Pfizer and Moderna Conducting Studies to Assess Long-Term Impacts of Myocarditis

by Debra Heine


Nearly two years after their mRNA “vaccines” were released to the public, both Pfizer and Moderna are finally conducting clinical trials to track long-term adverse health effects following a diagnosis of vaccine-associated myocarditis and pericarditis in teens and young adults under the age of 21. Myocarditis  can cause permanent damage to heart muscle and even death.

Moderna has launched two trials, the most recent one in September, NBC reported.

Pfizer confirmed that at least one of its trials, which will include up to 500 teens and young adults under age 21, is slated to begin in the next couple of months.

The Food and Drug Administration has required that the drugmakers conduct several studies assessing the potential long-term impacts of myocarditis, as part of its approval of the mRNA Covid vaccines in the U.S. Early findings from the research could be published as early as next year, sources told NBC News.

Multiple medical studies have shown Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart) are associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, particularly among young men. Studies also show that the risk of myocarditis increases with each booster shot a person takes and can in some cases result in death.

Dr. Peter McCullough, noted internist, epidemiologist, cardiologist and early treatment innovator, reacted to this news in a Substack post, “Now two years after public release and mounting cases of fatal myocarditis published in the peer-reviewed literature, both Pfizer and Moderna have announced they will begin studies of cardiac safety that the FDA required in their 2021 Biological Licensing Agreement letters from the FDA,” he wrote. “Why did the US government and the vaccine companies wait so long? Do they anticipate their own bad news will kill the failing product line?”

McCullough cited a number of studies that already demonstrate an unacceptable risk of heart damage associated with the mRNA vaccines.

Aldana-Bitar et al., described the excursion of cardiac troponin as about four days with COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis which is oddly about the same duration as an ischemic myocardial infarction due to blocked coronary arteries. …

“Hence the confusion with the terms ‘myocarditis’ ‘myopericarditis’ and ‘heart attack’ in the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] and the media.

“The first two prospective cohort studies, where blood cardiac troponin level was measured before and after receiving mRNA injections, both demonstrated unacceptably high rates of troponin elevations indicating predictable heart damage.

Mansanguan et al. found the rate of heart injury was 2.3% on the second injection of Pfizer in children 13-18 years old. … Two children were hospitalized with myocarditis in this 301-person study.

Le Pessec et al., in a presentation at the European Society of Cardiology, revealed 2.8% of healthcare workers (n=777) had elevated troponin by day 3 after the third mRNA injection. …

“Given the known relationship of coronavirus spike protein and cardiac toxicity from the 1990’s, the vaccine companies should have been measuring troponin during their randomized trials in 2020.

Baric et al. in 1999 reported: ‘We have shown that infection with RbCV [rabbit coronavirus] results in the development of myocarditis and congestive heart failure and that some survivors of RbCV infection go on to develop dilated cardiomyopathy in the chronic phase.’”

Somehow, this prior research was overlooked by COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and public health officials, McCullough noted.

“Sadly and ineptly,” McCullough said, “BARDA [Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority], DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency], vaccine consultants, and the manufacturers had no measures in place to identify expected cardiac damage in humans.”

McCullough wrote that “the entire discipline of cardiovascular disease is oriented to preserving heart tissue” and stressed “we cannot afford to lose any cardiomyocytes to damage caused by vaccines.”

“Do we really need to wait years to be absolutely certain this condition is serious?” he added.

During a recent interview with antivax TV and film producer Del Bigtree, McCullough lamented that “we are in deep trouble right now,” McCullough explained in a detail how myocarditis can lead to ventricular tachycardia, a rapid, life-threatening heart rhythm that starts in the bottom chambers of the heart.

“That is a heart rhythm that for us can be well over 200 beats per minute, it starts to make us dizzy, and if we don’t do something about it, it degenerates into ventricular fibrillation and then we’re gone—we’re on the floor and CPR is started,” he explained.

The cardiologist said the athletes “falling like a rock” in “video after video” over the past year appear to have suffered heart damage spurred by the vaccines. McCullough said that he and British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra have come to this same conclusion.

Malhotra, an eminent British cardiologist who initially helped promote the mRNA vaccines when they were first rolled out, called in September for the suspension of the injections until all the raw data from clinical trials are released for independent scrutiny, and all adverse side effects are fully investigated.

“When we see a young person now who’s previously healthy, no antecedent illness, and they suddenly die—it is the COVID-19 vaccine and subclinical myocarditis … until the parents come out or the family comes out, and they tell us otherwise,” he said.

McCullough is the author of “The Courage to Face COVID-19,” which chronicles how doctors developed safe and effective treatments for COVID-19, and how the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex suppressed those treatments, leaving potentially millions of COVID-19 patients deprived of early treatment.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Pfizer” by Montgomery County Planning Commission. CC BY-SA 2.0.




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One Thought to “Pfizer and Moderna Conducting Studies to Assess Long-Term Impacts of Myocarditis”

  1. Jpastaman

    My hope is that both of these companies will come under legal scrutiny that results in their financial capitulation and the forfeiture of IP and other assets…..
