Joe Biden Misspeaks So Badly During Florida Campaign Events, Even The New York Times Notices

by Debra Heine


Joe Biden committed multiple verbal gaffes in Florida Tuesday while rallying Democrat voters against “mega-MAGA” Republicans in the comfortably red state, and his slip-ups were so bad, even the New York Times noticed.

While delivering remarks on protecting Social Security and Medicare and lowering prescription drug costs in Hallandale Beach, Florida, Tuesday afternoon, he once again told the lie that his son Beau died in Iraq.

Biden blamed the nation’s inflationary woes on the “war in Iraq” before quickly correcting himself to blame it on the war in Ukraine. In an attempt to explain his confusion, Biden said he was “thinking of Iraq because that’s where my son died.” Beau Biden however spent less than one year in Iraq—from October of 2008 to September of 2009—as an Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG) lawyer—and died of brain cancer in 2015, over five years later.

Biden brought up his son again a few minutes later, while talking about the price of cancer drugs. “My son, who died of stage four glioblastoma, the cost of those drugs was enormous … enormous,” he said.

Biden also tried to explain what inflation meant in an attempt to show empathy for people struggling to make ends meet, but stumbled badly.

Biden continued his gaffe-fest Tuesday night at a political rally in Miami Gardens for the Democratic Party with senatorial candidate Val Demings, and gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist.

Biden’s team wanted to recreate the memorably dark vibe he achieved in his unhinged diatribe against the “MAGA forces” in Philadelphia on September 1. But in the end, he just didn’t have the energy or charisma to make it happen.

“Folks, this ain’t your father’s Republican Party. This is a different breed of cat,” Biden told the crowd. “Their extremism isn’t limited to social programs and the economy. They’re coming after your right to vote and who gets to count the votes. For real. You’ve got 350 or so election deniers on the ballot, on the Republican ticket. This is really deadly earnest, man” he added lamely.

Biden at one point started to repeat the same absurd lie he told last week about gas being $5.00 a gallon when he took office —but changed his story midsentence.

“I passed a gas station on the way—$3.25,” he proudly told the audience. “It was $5.00 when I took off—” he began, before correcting himself to say, “this summer.”

Biden went on to brag that his regime “cut the federal debt in half,” but it has done nothing of the sort. The federal debt surpassed $31 trillion in October, and he has contributed over $3 trillion to it since taking office.

Biden also weirdly claimed that he “got his start” at Delaware State University, an HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) school, but he actually attended the University of  Delaware in Newark.

Biden has been boasting about his link to Delaware State College since at least the 2020 election, and Reuters actually factchecked *his critics* for pointing out that he didn’t attend the college. “Fact check: Joe Biden did not say he attended Delaware State University,” Reuters chastised.

Biden did not say that he attended Delaware State University. At a speech he made in South Carolina in 2019 when he said that he “got started” out of DSU, he was likely referring to the support he received when he launched his U.S. Senate bid at the campus there in 1972.

Yet Biden keeps making the claim that he “got his start” at Delaware State University, which sounds to most people like he’s saying he attended the college.

During the rally, Biden tried to correct what he had said earlier about his son dying in Iraq, but he got that wrong too. He claimed that his son was stationed next to a burn pit in Iraq, and only lasted 19 months after he got home before he died of glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive brain cancer. In fact, he lived for nearly six more years.

Biden’s performance at the rally in Florida was so terrible, Outkick founder Clay Travis predicted that Democrats will cut him loose after the midterm elections.

“Even they can’t defend this after the tsunami next week,” he said.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness. 




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