Nowville: Senators, Governors and Celebrities Set to Flock to Tennessee in Upcoming Months for Election Support

On Thursday’s Gill Report –broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 1510 WLAC weekdays at 7:30 am– Star News Digital Media National Political Editor Steve Gill discussed the upcoming onslaught of Senators, Governors, and Celebrities slated to hit Tennessee soil in the upcoming weeks to support their chosen candidates and the motivation behind each parties voters in the November election.

Gill went on to assure that Trump voters will turn out to defend and support their President if the Democrats make this election all about him.

He continued:

And you know that you’re going to see a lot of outside folks coming in to Tennessee to try to help things along for Phil Bredesen and Marsha Blackburn in the Senate race. And a lot of these out of town Senators, and Governors, and Celebrities already coming in, you’re going to see a lot more of it over the next fifty, sixty days or so.

Now the latest for Marsha Blackburn is Mike Pence. The Vice President is going to headline a fundraiser in Knoxville for her Senate bid on September 21st. Now the cost is going to be a $1,000.00 per person, $5,400.00 per couple with a photo, or $25,000.00 per couple where you can get a photo and hang around the round table and actually talk to the Vice President. I am confident that you are going to see very soon President Trump coming back to Tennessee maybe some of his kids, Don Jr, Ivanka, and others. You’re going to see a big push from the “Trump Team” to make sure that Tennessee stays red, not just looking to 2020 but also making sure that we’ve got a majority on the Republican side in the Senate for the next two years.

If you want to see Donald Trump pushing through more conservative judges and supreme court appointees, it is absolutely critical that they maintain control of the US Senate which is where the confirmation process takes place. So, you’re going to see President Trump coming back, you’ve got Vice President Pence coming back for Marsha Blackburn.

You’ve already seen some of the liberal elites coming through. Cory Booker was supposed to be in Tennessee, you know, “Spartacus”, for Phil Bredesen last weekend after the debacle of the Kavanaugh hearings but they wisely decided that might not be the right time, even though I think it would have a motivational impact in Memphis among the African American vote their trying to push forward. You may see Booker back again at a later time, but not right now. He went down to Alabama, help make a big difference in the Doug Jones victory in Alabama in that Senate race. So, their playing the same card.

How do we motivate that black base vote for the Democrats and the question is whether or not the Trump voters are enthused and motivated and going to turn out in the numbers necessary to elect a Marsha Blackburn and a Ted Cruz in Texas, and others in these battleground states. So, in Tennessee you’re going to see more of the Trump, Pence, Trump administration folks coming to the state.

The question is whether or not that will motivate Trump voters to turn out. And the more the Democrats make this election about Donald Trump the more likely I think it is that Trump voters will turn out.

Because if the Democrats make it about the President, his voters will step up to defend their President.


Listen to the full segment:

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