High Profile Dems Openly Pine for the Death of Trump and Melania in Wake of COVID Diagnoses

by Debra Heine


Two high profile Obama flunkies, and countless other Democrats have allowed their masks to slip, exposing their hateful and deranged characters in the wake of news that the president and first lady tested positive for COVID-19.

Ironically, the former Obama staffers—both of whom specialize in strategic communications—deleted their tweets.

A former national spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign who was also an Obama White House staffer, openly hoped for the president to die in a now deleted tweet.

And a former member of the media team for Barack Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and 2012 proposed in a tweet that the 25th Amendment be invoked for President Trump and potentially for Vice President Biden so House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could be sworn in as president.

“The Constitution is clear,” Democrat strategist and Obama campaign ad maker Greg Pinelo wrote in a now deleted tweet. “The 25th Amendment must be invoked. The President is no longer capable of performing duties,” he added, without evidence. “If Pence is not infected, he must be sworn in immediately. If he’s infected too, then Pelosi must be sworn in,” Pinelo submitted.

White House physician Dr. Sean Conley said Friday that he expects the president to continue carrying out his duties “without disruption” while recovering.

Both the president and the first lady are reportedly experiencing “mild symptoms” but are still working from the White House residence.

Vice President Mike Pence tested negative for the virus on Friday morning and “remains in good health,” his spokesman said.

Pinelo also gleefully asserted that the COVID diagnosis effectively put the kibosh on the president’s two remaining debates with Joe Biden, as well as his presidency.

“There will be no more debates,” the strategist tweeted. “COVID is THE mute button. Regardless of his health status, Donald Trump’s Presidency is over. On Election Night, the American people will overwhelmingly and unambiguously remove him. There will be a peaceful transition of power on January 20, 2021.”


It’s currently unclear whether Trump’s diagnosis will impact the debate schedule, but Dr. Ronny Jackson, a retired U.S. Navy rear admiral who served as White House physician from 2013 to 2018, said there’s plenty of time between now and the next debate.

“Once he tests negative twice, you know, he should be safe to go back to, you know, to his normal routine, and that will be well before the next debate,” Jackson said on Fox and Friends Friday morning.

The next presidential debate is set to take place on October 15 at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, and the third is scheduled for October 22 at Belmont University in Nashville.

As deranged as Pinelo’s tweets were, other blue checks on Twitter were even worse in the hours after the president announced that he tested positive for the coronavirus.

Many Democrats, like former Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama staffer Zara Rahim, are openly rooting for the president’s death.

Countless other verified Twitter users expressed hope that the president (and even the first lady) suffer and die.

The Federalist’s Mollie hemingway had some advice for the Democrats who are openly hoping for the death of the president on social media.

“In Lutheran liturgy, we pray each Sunday for the president and other leaders, no matter who they are,” Hemingway wrote on Twitter. “I can not recommend this practice highly enough. Getting into the practice keeps you from, e.g., wishing death on your political opponents.”

On Fox and Friends, Friday, Hemingway said she was disappointed by the left’s outpouring of hate for the president in the wake of the announcement that he had tested positive for COVID-19.

“I’m genuinely disappointed in the glee with which some people responded to this news,” she said. Hemingway suggested that a more proper response would be to pray for the president and first lady.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.









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2 Thoughts to “High Profile Dems Openly Pine for the Death of Trump and Melania in Wake of COVID Diagnoses”

  1. neveragain

    The Democrats wishing death for President Trump and Melania are showing who they really are; conniving, lying, thieving, intolerant weasels.

    1. Rick

      The democrats are some really sick and deranged people I am so thankful to God that I do not call myself a democrat not all democrats are like the ones that wish a human being death these sick people better be more careful what they wish for cause karma can be evil and pretty sick itself on people like this
