Mae Beavers Doubles-Down on Her ‘America First’ Positions Opposing DACA, Sanctuary Cities, and Amnesty

Gubernatorial candidate Mae Beavers doubled-down Friday on her support of President Trump’s constitutional decision to end the legally dubious DACA program, issuing this statement:

“As I have said before, the Executive Order that President Barack Obama relied upon to create DACA was unconstitutional and I applauded President Trump for making the decision to end the program. He also made the right call to put the burden of crafting and passing immigration legislation that secures our border, enhances enforcement of our immigration laws, makes it easier for employers to distinguish between legal and illegal job applicants with E-verify, and provides for limits on legal immigration in the hands of Congress, where it belongs,” Beavers said, adding:

American taxpayers have carried the burden of illegal immigration long enough. President Trump has made it clear that American taxpayers and workers are his top priority rather than promoting the agenda of those who have illegally entered our country, illegally worked in our country, and illegally relied upon identity fraud to cover up their illegal actions. I fully support him in putting America and Americans first! He is also confirming that “the Wall” will be built, as he promised throughout the campaign last year, and I am confident that he will deliver on that promise as long as American voters keep the pressure on their elected representatives in the House and Senate.

I do not support any form of amnesty for those who have illegally entered our country. Amnesty for them would be an insult to those who have patiently and properly followed the rules and secured legal status for themselves and their families as provided under the laws of our country. That is part of the reason that I have opposed, and voted against, taxpayers subsidizing the college tuition and costs for those who are illegally in our country. It is why I have opposed, and will continue to oppose, the creation of sanctuary cities in Tennessee.

Beavers is the most outspoken supporter of President Trump and the Trump agenda that helped elect him in 2016, having served as a Trump delegate to the Republican National Convention, among the five leading candidates for the Republican nomination for governor.

Knoxville businessman Randy Boyd stands out as the only GOP candidate for governor who has been identified as a “Never Trumper” during the 2016 Republican Presidential primary season.

The three other major candidates-Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-07), Tennessee House Speaker Beth Harwell (R-Nashville), and Williamson County businessman Bill Lee have all been identified recently as Trump supporters.

In March 2016, the New York Post reported:

Billionaires, top tech CEOs and leading figures of the GOP establishment gathered on an island off the coast of Georgia this weekend for a conference where the main topic was how to stop Donald Trump, according to a new report. . .

Also on hand were Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Republican elder statesman Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio) and Ben Sasse (Neb.), who recently made news by saying he could never support Trump.

The House was also represented by Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Fred Upton (Mich.), Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas) and Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), sources told the website, along with leadership figure Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.), Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga.), Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (Texas) and Diane Black (Tenn.).

The most recent polls indicate that the race for the Republican nomination is wide open, with 57 percent of likely Republican primary voters still undecided, and none of the five candidates having broken out as the clear front runner.





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One Thought to “Mae Beavers Doubles-Down on Her ‘America First’ Positions Opposing DACA, Sanctuary Cities, and Amnesty”

  1. Dave Vance

    One correction to this article. Diane Black was one of the original never Trumpets that met in March of 2016 to find a way to stop Trump.
