Nonprofit Further Exposes Salvation Army’s ‘Wokeness’ in Press Conference


In a Wednesday press conference held via Zoom, the nonprofit Color Us United further exposed the Salvation Army’s wokeness after the latter group came under fire for telling white people to apologize for their racism during this holiday season.

Kenny Xu, President of Color Us United, pushed back against the Salvation Army, after the international charitable organization claimed that Xu’s group was sensationalizing claims of Critical Race Theory (CRT) within its ranks.

In response, Xu accused the group of covering up its CRT practices. He said that the group has mandated “diversity, equality and inclusion” (DEI) training among its employees, based on the framework of “Let’s Talk About Racism,” a CRT book.

He relayed a story from a black employee of the group, who has a white wife and asked for exemption from the mandatory DEI training because he did not believe his wife was an “oppressor.” The black employee, according to Xu, was granted an exemption, but his white wife was not.

Earlier this week, Salvation Army quietly withdrew its guide asking white people to apologize for their racism.

Xu said during the press conference that he wants the Salvation Army to abolish its CRT curriculum completely, apologize for ever promoting it, and unequivocally say that America is not a racist country.

He said that his organization will continue its campaign to expose CRT within the Salvation Army until those demands are met, describing CRT as “a parasitic influence upon it’s ranks.”

“As we’ve said, we’re ramping up the ad campaign right now. We’re pushing hard on their Christmas seasons because now is when their donors are activating,” Xu said.

Color Us Blind Spokesman Christian Watson said during the press conference that whistleblowers within the Salvation Army have come forward to express their displeasure with the organization’s increased wokeness.

“This is not necessarily about us, it’s about how the people who have supported this organization for decades feel,” Watson said.

Watson also said that the Salvation Army has not explained how Color Us Blind was “sensationalizing” its CRT claims.

Color Us United describes itself “a home for those who want to live in an America united in our individuality and freedoms.”

“Our primary purpose is to give voice to you and millions of others who are upset by government, corporate and media claims that America is a hateful country,” its website says.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Salvation Army” by Salvation Army. 





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