Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain: Waffle House Shooting ‘Another Example of the Rise in Violent Crime Plaguing Our Fair City’

Former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain, a candidate for Mayor of Nashville in the May 24 special election, issued a statement late Sunday condemning the shootings at an Antioch, Tennessee Waffle House earlier in the day.

“What happened today in Antioch is a terrible tragedy. It is another example of the rise in violent crime that is plaguing our fair city,” Swain said in the statement.

“We must pray for the families involved, but we must also take action, she noted, adding:

As Mayor, I will work with City Council and mental health agencies to address the troubling mental health issues that are plaguing some of our citizens. Additionally, I will work with the metropolitan police and community leaders to create cultural change in our city. I call on all Nashvillians to be the change they want to see in their communities.

Swain also offered a stark contrast to her rival in the May 24 special election, Acting Mayor David Briley, who responded to the shootings by calling for more gun control.

“I am also a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment,” Swaid added.

“Today’s shooting shows how important it is to have well trained and armed citizens in the community. If one of the patrons had been armed, the situation may have turned out differently and lives could have been saved,” the former Vanderbilt professor stated.

Swain also praised 29-year-old James Shaw Jr., who stopped more killings by fighting with and grabbing the gun from the alleged shooter, Travis Reinking of Morton, Illinois, who remains at large.

“James Shaw Jr. is a hero and all of Nashville should thank him for his actions today,” Swain said.






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9 Thoughts to “Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain: Waffle House Shooting ‘Another Example of the Rise in Violent Crime Plaguing Our Fair City’”

  1. […] “Today’s shooting shows how important it is to have well trained and armed citizens in the community. If one of the patrons had been armed, the situation may have turned out differently and lives could have been saved,” Carol Swain on the Waffle House shooting.(😉 […]

  2. […] tragedy. It is another example of the rise in violent crime that is plaguing our fair city,” Swain said in the statement released late on the day of the […]

  3. […] spoke to the Tennessee Star about the attack, saying, “Today’s shooting shows how important it is to have well trained and armed citizens in the […]

  4. […] spoke to the Tennessee Star about the attack, saying, “Today’s shooting shows how important it is to have well trained and armed citizens in the […]

  5. […] spoke to the Tennessee Star about the attack, saying, “Today’s shooting shows how important it is to have well trained and armed citizens in […]

  6. […] spoke to the Tennessee Star about the attack, saying, “Today’s shooting shows how important it is to have well trained and armed citizens in […]

  7. John J.

    Carol Swain is the kind of leader that Obama could have and should have been! She will show Nashville and the nation how to empower people, and remove the shackles of Government.

    Imagine a city full of people like James Shaw, a city and nation full of sheepdogs NOT sheep!

    I can, and that’s why I support Carol Swain for Mayor!

    1. Julie

      Hear hear! I don’t live in Nashville, but right now, I wish I did. I have been a fan of Carol Swain for years, and I just love her attitude about society and government. She will make a fantastic Mayor!
