Nashville Left-Wing Activists Predict SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh Will Spawn Terror … at Protest Event Held on 9-11


About 20 people representing far-left activist groups assembled in Nashville Tuesday to spout off clichéd talking points about the horrors U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh might supposedly inflict upon America.

The comments came 17 years to the day after Islamist terrorists flew airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, killing more than 3,000 Americans in the process.

They assembled on the front steps of the district offices of Tennessee’s two U.S. Republican senators, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker, in Nashville’s West End.

Someone from Indivisible Tennessee spoke.

Someone from the American Muslim Advisory Council had something to say, as did someone from the Tennessee Activist Coalition.

Some speakers also represented the Vanderbilt Divinity School Racial Justice Collaborative.

The motley crew of Trump-detesting rabble-rousers said they would backdrop themselves with “a mountain of paper reams representing the 100,000 documents still unavailable to the public” about Kavanaugh.

But in person all they had were empty cardboard boxes.

Of all the speakers, Justin Jones, a Vanderbilt student, was perhaps the most dramatic when speaking of the Kavanaugh nomination and what he said were the ultimate insidious goals of Washington, D.C. Republicans.

“In 10 years America will look different,” Jones said.

“That’s why they’re trying to put as many conservative white men on the court as they can.”

Other people spoke, among them Tennessee State Rep. Brenda Gilmore (D-Nashville), now the Democrat nominee for the 19th State Senate District in November’s general election.

“These are scary times, and our civil rights are at stake,” Gilmore said.

Brett Kavanaugh has no place on the Supreme Court. No place. No place. No place.”

Gilmore then recited a list of the usual left-of-center platitudes about why Kavanaugh — or any other Republican-nominated justice — ought not serve.

He’s anti-worker.

He’s anti-consumer.

He’s anti-woman.

He’s anti-environment.

He’s anti-health care.

“We need a fair voice on the U.S. Supreme Court, not a partisan Trump idol,” Gilmore said.

The other speakers stuck to the predictable script and repeated the same talking points over and over.

Activists lowered some of their protest signs to the ground and perched them against the empty cardboard boxes.

Tuesday’s light breeze knocked some of those signs down.

That was perhaps the only part of Tuesday’s protest that didn’t follow the usual left-of-center protest formula.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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9 Thoughts to “Nashville Left-Wing Activists Predict SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh Will Spawn Terror … at Protest Event Held on 9-11”

  1. Charlene

    Is there an award for DUMBARD OF THE YEAR?

  2. bob Smith

    These people want to destroy the constitution. I took an oath to protect it from all enemies.

  3. Lisa

    Anti-woman – how ridiculous can you get? You know, he is married, right? To a woman? You know there were 65 women who wrote letters in support of him. That doesn’t matter, I guess.

  4. Mickey

    One point I see that many are ignoring is that I see a lot of Muslims pushing their agenda right next to Democrats. This is an absolute great reason to VOTE REPUBLICAN and remove these Democrats from office. The Muslim population is infiltrating our government and will destroy it just as the Democrats have tried for years from within. We cannot allow this to happen.

    Tell your neighbors, friends, families they need to save America from Demonrats, Islam, Sharia, communism, socialism, Marxism and the destruction of our great Republic. Get out and vote. Stop these evil people.

  5. Randall

    “Elections have consequences “

  6. Angelito

    More nonsense from the lunatic left. I truly hate liberals.

  7. TeeCee

    The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

  8. Rick

    What ignorance! Nothing else to say but, I am sick of Democrats. They are not leftist , they are ignorant Democrats call them what they are. Phony Phil’s crowd.
