,” McAllister told TheDCNF.

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Grace Carr is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Grace on Twitter.












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2 Thoughts to “Fox News Guest Who Called Out Abortion Advocates For ‘Irresponsible Sex’ Now Faces Death And Rape Threats”

  1. M.W. Flatt

    If the only tool one has in one’s tool box is a sledge hammer, it’s amazing how many things look like a watermelon to be smashed. To make threats of rape and death over the cover of Internet anonymity is cowardice. Like the famous Wizard, the curtain needs to be pulled back on these fools, revealing how powerless they truly are.

    To borrow from a famous person from the South: The left has nothing more than fearmongering and arrogance. The cure for both of those is Truth.

  2. Randall

    The Left is screaming about separating children at the border,but have no problem with separating children at the womb. Pathetic hypocrites
