Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones Removed After Heckling Michael Bloomberg in Nashville


NASHVILLE — Former New York Mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg spoke in Nashville Thursday about taking down U.S. Republican President Donald Trump and implementing more gun control.

Organizers, however, had to remove Nashville left-wing activist Justin Jones from the premises after he repeatedly heckled Bloomberg. At one point, the presidential candidate scolded Jones from the platform.

In a speech at Woolworth on Fifth Avenue, Bloomberg said one of his top objectives was sending more Democratic politicians and “people who are good on guns and the environment” to Washington D.C. and the statehouses.

“I gave a speech to the Democratic Convention in 2016, and I said Donald Trump was a con man and he would not be the right person for president of the United States and you should vote for Hillary,” Bloomberg said.

“Unfortunately, not enough people listened to me. But what I said sadly was right on. We have an opportunity to make a change. We have to bring in new management.”

A few minutes into Bloomberg’s speech, Jones repeatedly interrupted Bloomberg. Jones and people with him shouted indecipherable comments about revolutions and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal.”

People in the audience of about 250 shouted Jones down and told him to “shut up” and let Bloomberg speak.

Bloomberg called for a time out — not once, but twice.

“I’ll be happy to talk to you afterwards,” Bloomberg said.

But Jones wouldn’t stop yelling.

“Just stop it,” Bloomberg said.

“I’m doing more for the climate than you have even dreamed of.”

Members of the audience applauded loudly.

Organizers then escorted Jones out of the room.

And members of the audience applauded.

As reported, Jones is challenging U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) for his seat in next year’s primary election

As The Tennessee Star reported last month, the Tennessee Secretary of State’s Division of Elections recently issued a petition to Bloomberg so his name can appear on Tennessee’s Democratic presidential preference primary ballot on March 3.

This, according to Tennessee Secretary of State spokeswoman Julia Bruck, who told The Tennessee Star the office issued the petition.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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9 Thoughts to “Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones Removed After Heckling Michael Bloomberg in Nashville”

  1. […] Bloomberg told his Nashville audience that he has campaigned for president in 60 cities in 25 states since he last campaigned in Nashville in December. […]

  2. […] The Tennessee Star reported in December, Bloomberg spoke in Nashville that month about taking down U.S. Republican President Donald Trump […]

  3. Pissed Off Nashvillian

    I LOVE it when lefties turn on each other.

  4. 83ragtop50

    So now we call unlawful agitators “activists”.
    Why not label them for what they really are. Ignorant malcontents.

  5. William R. Delzell

    Bloomberg is a fraud. He is really a D.I.N.O. (Democrat in name only) and a R.I.A.B.N. (Republican in all but name). I got one message for Bloomberg: go back to the Tea Party or Republican Lite where you belong. I’ll vote for Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders before I vote for this crooked creep! Bloomberg wants to buy up the whole U.S. for his already over sized real estate.

  6. He can dish it out but he can’t take it

    While it is inappropriate to disrupt any political candidate(s) talking to potential supporters. Socialism supporter Justin Jones prove one thing while Liberals Democrats while they can spew out their American freedom destroying promises they can take it when someone confronts them. Wake up Nashville, if Bloomberg was serious he would take the money he is wasting on a political commercials and put it toward solving homeless problems not talk about programs that would reverse the US economy and put more people on the streets.

    1. Ron Welch

      “Socialism is not for the socialist.” Their “useless idiot”minions, as Lenin called his followers, do the dirty work of anarchy, the same old method used by the “Brown Shirts” National Socialists in Germany and the Bolshevik Soviet Socialists in Russia.

  7. lb

    Hey Lefties: Be careful of the Monster you coddle and create, when it runs out of THEM, it will still be hungry and come for YOU

  8. Steve Allen

    I knew this payaso would cause more problems after the charges were dropped against him.
