More State Senators Speak Out in Favor of Saving Tennessee National Guard Members’ Jobs

More Tennessee State Senators continue to speak out in favor of saving the jobs of Tennessee National Guard members who are due to be dismissed on June 30 due to their refusal to comply with the COVID-19 vaccination mandate.

State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson (R-Franklin) and State Senator Ferrell Haile (R-Gallatin) have already spoken out.

State Senator Kerry Roberts (R-Springfield) told The Tennessee Star, “I am adamantly opposed to firing anyone, Guardsmen or otherwise, for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine.”

On the subject of whether or not he supports Governor Lee’s intervention or public comment, Roberts said, “Yes, and I encourage his intervention.”

Roberts also supports the idea of Attorney General Slatery filing suit in favor of the Guardsmen and reiterated that he adamantly opposes any firings.

State Senator Page Walley (R-Bolivar) said, “This assault on our Guardsmen is but one more example of the intentional assault on our democratic republic: Control the media, infiltrate the schools and government, warp the language of the prevailing culture, and dispirit and denigrate whomever resists. However, we Tennesseans will be among those who, like Churchill reminded us, never, never, never, never give in to this counter-revolution.”

Previously reported, State Senator Haile was the first to provide The Star with a comment, exclaiming, “I do not support the firing because of refusal to be vaccinated by TN National Guard!”

Tennessee Senate Republican Leader Jack Johnson additionally issued a strong statement on Friday in support of the Tennessee National Guard members who are scheduled to be dismissed on June 30:

It is a travesty that the Biden Administration is prepared to fire brave men and women who faithfully serve our state and nation in the TN National Guard because of their COVID-19 vaccine status. I have spoken with the Governor’s office and encouraged them to do everything they can to protect these Guard members.  We should celebrate those who are willing to serve their fellow citizens in uniform, not penalize them because of a personal medical decision. I call on President Biden to immediately intervene and allow our brave National Guard members to do their job without fear of reprisal due to their vaccine status.

While several members of both the Tennessee State Senate and State House have issued public comment and strong encouragement for Governor Bill Lee and Attorney General Herb Slatery to take action in support of the Tennessee National Guard members, both the governor and attorney general continue to remain silent.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Jack Johnson” by Senator Jack Johnson. Photo “Ferrell Haile” by Senator Ferrell Haile. Photo “Kerry Roberts” by Kerry Roberts. Photo “Page Walley” by State Senator Page Walley. Background Photo “Tennessee National Guard” by Tennessee National Guard.


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One Thought to “More State Senators Speak Out in Favor of Saving Tennessee National Guard Members’ Jobs”

  1. I am blown away as to where we’re are as a Republic right now, especially in light of how far we have come.

    Hank Aaron sat with my great grandfather, as he lay dying of kidney failure, at Grady Memorial. They were friends from baseball.

    My great grandfather was Dizzy Dean’s roommate in the minor league, in the Cardinals organization.

    My grandmother owned a Gas Station at five points, in down town Atlanta.

    Rev. King would come there to have his car serviced, back when they were service stations.

    1968 was a huge year. That was the year I was born. Here we are, 54 years later.

    The great grandson of US Navy Aviator is about to graduate College; Covid recovered, if you believe the testing, and now can’t even consider going into Medicine or the Navy because he is not free.
