Obama to Campaign with Warnock Urging Georgians to Cast Early Ballots in Runoff

Former President Barack Obama will rally with Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock (D) on December 1 and urge Georgians to cast early ballots for Warnock in his runoff U.S. Senate race against Republican Herschel Walker.

According to a report at NBC News, Obama’s team said, following the former president’s rally for Warnock at the end of October, attendees “signed up to complete hundreds of door knocking shifts.”

In his address to attendees at the rally before the general election, Obama appeared to be delivering a narrative that said Democrat Warnock needed to be elected to save “democracy.”

“Democracy is not self-executing,” Obama said, as the Hill reported. “It depends on us working, nurturing, caring for it, not just on Election Day, but every day in between. It depends on us as citizens saying, ‘This matters!’ This election matters, Georgia.”

Newsmax explained the significance of the runoff as it pertains to the balance in the Senate:

Although the Democrats have already secured a majority in the Senate with 50 seats (due to the tie-breaking vote by Vice President Harris), the race is still vitally important because if Warnock is victorious, it would allow the party to more easily confirm federal judges and also give the Democrats control over which bills can come to the Senate floor.

The announcement of Obama’s plan to rally with Warnock comes following a report that Warnock, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, received a $550,000 grant from the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) for a climate change-related project shortly after he campaigned for Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid in 2016.

After receiving the CGI grant, Warnock’s church partnered with various green energy entities, including Green Faith, a self-described “grassroots, multi-faith movement for climate justice,” to reduce its carbon emissions and serve as a model for climate justice in its community.

Early voting for the runoff between Walker and Warnock runs from November 28-December 2, with the actual runoff day December 6.

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Barack Obama” by Barack Obama. Photo “Raphael Warnock” by Raphael Warnock




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2 Thoughts to “Obama to Campaign with Warnock Urging Georgians to Cast Early Ballots in Runoff”

  1. mikey whipwreck

    the fix is in. all the dem’s cheating efforts concentrated in one state. no way for a fair election.

  2. Joe

    Isn’t that just precious!
