Haslam Considering Senate Run

Tennesse Star

On Thursday Gov. Bill Haslam said he is considering a run for the U.S. Senate.

Earlier in the week, Haslam’s good friend and his brother’s college roommate, Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), shocked the political world when he said he would not be running for a third term in 2018.

The ever cautious Haslam couched his comments about a potential run in his comments to the local Tennessee press, as WBIR reported:

“It merits spending some time thinking about it and praying about it,” Haslam told reporters.

The governor said he’s talked to Corker about the idea in recent days, adding that he had fully expected the U.S. senator to run for a third term.

“I’ve heard from a lot of folks on the national political scene and a lot of people around Tennessee,” Haslam said. “But at the end of the day it’s more of a personal decision about what you want to do with your life. And it’s a question about can I be helpful in this role?”

Haslam did not give a timetable as to when he will reach a decision, noting he won’t draw the process out for a month.

Haslam added that Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) has encouraged him to consider jumping into the Senate race.

Though the two-term governor would be a contender, should he decide to enter the race, he will likely have to contend with Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07), who has also said she is considering entering the race.

Blackburn would be a formidable opponent for the wealthy Haslam.

A Tennessee Star Poll conducted in June showed that, in a head-to-head matchup, Blackburn was in a virtual tie with Corker.

While Haslam may not start the race with quite as many negatives as Corker, they share at least one thing in common: a persistent pattern of opposing President Trump.

Haslam, in addition, is saddled with the unpopular legacy of his gas tax increased, signed into law this spring. Haslam used all his powers as governor to force through the state legislature.



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4 Thoughts to “Haslam Considering Senate Run”

  1. Voter

    Well, since Haslam secretly reads The Tennessee Star, I’ll be glad to help him make his decision! Many conservatives I know will be working hard to BEAT him! We do not need ANYONE that both Lamer Alejandro ! Boobie Corker would readily endorse!

  2. Susan E Gingrich

    The country is already 20 trillion dollars in debt-we don’t need another RINO raising it more. The TN budget under him increased way too much. Our governor was responsible for last year’s unnecessary tax increase, because he and legislators refused to think out of the box to fund it in other ways, avoiding a tax increase. TN has a surplus because we are overtaxed. Too many tax and spend members of the Senate already. Mitch would love him though instead of a republican genuine small government conservative.

    1. Stephen Lowe

      He is a “Never Trumper” to boot. I believe that Haslam would be Tennessee’s Luther Strange from Alabama.


    Corker would win if he stays in. Unfortunately.
