Memphis Entrepreneur Says Bredesen’s Debate Claim He Can Be Effective as Moderate Democrat in Senate ‘Either Naive or a Charade’

“Phil Bredesen’s claim in the debate tonight that he can be effective as a moderate Democrat in  the U.S. Senate is either naive or a charade,” Memphis entrepreneur Jeff Webb told The Tennessee Star on Tuesday night in an exclusive interview.

The founder of Varsity Brands also questioned Bredesen for his opposition to President Trump’s tax cuts and economic program.

“Bredesen continues to avoid saying what he would do to keep the current economic revival going,”  Webb added.

Former Gov. Bredesen, the Democrat nominee for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by outgoing Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), squared off in a debate Tuesday night at Cumberland University with GOP nominee Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07).

“He’s talking like he’s running for governor,” Webb said.

“He’s not going to be the policy maker, if he’s elected to the U.S. Senate. He’s going to be the junior senator from Tennessee. The question is, how is he going to vote. If he wants to be a chairman of a committee, if the Democrats win the majority in the Senate, or the ranking member on a committee, if they stay in the minority, he’s going to have to go along with the Democrat leadership, which is moving farther and farther to the left,” Webb said.

“He is acting like he is going to be this great moderate voice who will bring the two parties together. But the reality is, if he’s elected, he’s going to be the junior senator from Tennessee and will be expected to strictly fall in line with the policies of the liberal Democrat party leaders. He won’t be successful as a senator if he votes against his own party leadership, ” the self-made entrepreneur from Memphis said.

Webb is the Founder of Varsity Spirit and Chairman of Varsity Brands, a Memphis-based company, that now has more than 8,000 employees in 50 states. More than 700 of the company’s employees are Tennessee based.

Webb, who founded the company in his apartment, is widely credited with being the driving force in the creation of the cheer leading industry, and is especially interested in entrepreneurship and economic growth. He previously served two tems as president of the Mid-South Society of Entrepreneurs, and has received the organization’s most prestigious award, “Master Entrepreneur.”

He challenges Bredesen’s reluctance to fully support President Trump’s economic policies.

“Most people agree that President Trump’s policies have indeed been the engine to reignite growth in our economy. Marsha Blackburn has supported the President’s policies and has stated clearly that she intends to do so in the future. Phil Bredesen has obfuscated on this subject and appears to believe that ‘you can trust me’ should be enough to satisfy Tennessee voters. Our citizens deserve to know exactly where he stands on these issues so they can make up their own minds about how his votes will affect our economy and jobs going forward,” Webb told The Star.

“The Democrat Party is becoming rapidly more liberal, and as a freshman senator, Bredesen will be required to toe the party line if he wants to even have a shot at prime committee slots or chairmanships. Remember, not one Democrat senator, including all the moderates, voted for the Trump tax cuts,” Webb concluded.

Webb will be a guest on The Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy, broadcast live on Talkradio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC ,at 7:30 am this morning to elaborate further on the debate.








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One Thought to “Memphis Entrepreneur Says Bredesen’s Debate Claim He Can Be Effective as Moderate Democrat in Senate ‘Either Naive or a Charade’”

  1. Wolf Woman

    Yes to pretty much everything Jeff Webb says but I disagree the democrat party is becoming more liberal. It is now flat out socialist.
