OFF THE RECORD: GOP 6th Congressional District John Rose – Will Little Brother Track Big Sister’s Farm Bureau Agenda?

John Rose, Rhodena Rose

Multi-millionaire John Rose is running in the GOP primary for Diane Black’s seat to represent the 6th Congressional District. He will face off with proven ultra-conservative state Rep. Judd Matheny, self-described conservative retired judge Bob Corlew, and the whoever-heard-of-them candidates Christopher Monday and “U-turn” LaVern Vivio.

Roses’s big sister is Rhedona Rose, head of the Tennessee Farm Bureau (TFB).

TFB’s parent is the American Farm Bureau Federation, a non-profit organization with affiliate farm bureaus in all 50 states, including Tennessee. The TFB is reputed to be the largest farm bureau in the country.

Little brother John Rose, former Commissioner of Agriculture during governor Don Sundquist’s administration, is running on a “I’m a non-career politician” type platform. Oh yeah, right, you were never elected to any political position, you were just a political appointee, chaired the Tennessee State Fair Association and held a seat on the boards of the Tennessee Board of Regents, the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission.

And then there’s big sister’s head honcho position with the Tennessee Farm Bureau.

No politicking there – sure.

Big sister Rhedona Rose is the first woman head of the statewide TFB. She used to be the executive vice president and chief registered lobbyist for the TFB and like little brother John, was a political appointee of Gov. Bill Haslam to a seat in higher education.

No establishment political connective tissue in this farm family. Nah.

Under Rhedona’s watchful eye and leadership the Tennessee Farm Bureau proudly endorsed Haslam’s gas tax increase and in-state tuition for illegal alien students in Tennessee, positions that the overwhelming majority of Republican voters reject.

If Rhedona gets tired of defending the TFB’s establishment posture on these issues, she can always blame her unquestioning allegiance to the American Farm Bureau (AFB).

In 2013, like the AFB, the TFB issued a statement of support for the proposed comprehensive amnesty immigration reform bill that the Congressional Budget Office said included a category of “legalization” for illegal immigrants currently residing in the U.S.

The Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation is proud to stand today beside our friends with the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce and Industry and our fellow business families in support of S.744 the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act. We believe this bipartisan immigration bill is a balanced reform bill, it includes fair and workable farm labor provisions, and it will help ensure an adequate supply of farm labor.

After Congress failed to pass the 2013 amnesty bill, the AFB joined with the big-business-cheap-labor lobby organization the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE) and released an ad pushing for comprehensive immigration reform.

At the state level, the TFB supported the Gardenhire/White bills pushing in-state tuition for illegal alien students. In August 2016, TFB President Jeff Aiken joined with representatives from TIRRC, (La Raza Randy’s beneficiary) Conexion Americas, Associated Builders and Contractors of Tennessee, the TN Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Ming Wang and the Bakery Cos., in the PNAE sponsored National Day of Action to “showcase new research on the positive economic contributions of immigrants in Tennessee and to highlight the critical need for immigration reform.”

Soros-funded  TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) and Conexion Americas founder and director Renata Soto who serves as the Chairman of the National Council of La Raza and an anti-Trump Indivisible organizer, pointedly acknowledged the TN Farm Bureau’s support of the in-state tuition bill.

Maybe Renata will take time out of her busy “resist” schedule and teach Rhedona how to do that heart thing with her fingers.

A sister-brother political team – one intimately tied to state and federal legislators and the big-business-cheap-labor lobby. The other working to embed himself and big sister in the D.C. establishment.

If elected to Congress, how hard do you think it will be for big sister Rhedona to get little brother John on the phone? Speed dial? Or will she, head of the largest state farm bureau in the country, have to go through his secretary? Wanna bet her buddies at the American Farm Bureau and their PNAE lobbyists who in 2017, launched another campaign for amnesty, will also have easy access to Tennessee’s former Ag Commissioner.

Oh and by the way, John Rose who said, “I will have President Trump’s back and fight the Washington liberals and elites, while putting Tennesseans first every single day” launched his campaign with a treasurer pick who was committed to helping Jeb! get elected and by announcing early and sizable donations from Nashville uber-liberals.

More recent donations to Rose’s campaign are coming from Haslam and Boyd’s East Tennessee cronies and folks like “I’m a different kind of Republican” state Senator Steve Dickerson.

Come to think of it, or maybe Dickerson’s already thought of it – pot and agriculture – a match made in…


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12 Thoughts to “OFF THE RECORD: GOP 6th Congressional District John Rose – Will Little Brother Track Big Sister’s Farm Bureau Agenda?”

  1. Roy

    Which Dem bundlers, and how much!

  2. Lou

    Voters need to do their own research. John Rose is a respected businessman who will make decisions based on sound merit.

  3. 83ragtop50

    Seems to me that Mr. Rose and much of his family are entwined in politics to the detriment of we Tennesseans. I live in the 6th district and will NOT vote for Mr. Rose.

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      OK, that leaves Judd Matheny with an American Conservative Union lifetime score of 88% after over fifteen years in the General Assembly and an endorsement from the House Freedom Caucus vs. Bob Corlew who has NO RECORD in elective office, NO RECORD of conservative political advocacy, and NO RECORD of making significant, consistent contributions to conservative causes or candidates. I don’t live in the 6th but from afar this doesn’t seem like a difficult choice for conservatives who do.

  4. Reggie Ryans

    Matheny is a moron, Rose is a RINO, and Corlew is old. Terrible choices for District 6. Hopefully a real candidate will emerge to primary the winner in 2020.

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      Matheny doesn’t want to go to Washington to join the U. S. affiliate of Mensa. He wants to go to Washington to vote for conservative initiatives in congress and unlike Mr. Corlew, Judd who has been in the General Assembly since 2002 and has an American Conservative Union lifetime score of 88% has the record that shows he will do it. The House Freedom Caucus has endorsed Judd because they believe he will do it too.

      Somebody is going to occupy the 6th District’s seat in the U. S. House this January and complaining about a lack of a perfect candidate three days before early voting begins is a waste of time. Conservatives have a great choice in Judd Matheny. Why not send him to Washington for two years and once Judd’s record is known there will be no primary in the 6th District in 2020.

  5. Ralph

    The Leftists love to hurl the word “fascist” around, but seldom even know what that means. In essence, fascism is when the big business interests collude with government to their mutual advantage, typically at the expense of the everyday citizen or small business. Conversely, when a totalitarian government tells big business what to do – like when Dear Leader fired the president of GM. Or when ethanol is subsidized and that benefits Big AG….even though it takes more energy to produce ethanol than what it provides.

    How much has John Rose received in agricultural subsidies? Other members of his family? Did that coincide with his tenure as state agriculture commissioner?

  6. Terry

    Excellent piece! It puts the focus right where it should be – the record, in context.

    Only one candidate in this race has a verifiable voting record – and it’s a record of rock solid conservatism:

  7. Wolf Woman

    Don’t know that I’d call Rep. Judd Matheny an “ultra-conservative.” He’s more like a true or a real conservative than those Tennessee politicians who call themselves the “C” word but who speak with a forked-tongue.

    Meanwhile back at the farm, it does look like cozy-time with John Rose and his sister Rhedona. And it seems that the Tennessee Farm Bureau is a rural version of the Chamber of Commerce (who never met an illegal they didn’t want to use for their own purposes while the people pay for the tax costs of the illegal labor).

  8. Jackie Adams

    Rose supported the tax bill because he wanted better bridges and roads in his community! Money has to pay for something. They gave 100% of taxed dollars right back to the people(Please, I encourage you to look it up). Dishonest article about a great man!

  9. jon reed

    Pure rubbish. Rose to DC!

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      And I bet the liberal Democratic bundlers who have financially contributed to Rose’s campaign will give him one heck of a send off too.
